(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)
Conditionalists: Runesets
Tried Krait, was decent but 6/6 was on elite which I barely used sometimes so meh. Tried Balthazar, wasn’t all that. Switched back to Perplexity and lovinnnnnnnnnnnn’ it.
Yeah i am stuck with perplexity which is a real shame, they could have really improved some of the other runesets and made it a hard choice between what ones to use, currently Perplexity, even with limited Interrupts is just too strong and too important.
The bigger problem i thought with Krait was just how weak the conditions were, they should have made it something like:
when you use an elite skill, you inflict bleeding(3 stacks), torment(3stacks) and poison and for 10 seconds to nearby foes. (Cooldown: 90 seconds)
This would have been pretty solid especially with Reaper of Grenth Elite.
I don’t get the joke. What’s funny? Condition eles are good
There will always be people who laugh at unconventional builds. Funny thing though: these are the exact same ones who start copy pasting the same build as soon as it becomes meta (what is very unlikely to happen with condition ele builds in the near future though…). I only remember all the “looool you are playing D/D???” before the bunker build was known to everyone…
Regarding Runes:
It’s a pity the perplexity runes are still bugged… You sometimes eat your own confusion when interrupted, but still it’s my preferred rune set when playing a condition build (mostly in PvE/WvW Roaming). If you are Asura by any chance, you can take Pain Inverter and Radiation Field for extra confusion, retaliation, poison and weakness btw. These are not available in PvP though – I tend to play zerker there instead.
(edited by Rayti.6531)
It’s possible to do good without perplexity, however, there is no other runeset that gives us as much advantages as of now.
aside perplexity (which anyway is not that great for us as it could be if equipped on engi or mesmer), an heavy conditions based build will be less efficient on Elementalist than a power oriented build in general.
I made extensive tests in WvW and sPvP and came up with this conclusion: against specific foes it’s very effective (let’s say you want to roam in WvW specifically to dig warriors and guardians underground), but more generic foes will get rid of you faster than they could do if you were using a power oriented build.
With d/f or s/d a condition build makes you very supportive as skirmisher, but you will be completely useless with staff (dear devs, why our staff lacks so much conditions options???)
aside perplexity (which anyway is not that great for us as it could be if equipped on engi or mesmer), an heavy conditions based build will be less efficient on Elementalist than a power oriented build in general.
I made extensive tests in WvW and sPvP and came up with this conclusion: against specific foes it’s very effective (let’s say you want to roam in WvW specifically to dig warriors and guardians underground), but more generic foes will get rid of you faster than they could do if you were using a power oriented build.
With d/f or s/d a condition build makes you very supportive as skirmisher, but you will be completely useless with staff (dear devs, why our staff lacks so much conditions options???)
Which condi builds have you been runing? I find d/d condi ele to be as effective as power ele in most situations (except obviously blob fights), it’s actually much better against the other condi meta classes.
When I made my ele condi-based I gave up on power builds. So refreshing to play something other than DPS ele.
I even run my condition build with staff every now and then. It might not be even close to the efficiency of D/D or D/F, but still I like it a lot – at least when I really need to switch to ranged combat for a while and mid range (S/X) doesn’t suffice.
You have enought interrupts with staff to still proc the confusion of the rune (unsteady ground is also very nice for that). Your ele can keep up buring very easily, so one of your high damaging conditions is up a lot as long as you also add cover conditions of any sort (Sigil of Torment can help with that too). The burning of FGS can also be veeery evil. Taking Frost Bow with you doesn’t hurt either, with the additional conditions (chill, vuln, bleeding stacks, etc.) and the additional direct dmg you normally lack when running a fully condition oriented build. This is only recommended though, if you have a spare slot on your utility bar…
That condition builds in general (not limited to ele) are not as viable as direct dmg builds in most PvE/WvW situations (large scale combat/zerg fights, World Bosses, etc.) is a problem that lies in the condition mechanic itself and is known to nearly everyone by now. Especially when there are more people that apply the same conditions to a single target (or the same set of tragets), there is the problem of shared condition stacks…
Still, I prefer playing condi ele over any direct dmg build (except for PvP), even though I have all the other build sets in ascended version and am capable of playing those. There comes the time where you just want to play something different – regardless of a mob possibly dropping a bit faster with another build. As long as you have a group you can synergize with, that can even be more efficient than a pure direct dmg group. In WvW when roaming you also have the element of surprise on your side
You have enought interrupts with staff to still proc the confusion of the rune (unsteady ground is also very nice for that). Your ele can keep up buring very easily, so one of your high damaging conditions is up a lot as long as you also add cover conditions of any sort (Sigil of Torment can help with that too).
