Conjured Weapons Suggestion

Conjured Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nalar.6523


Here’s an idea, why not make these work more like engineer kits do?

The problem with conjured weapons is that you lose your 20 normal weaponskills and when it’s gone, there’s a minute cooldown on them.

If they would function like kits do they’d prolly see a lot more use, you have to sacrifice a precious utility slot to use one. Perhaps a cooldown as long as your attunement swap would work with balancing this, or just have it available as a “kit” for as long as you have charges of it, that disappear with actions like they do now and then start a cooldown.


I rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

Conjured Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadowfall.6543


I completely agree that Conjured weapons should work like the engineer kits. especially since they keep trying to cram them down our throats as a useful alternative.

Don’t get me wrong, I love them (I.e. FGS and Lightning Hammer), but in their current state they just can’t offset some of the imbalance.

Conjured Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: nexxe.7081


I don’t like so many Conjured Weapons. They should just simplify them down to one, and have it based on our attunements.

Conjured Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: KazNaka.4718


I just wish / hope they would change earth shield’s 2nd auto-attack so that it doesn’t disable your other skills. Don’t make it a dash if you need to, but it has got to change. At the moment it feels clunky and out-of-control.

Conjured Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: P Fun Daddy.1208

P Fun Daddy.1208

I don’t like so many Conjured Weapons. They should just simplify them down to one, and have it based on our attunements.

Those and the signets. Anybody else notice that the current signets on ele are all roughly the same? Every one is a small passive boost (condition cure 1/ten seconds, 25% movement speed, toughness, and crit chance) and a targeted active effect (immobilize, chill, burn, blind).

Conjured Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bluefox.9580


My suggestion would be to up the weapon in the ele’s hand’s charges to 30 stock, and leave the one casted at 15. Change the conjurer trait to have 10 additional stacks and 20% cool down reduction in the same.

This would eliminate the ele’s reliance on picking up another weapon, and the need for conjurer trait as a requirement. Instead the trait would be a boon to the build instead of a necessity. Additionally, 30 charges is just enough for someone who is careful and deliberate in their attacks, while 40 charges would allow for more Rambo style auto attack spamming (lightning hammer chain).

IMO this wouldn’t trend into copying engineer style kits but would allow these weapons to be used more as a primary weapon instead of more like a boulder you picked up.

Bluefox Matari – Elementalist – Maguuma

Conjured Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


you should be able to switch attunements while holding a conjured weapon.

would be better to have a conjured weapon last twice as long instead of dropping 2 of them too.

downed state is bad for PVP

Conjured Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


i’m mostly staff elem and haven’t gone anywhere without my frost bow in ages
haven’t they been buffing conjures marginally in the past few patches?
i don’t think the mechanic of them is horrible, {yes, many people want kits}
frostbow and fire sword are in a pretty good place now, no? i know the other 3 burn through charges pretty quick depending on what you use them for.. i’m usually the first person to complain, but i’m not seeing it here.. can someone dumb it down for me?

i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish