Churning Earth not working as intended?
Did they change this?, cuz I just spent like a week scepter/daggering it up and all I ever did was click the ability and let it fire off… granted it took like 2 seconds to fire off
I’m not sure the skilled is bugged so much as the tooltip is confusing.
And yes, the skill is difficult to pull off properly in PvP due to the long cast time, but it can be used if timed correctly (e.g., knockdown the target with earthquake and immediately start charging, have a buddy chain CC then after they hop up from earthquake giving you time to get it off).
Also, and i’m not 100% sure here (i’ll have to confirm later), but I believe you can start the cast, then pop mistform to become invincible while channeling the cast (you can teleport while casting too). Can anyone confirm/deny this for me?
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock
Old tooltip that hasn’t been updated. At once point ele had charge based skills where you held the key to make them stronger.
Doubt mistform works, movement breaks channel (real movement, not teleport), but yea, you can prechannel and teleport to a location you want it to hit. That’s about the only way Churning Earth is usable at all currently in pvp.
I usually pull it off say 83% of the time (cuz im legendary…lol) but then I have an asura elementalist, its a little difficult to see her in the middle of all the humongous charr walking around!
What I would typically do would be drop a fire ring, then combo with churning earth.. But as I said, it takes a while to fire off, and sometimes you can actually get off 2 combos (rare, but does happen) Fire Ring, then the 4th earth ability (a stomp, but I forgot the name) then churning earth
the stomp helps a LOT
Earthquake effect ends well before Churning Earth finishes cast, at which point everyone will simply dodge in place and avoid Churning Earth completely.
I dont know what to tell you, ive done it ALOT… but your mileage apparently varies…lol
Depends on what “level” of people you are fighting. I think there’s some modicum of matchmaking in the hotjoin spvp that ranks get paired with somewhat similar ranks. Total newcomers are still figuring out which weapons they can use, people ranked 20-30 at this point of the game actually know how to dodge..
Yes you can teleport during the channel of churning earth and swap attunements.
I believe the tooltip is simply confusing, it’s just a description of the spell, not an action triggerable by the player.
Old tooltip that hasn’t been updated. At once point ele had charge based skills where you held the key to make them stronger.
Really wish they kept this mechanic. It was way more fun and unique.