yeah yeah but you see:
- not everyone wants to spend 70+ gold for a set of runes/sigils
- said runes/sigils are a workaround for a lacking class mechanic
- conditions oriented build makes Elementalist even more dependent from its team (and we are already not in a good spot for 1v1)
so again: yes it’s fun, yes it can counter certain builds/classes, BUT its efficiency in actual combat is overall inferior to a power oriented counterpart.
Bugged? How so, can’t say i have really noticed anything bug wise when it comes to the Runeset. I would like to try something else, unfortunately i just dont see it being viable currently.
perplexity has very solid uptime and has great damage, getting 2k ticks with it is really good, something that i dont think other runesets can really offer currently.
I run Human myself, Reaper of Grenth is such a great Elite, i find it the best Condition Ele can get. I mean FGS could be decent, i just don’t really like it myself it just seems better as a “run away” option
Yeah, currently Perplexity just out does everything else by such a big margin it just doesn’t seem really viable to lose the new condition and the rather high damage it does, getting 2k ticks from it are SO nice.
Sure it is not as great as it is on other condition builds but that isn’t to say its by far the best option for Condi Ele currently. I roam a lot on my ele and it works great. I have only found one build of one player that just destroyed me no matter what i did – Axe/Shield and Bow Warrior just nothing i could do against it no matter what i did, Everything else i can win if i play right.
I actually disagree, i find myself doing a lot better on my Condi build than i did on other builds, I having my built perfect that i can counter Direct damage (unless Axe/Shield – Bow warrior -.-) as well condition builds with just a few trait changes.
I think only D/D works, I have tried various different weapon sets and none are up to the standard of D/D. Scepter has a GREAT auto attack but everything else it has is lacking, the Fire skills which are just as important are weak – the Fire on auto is meh, low Burning access as well. Focus is very weak as well, it like 2 skills that good in earth but everything else is poor. The Staff is another poor weapon for conditions.
I actually run D/D solo, small groups and zergs and it works SO well, you have to go in do your stuff and then get out fast. I will normally use my Reaper of Grenth is SO useful in these sort of situations as well.
CONDIMENTALISTs are effective if you run the right build, I mean, I see people trying signets, elemental surge, the freaking FGS…… That just doesn’t work.
CONDIMENTALISTs are effective if you run the right build, I mean, I see people trying signets, elemental surge, the freaking FGS…… That just doesn’t work.
I use signet of restoration and earth. Elemental surge and FGS just dont work.
I personally think signets are a waste in our build, they’re single target, have long cooldowns and don’t really add anything that my weapon skills cannot do (magnetic grasp might be a mess of a leap but it does immob in a much shorter cooldown compared to signet of earth). You should consider changing it for a conjured weapon or another utility that actually adds to the build.
So i am wondering what your condition eles are running for Runets? I am still running my Perplexity but wondering if i could manage to change it. It just kind of sucks just how important Perplexity is. The fact its a new condition and the damage it does is very good.
Flame Legion seems a decent option. 175 Power, 10% Burning Duration, 25% chance to cause 1 second of burning (10second ICD) and 7% Damage to Burning foes.
The things i dont like about it – 1 second Burning every 10 seconds is like 100damage, if that depending on the build. I run with around 2,000Condition damage when fully buffed. Would have 50% burning duration which would be okay the 6/6 i don’t like – i have NO power on any of my gear currently so this wouldnt be that big of a buff.
Really disappointed that Torment runeset got barely a change at all. It needed a chance on hit added as 4/6 and the 6/6 needed to be buffed. Krait could be better as well.
D/F + perplexity is win, try hyrdo sigil + battle. Use Glyph of elemental Power in water attunement. You’ll be chilling your target left and right while they have nothing but crappy auto attacks. 2 points in fire means .5 more seconds of chill from both every time they proc too.
