Cleansing Water

Cleansing Water

in Elementalist

Posted by: slsharpshooter.5631


Before you reply before reading the whole thing I am not asking to nerf healing or condition clear but rather introduce interval between condition clearing.

This trait (Cleansing Water | Water XI) needs to have an internal cool down. With the Cantrip build, you need not to worry about any Conditions.
Here are the mechanisms that give regeneration with the Cantrip build:
Elemental Attunment 9 seconds -> Water -> Cleansing Wave 40 seconds
Armor of Earth 60 seconds
Cleansing Fire 32 seconds
Lightning Flash 32 seconds
Earth’s Embrace 60 seconds
With 734 healing power (Celestial Amulet) the healing given in 60 seconds.
3 * Evasive Arcana 6108 3 Conditions
6 * Cone of Cold + Cleansing Wave 7892 1 Condition
6 * Healing Ripple 10014
Soothing Mist (100% Up time) 7020
Signet of Restoration 14850 Est
Total Regeneration heal:
6 * Elemental Attunment 7986 6 Conditions
4 *Cantrips 6212 7 Conditions (Cleansing Fire)
Maximum Healing and Condition Clear over 60 secs
17 Conditions (13 Conditions from Cleansing Water)

As you can see there is excellent healing which is fine because in order for the elementalist to compensate for the low toughness and vitality. However this condition clear can all be used at once to counter any condition burst making it impossible for Condition Engineers, Necromancers, Rangers, Thieves, Mesmers or Warriors (Any condition build will struggle excruciatingly to even get Cantrip Elementalists to half health). What I’m saying is because there is so much healing, it is overwhelming to also have so much condition clear. The sustain to damage is not balanced.

I suggest an Internal Cooldown for Cleansing Water in order to give more opportunities for condition builds.

(edited by slsharpshooter.5631)

Cleansing Water

in Elementalist

Posted by: Neko.9021


This trait had an ICD for 1 year, during which, the Elementalist was completely nonviable in sPvP.

We tried it already and it completely ruined the class’ viability. I vote no.

Cleansing Water

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tactu.4867


Stop using conditions heavy builds and we’ll stop using that trait . How about this ?

anyway , i’ll feed the troll , and say

  • because of people like you , as Neko said , eles had to suffer 1 year .
  • " in 60 seconds … x heal " <- do you understand 60 seconds in a fight ?
  • “However this condition clear can all be used at once " <- i think your champion magus title from your signature is fake . as any champion magus will never burn his cantrips at once . and if so , then it’s because of pesky conditions players like you who use cheesy builds.

NOT every ELE plays d/d . For the others ,That GRANDMASTER trait is the only way to cure conditions . read again : GRANDMASTER trait.

SFR – lvl 80 Ornamentalist

Cleansing Water

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tactu.4867


hmmm … wait .. ok put it an internal cooldown . In this case it’s not worthy of a grandmaster and has to be moved to adept line .

SFR – lvl 80 Ornamentalist

Cleansing Water

in Elementalist

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Re: OP.

I think you’ll find even if you go d/d 2,6,6 with the condi removal signet and ether, it won’t be enough to beat a condi spammer class.

The only way I can beat engis, p/d thieves is by going diamond skin. It’s just not possible to keep up the amount of clearance compared to the amount of repeat condition application they have. When thier auto attack applies a condition every 1/2 a second, just no way you can keep that cleared.

Cleansing Water

in Elementalist

Posted by: johnpoc.8732


“making it impossible for Condition Engineers, Necromancers, Rangers, Thieves, Mesmers or Warriors” I smell a l2p issue

Lockn Loada/Ryu Shueki
[RUN] solo/duo roamer

Cleansing Water

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


Compare this to the amount of conditions a necro or nade spam engi can apply in a minute.

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

(edited by Mystogan.4157)

Cleansing Water

in Elementalist

Posted by: Darox.8069


Deja vu

Cleansing Water

in Elementalist

Posted by: KieronWolf.5108


So play a power build?

Cleansing Water

in Elementalist

Posted by: cursE.1794


“making it impossible for Condition Engineers, Necromancers, Rangers, Thieves, Mesmers or Warriors” I smell a l2p issue


I understand that thieves and rangers have serious problems with our condition cleanse, however the condition spam of engineers/mesmers/necros is so insanely high that ele would be underpowered if we didn’t have it.

(edited by cursE.1794)

Cleansing Water

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Pretty much. Especially against terror necro, if you don’t have more than 5 boons before applying stability, they’ll corrupt it off and have you fear locked against a wall unable to do anything, in which case cleasning water probably won’t save you :/

Its a good trait for moderate and intermittend condition cleanse, but ele still loses to most condition classes no matter what, unless diamond skin is taken, but id thats the case then you’d be likely to use to non condition classes..

Necromancer Main
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