

in Elementalist

Posted by: Griever.7480


Well no one uses any conjures anymore, this already says alot about them, the damage is lacking greatly compared to what you sacrifice to use one, the icebow used to have good damage until the kittenbag in the video nerfed it and also at the same time spitting the players in the face.

Now the only conjure i see people use is the Fiery Greatsword but of course not for the damage => lol no they use it for mobility, this also says alot not only about the state of conjures but elementalist elites in general, they are so useless that people opt out the “damage” they provide to get mobility and disengages.

I would beg of anet to do something about this, but if history is any indication this goes to deaf ears, because anet couldn’t care less about its players, not to mention the characters they play (unless its graphic nerfing ofc).

Peace and war.


in Elementalist

Posted by: Winds.3087


But I use conjures extensively and I know at least two tempests who use them too, in raids
They are not as awful as you think, ice bow is huge BB damage and if boss is big it’s still nice deeps
LH is noice too
Shield is situational but tank ele probably might use it
Axe is kinda meh but it was like that in betas

(edited by Winds.3087)


in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Some footage that may be interesting for Marauder Earth Shield Tempest

Alerie Despins


in Elementalist

Posted by: Griever.7480


The damage is hardly worth both the sacrifice of attunement skills and the skill slot it occupies.

Either way they could use some buff.