Current Top PVE Builds?

Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jester.1546


Pretty straight forward, I’m returning to the game after a long absence and would like to know what the current PVE builds are. When I left thunderhammer while in ice was generally the highest single target dps we could do.

I’ve tried looking through the forums but with the new release so recent, most information is either outdated, or accurate but I am unable to ensure its still up to date

So, I know some of you daily forum users will be annoyed by a go-fetch request, but…..

Please? Ridicule me for sucking at searching, but afterwards, please tell me what builds you’re currently using after :>

Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Silferas.3841


staff build by DeKeyz. Very easy to play, top DPS in the game, useful in any dungeon/PvE party.

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Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Darox.8069


Staff builds are extremely niche and should not be used unless the player knows exactly what he is doing.

Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wintel.4873


Staff builds are extremely niche and should not be used unless the player knows exactly what he is doing.

Define “niche”. If anything staff is equipped to deal with every situation more than any other weapon AND it’s very easy to play.

Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Silferas.3841


I think he means that staff eles do not fulfill any other role on the team besides DPS, therefore they are taken only when situation allows it. While that’s true, it’s also true that damage is the king in PvE, and with the phalanx strength warrior build being so brainlessly easy to play and give the whole party permanent 25 stacks of might, staff eles might become the one build to play as an ele.

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Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

the celestial D/F build posted in this forum works wonders for me in any game mode.

Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Darox.8069


And yet, staff requires the team to support you (might, fury, and vulnerability) in order to deal its damage.

Did you know that a good D/F rotation against a wall deals more damage than staff, if you exclude Meteor Shower, due to burning speed’s trail stacking?

Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: guanlongwucaii.3162


And yet, staff requires the team to support you (might, fury, and vulnerability) in order to deal its damage.

Did you know that a good D/F rotation against a wall deals more damage than staff, if you exclude Meteor Shower, due to burning speed’s trail stacking?

but wouldn’t you be using FGS against a wall? does this calculation take into staff #4 (admittedly a bit clunkier to use).

and before anyone says otherwise, there ARE some times where you simply can’t channel a meteor shower (or at least complete the channel).

Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wintel.4873


And yet, staff requires the team to support you (might, fury, and vulnerability) in order to deal its damage.

Did you know that a good D/F rotation against a wall deals more damage than staff, if you exclude Meteor Shower, due to burning speed’s trail stacking?

Why do you get to exclude Meteor Shower, staff’s highest DPS skill? Then I’ll exclude Burning Speed for convenience.
FYI staff can also use Burning Retreat into a wall.

Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Darox.8069


And yet, staff requires the team to support you (might, fury, and vulnerability) in order to deal its damage.

Did you know that a good D/F rotation against a wall deals more damage than staff, if you exclude Meteor Shower, due to burning speed’s trail stacking?

but wouldn’t you be using FGS against a wall? does this calculation take into staff #4 (admittedly a bit clunkier to use).

and before anyone says otherwise, there ARE some times where you simply can’t channel a meteor shower (or at least complete the channel).

Nope, I didn’t include burning retreat either.

Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Neko.9021


Use DKeys’s D/F build for PUGing, BUT put 10 in Arcana instead of 10 in Earth if you’re struggling for perma Vigor. 30/30/0/0/10 not only gives out really good damage but has good team utility too.

Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: tweeve.3782


my personal choice for staff ele, in PvE is 30/10/10/10/10 and with the correct trinkets I can keep my crit chance above 50 and even better with food. I find the little bit of extra health and extra toughness goes a long way in helping me stay alive in just about any situation I run into. So I sacrifice the precision for staying alive. I can still just about out AOE dps anyone I party with so I dont feel I am holding groups back.

In dungeons this setup as worked out great. In AC path 1 I can solo two mounds and kill them in one shot each, One shot with the frost bow #4 and the other mound meteor shower. Which helps in keeping the others working on other mounds so when I get back to the other side of the room I generally dont have as much to worry about. There are times when after I drop mounds 1 and 2 the rest have finished off the other mounds or just about, so all I have to do is finish off the last mound to complete the room.

Current Top PVE Builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ulion.5476


Reddit post on the current EP rating of various builds:

Also, the DPS guide at the top of the elementalist section was updated with that info too.

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