CONDIMENTALISTs are effective if you run the right build, I mean, I see people trying signets, elemental surge, the freaking FGS…… That just doesn’t work.
I’m not sure about 1vX situations but when I fight in the OS I’m using Signet of Fire as a distance attack to put the pressure on, and I haven’t had any problems. If there is a player that I see as a threat and signets wont work on them I switch to GoEP.
Bugged? How so, can’t say i have really noticed anything bug wise when it comes to the Runeset.
There are several smaller threads about the bugs spread all over the forums. The bugs exist since the release of that rune set and survived 2 perplexity rune nerfs.
In short you get the 5 stacks confusion yourself if you get interrupted by certain things (traps in Weyandt’s Revenge JP, shards in Thaumanove Reactor with knock back, I think also the knock backs in Fractal 39, baskilisk venom, etc.).
Here is a thread with a small video demonstrating that with the basilisk venom like effect of the box of fun:
Maybe I’ll put together a video of all relevant situations where this happens. Unfortunately I highly doubt it will get any attention seeing how many patches have been released since the first bug report on the forums…
A counter for that bug is picking Diamond Skin, then you don’t notice it that much…
I personally think signets are a waste in our build, they’re single target, have long cooldowns and don’t really add anything that my weapon skills cannot do (magnetic grasp might be a mess of a leap but it does immob in a much shorter cooldown compared to signet of earth). You should consider changing it for a conjured weapon or another utility that actually adds to the build.
Signet of Restoration is our best heal as D/D in my opinion, works great with Diamond Skin and most condition builds as well, i just wish we didnt have to keep spamming skills just to get the heal.
Signet of Earth is also very good, very nice amount of Toughness and that pushes mine back 2,100 and the immobilize is very welcome as well, though you have to time it just right and its mostly useless on warriors
Though i use these more for the passive bonus than the active one so i rarely use Signet of Earth, Restoration i do if i really need it. I would never waste a slot on a conjured weapon. They are currently nothing but a equip use one skill and then drop and forget. I would take Signet of earth over any of the Conjure skills because they are just not worth it currently, the duration isn’t too bad but the limited number of uses and it being affected by auto attacks makes the utility conjures worthless in most situations.
D/F + perplexity is win, try hyrdo sigil + battle. Use Glyph of elemental Power in water attunement. You’ll be chilling your target left and right while they have nothing but crappy auto attacks. 2 points in fire means .5 more seconds of chill from both every time they proc too.
Elemental Power is a wasted slot. It procs 4 maybe 5 times depending on the attunement you use after activating it. I have tested it with various weapons, different attunements and different skills. It has never procced more than 5 times and for something on a 45 second cool down, that simply isnt enough.
The ICD or what ever it has seems to be broken as well, i have had it proc twice within seconds and then not have it proc again for 10+ seconds.
(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)
GoEP has 25% chance to proc on hit with 5sec icd.
I don’t get the joke. What’s funny? Condition eles are good
“Condition eles are good” <-this is the funny part
I don’t get the joke. What’s funny? Condition eles are good
“Condition eles are good” <-this is the funny part
They are. Have you played one before?
Not my cup of tea always found condition eles to be a surprise because I don’t expect it. I have died to them before because I didn’t expect the build to be condi. Usually I don’t have much trouble with them though on any of my other classes once I realize it’s a condi Ele. They are good against condi engi’s because condi engis are weak against condi’s in general.
I tried it once but wasn’t a fan personally.
(edited by oZii.2864)
GoEP has 25% chance to proc on hit with 5sec icd.
That is poor. It is need of a serious buff.
what i would change to make it actually WORTH using:
fire: Burning 5 seconds an increase to 5 seconds up from 3 seconds would be a nice buff but nothing that would be really overpowered
Water: Chill 3 seconds a 1 second increase on chill would be nice, again i don’t think it would be anything really overpowered in the change or anything.
Air: Change to confusion, this would be a interesting change – condition builds would love it but i think all others wouldn’t like it. I think 3-4 stacks for 5 seconds would be reasonable.
Earth: Change to Torment, while Cripple is nice, a change to Torment would be very welcome. 5 stacks for 5 seconds would be a reasonable change, would be around 1,500damage on moving targets with a normal non-condition build.
Duration: 30 seconds
Skill cool down: 45 seconds
Proc chance: 50% chance on hit.
