Conjured Weapon Questions
Conjured weapons not getting weapon stats is going to get fixed eventually, it’s the same deal as engineer kits. They get full stats in PvP due to the amulet setup, and Anet has said they’re working on it in PvE.
Dual-wielding never even crossed my mind, I came over here after playing engineer and assumed they’d be 5-slot weapons like the kits are. That’d actually be a pretty cool trick.
Each Weapon regardless of type, including Shield is 5 slotted. But yeah, Dual-Wield was the first thing that crossed my mind, when I learned about conjured weapons.
Good to know that the stats will be added. But if stats will be Amulet required, then I would hope that each has 2 Amulet slots. Because if not, then even with an amulet they will be missing the key bases stats.
Thanks for the updates.
Yah I always thought it was fishy to conjure a weapon… So I never even spent points on it
Currently I am level 25 & giving a shot at this:
1) Equip: Dual-Wield Daggers
2) Conjure: Bow
I use Conjured Bow at range, or when AOE support is needed, then swap to Dagger when they close.
At first was I was Equip: Staff and Conjure: Axe or Shield (tried both).
The problem with that is, that you end up not having a conjure available when it’s MOST needed. Like when they close.
Equipped Close, with Conjured Range. Only ADDS to the fight, without placing you at risk when the conjure is off cooldown.
As it is I feel that the autoattacks on conjurables are just a waste of time and charges. Either make the autoattacks worth the charge or make them not use charges at all. Fiery GS and Lightning Hammer have good autoattacks. Aside from Lightning Hammer draining charges like a mad man.
The cast times on all conjures should be the same. Conjure Earth Shield and Lightning Hammer are on longer cast times for who knows what reason.
Lightning Storm is like trying to shoot with a SMG at long range. Shield Smack is like smacking yourself in the face.
Currently, due to the weapon stats bug, conjurables are only viable at low levels in PvE, aside from Earth Shield for Fortify and Magnetic Shield.
(edited by Taikanaru.5746)
Earth shield skill #4 in WvW. Pull people off keep walls. That will be all.
That conjured Lightning Axe hits like a truck and spams blind. If only it carried stats over, and did not use up charges so fast
The major problem with the weapons, though, is the complete loss of all our abilities.
I think conjured weapons are almost useless in practical applications and I very rarely find myself using them.
They don’t deal any considerable damage more than my normal weapons, have no bonus stats of their own to compensate, and are nowhere as versatile as having 4 different elements.
Would I rather have access to my normal 20 weapon skills, or 5 crappy conjured ones?
Of course the 20…
The type of dual-wielding you had in mind would be cool, but only Earth Shield and Flame Axe would benefit from this.
My suggestion would be that conjured weapons should be swappable to during combat, like any other profession can swap weapons, but only if we have a conjured weapon active.
Now that WOULD be interesting.. When you use the conjure weapon utility skull am icon for that weapon could show up in the boon section, and when you use weapon quick swap that weapon could appear, then either you swap back or it automatically swaps back after charges are used.
Dude… Go to the mists. They have a bunch of tools there to help you figure this stuff out and you get access to all skills and traits. No need to buy stuff you’re not sure you want.
Target dummies. weapons that have no damage variance. most of the armor and weapon bonus items.