ICD: 5 seconds.
I don’t get the joke. What’s funny? Condition eles are good
“Condition eles are good” <-this is the funny part
They are. Have you played one before?
nope but I played against some of those few times and my sceptre fresh air burst ele just wrecked em without any trouble
the thing is the fact that you can do it doesnt mean you should as there are plenty of other ele builds which perform way better in pvp
condition necros and engies perform nicely in pvp because they got kittenload of damage conditions to apply whereas with ele it is just mainly burning so all that condition damage stat you stack for conditionalist build or whatever you call it is going to waste on just burning when instead you could get more other stats to for example enhance all of your damage instead of just burning
I don’t get the joke. What’s funny? Condition eles are good
“Condition eles are good” <-this is the funny part
They are. Have you played one before?
nope but I played against some of those few times and my sceptre fresh air burst ele just wrecked em without any trouble
the thing is the fact that you can do it doesnt mean you should as there are plenty of other ele builds which perform way better in pvpcondition necros and engies perform nicely in pvp because they got kittenload of damage conditions to apply whereas with ele it is just mainly burning so all that condition damage stat you stack for conditionalist build or whatever you call it is going to waste on just burning when instead you could get more other stats to for example enhance all of your damage instead of just burning
So you base them being “bad” on an incredibly poorly design game mode (S/TPvP) have you faced them in WvW? I play one in WvW running solo, in groups and duels and i win way more than i lose, i have only encountered 1 build/person that i just cant beat and that is Axe/Shield and Bow warrior
I was gonna try out a signet-based s/f condi build that used runes of resistance since those runes synergize with signets, but I never got around to it. I’m guessing it would just end up being really crappy anyways.
I’m inclined to just go traveler runes so I can just get the nice movement speed and not worry about it.
GoEP has 25% chance to proc on hit with 5sec icd.
That is poor. It is need of a serious buff.
what i would change to make it actually WORTH using:
fire: Burning 5 seconds an increase to 5 seconds up from 3 seconds would be a nice buff but nothing that would be really overpowered
Water: Chill 3 seconds a 1 second increase on chill would be nice, again i don’t think it would be anything really overpowered in the change or anything.
Air: Change to confusion, this would be a interesting change – condition builds would love it but i think all others wouldn’t like it. I think 3-4 stacks for 5 seconds would be reasonable.
Earth: Change to Torment, while Cripple is nice, a change to Torment would be very welcome. 5 stacks for 5 seconds would be a reasonable change, would be around 1,500damage on moving targets with a normal non-condition build.
Duration: 30 seconds
Skill cool down: 45 seconds
Proc chance: 50% chance on hit.
ICD: 5 seconds.
You understand this would completely break the skill right? We’re talking aoe confusion/torment at a very short per target icd, so yeah, no. The glyph is fine as it is.
I don’t get the joke. What’s funny? Condition eles are good
“Condition eles are good” <-this is the funny part
They are. Have you played one before?
nope but I played against some of those few times and my sceptre fresh air burst ele just wrecked em without any trouble
the thing is the fact that you can do it doesnt mean you should as there are plenty of other ele builds which perform way better in pvpcondition necros and engies perform nicely in pvp because they got kittenload of damage conditions to apply whereas with ele it is just mainly burning so all that condition damage stat you stack for conditionalist build or whatever you call it is going to waste on just burning when instead you could get more other stats to for example enhance all of your damage instead of just burning
In sPvP we have damaging burning, poison, bleeds + runeset + whatever generosity can throw back and all the other non damaging conditions that should never be overlooked, the only thing we lack is a decent amulet. Granted that spvp isn’t our best environment I still find it hard to believe that a decent condi ele would be bursted down by your fresh air spec, specially after reading your contemptuous comments about burning, which show how much you understand about conditions at all.
(edited by Dolores.5471)
You understand this would completely break the skill right? We’re talking aoe confusion/torment at a very short per target icd, so yeah, no. The glyph is fine as it is.
An easy fix just make it so that its 5seconds per a target. Then AoE wouldnt be able to trigger it on everyone. The glyph as it is, is NOT fine.It is HUGELY lacking.
I don’t get the joke. What’s funny? Condition eles are good
“Condition eles are good” <-this is the funny part
They are. Have you played one before?
nope but I played against some of those few times and my sceptre fresh air burst ele just wrecked em without any trouble
the thing is the fact that you can do it doesnt mean you should as there are plenty of other ele builds which perform way better in pvpcondition necros and engies perform nicely in pvp because they got kittenload of damage conditions to apply whereas with ele it is just mainly burning so all that condition damage stat you stack for conditionalist build or whatever you call it is going to waste on just burning when instead you could get more other stats to for example enhance all of your damage instead of just burning
It’s not about the burning. Think about the bleeding you produce, poison and torment you apply from sigils and confusion runeset. Spvp is just boring.
I don’t get the joke. What’s funny? Condition eles are good
“Condition eles are good” <-this is the funny part
They are. Have you played one before?
tried it, its nice. proccing 8 condis all at once is sweet but I find it somewhat tedious… So instead I run a celestial thing so I can use a little bit of everything…
It’s challenging and extremely satisfying when you win. I don’t mean catching them off guard because you’re condi, but when they know this and still lose to a condi ele.
Being a DPS/celestial/strength-rune-user whatever ele is all nice and good, but I don’t want to be playing the same build as everyone else right now. Being a hybrid/full condi ele is rewarding for me and probably some others in this thread see that too.
In sPvP we have damaging burning, poison, bleeds + runeset + whatever generosity can throw back and all the other non damaging conditions that should never be overlooked, the only thing we lack is a decent amulet. Granted that spvp isn’t our best environment I still find it hard to believe that a decent condi ele would be bursted down by your fresh air spec, specially after reading your contemptuous comments about burning, which show how much you understand about conditions at all.
ah yeah right forgot about bleeds and the ones from runes and sigils…and why did I forget?….because I dont have to even worry about them as condition eles are crap… never lost 1v1 to a condition ele, or a dagger ele for that matter, whether its WvW or spvp…(dont counter this with the claim its about teamplay as you kitten right know necros and engies conditions are better at it)
so why wasting your potential on something so laughable as a condition ele and wasting your rune and sigil space for conditions…
you can say that I probably havent met decent ones but I play around 10 tpvp matches a day and sometimes some wvw few times a week and never ever I saw any that were even slightly challenging I could prolly even win by random skill and attunement buttonmashing lol just to prove a point
Luimes pretty much summarized this topic:
ah yeah right forgot about bleeds and the ones from runes and sigils…and why did I forget?….because I dont have to even worry about them as condition eles are crap… never lost 1v1 to a condition ele, or a dagger ele for that matter, whether its WvW or spvp…(dont counter this with the claim its about teamplay as you kitten right know necros and engies conditions are better at it)
so why wasting your potential on something so laughable as a condition ele and wasting your rune and sigil space for conditions…
you can say that I probably havent met decent ones but I play around 10 tpvp matches a day and sometimes some wvw few times a week and never ever I saw any that were even slightly challenging I could prolly even win by random skill and attunement buttonmashing lol just to prove a pointLuimes pretty much summarized this topic:
What server are you on? I’d be happy to have some duels with you. Just because (as you say…) you have beaten Condi eles, that doesn’t mean that Condi ele are bad, they just require certain builds and playstyles to get the most out of them.
I have faced quite a few condi eles on mine and while some are decent the builds most of them use (mostly Signet builds) just don’t work. I wouldn’t even comment on the S/TPvP part as they are just simply not viable in that broken and boring as hell mode, tried and it just can’t be done due to the stat options. No dire option really hurts Condi Ele.
So you consider it a “waste” if people play unconventional builds that they actually have fun playing? this game is meant to be about fun. Hell, i got laughed it in my guild when i joined them and they found out what my build was – yet now several of them are trying the same build type that they laughed at me about.
I mostly roam and have a lot of fun doing it, i CAN beat pretty much any build and have only encountered ONE that i simply can’t beat which could just be down to the players gear.
You can NOT compare Condi ele from S/TPvP to that of WvW, in WvW they can be a real threat to anyone. S/TPvP is SO limiting on build options that it shouldn’t even be considered when judging if a build is good or not. I WvW everyday on my Condi ele the most important thing is – I have fun.
the amount of players that have raged at me for beating them does give me a smile every time.
Some fights i have had with my Condi ele in WvW: http://youtu.be/4SpCJxrRNGY
ok I agree thats a valid point I do much less WvW than tpvp and condi eles arent that common in any of those so my experience with fighting them is limited but still I feel like going for condis is kind of gimping yourselves :/
ok I agree thats a valid point I do much less WvW than tpvp and condi eles arent that common in any of those so my experience with fighting them is limited but still I feel like going for condis is kind of gimping yourselves :/
Wait until you have actually faced them in WvW before saying they are terrible, you can’t say they are bad based on a bad mode that limits you SO much.
Maybe I should link my naked condi ele fights.
if your servers are battling Gandara I’m down to duel could be spvp but since some of you claim amulet options dire set or whatever are thaaat important for condi ele builds might as well be wvw
if your servers are battling Gandara I’m down to duel
could be spvp but since some of you claim amulet options dire set or whatever are thaaat important for condi ele builds might as well be wvw
Well, look at that…I am facing Gandara this week ^^
I’ll duel you in WvW
Im on Piken.
Ash, destroy him
Ash, destroy him
Their really isn’t any reason he should lose. Depending on the class he will bring, he will know exactly that i am Condi based so if he comes Ele he would likely take Diamond Skin for example. Not quite sure what his other characters are. He can change traits/food and such to be anti condition based.
-40% condi reduction food doesn’t really do much if you’ve got +40% increase on. It’s just like playing without food buffs. DS is a pain in my butt when used against me.
aight I take it back
rightly played and built condi eles are good in wvw
gearing and traiting specifically against it would be kind of cheating so I brought what I usually tpvp with (-runes and sigils was wearing my pve meta ones), with which similiar setup I rarely lose 1v1 against anything mainly due to sceptre+SoR op sustain yet I still couldnt get past his sustain and conditions ate me up pretty soon
couldve traited specifically against conditions and for tankiness with diamond skin and such but as I said that would be cheating the point of this duel and would end up in a draw anyway
The only and the only one thing condi eles are DECENT at is dueling.
all the rest is just: HAHAHHAHA CONDI ELES
Ash, destroy him
I’ll let the video show the fight.
I ran Condition food, duration and damage. Wikie ran -duration and precision. You can pretty much see what else she was running as its all signets.
Here is the fight: http://youtu.be/WcHB-_I76V4
The only and the only one thing condi eles are DECENT at is dueling.
all the rest is just: HAHAHHAHA CONDI ELES
I run roaming, i have several videos of me roaming as well showing solo, out numbered and group fights as well, that is if you are actually interested or just like saying they are bad.
(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)
That pressure. Well done.
yeah normally -20% on signets + signets retain passives traits for SoR is a really op sustain against most situations, but conditions are the weakness of such build and I got pressured so hard with condi damage I started using up all the skills to fuel sor + usually it does nice damage but still against him it didnt work neither in terms of damage nor sustain
also keep in mind that I’m prolly not as good of an ele or as experienced as Ash is, as I just do up to like 10 tpvps a day and sometimes wvw just for fun, and yet I can brag about winning most of my 1v1s mainly due to how ridiculously cheesy and op my build is, since the 15th patch I havent lost a duel against a dagger ele in tpvp not even once (and prolly some were condi tho not as well built as Ash’s ele), so I came here overconfident like pfft condi eles not even taking diamond skin or water traits condi cleanses nor my dagger for additional healing and cleanse from water5 but even if I did it would end up with him not being able to kill me nor me able to kill him so what would be the point, I wanted to test it against the build I usually run with
anyway props to Ash for showing me how good condi eles can be
(edited by Wikie.2610)
It’s fine if it isn’t your cup of tea. Why it’s always best to see/test something before you actually dismiss/ask for nerfs (common on the gw2 forums).
I fought Frowny on his condi ele back in the day I was skeptical (I didn’t call him out on the forums or anything like that). I lost to him majority of the time the condi pressure is good. It isn’t a necro or a engineer running conditions but a necro or engineer isn’t a ele or a warrior running power different classes with different mechanics.
I guess you’ll be paying attention to the burns and the bleeds from now on….
What a delightful turnout of events!
Congratulations Ash.
Get rid of that godkitten earth signet! And don’t forget to make use of your wind 2 skill when you’re fighting burst builds.