D/D Elementalist Build+Gameplay

D/D Elementalist Build+Gameplay

in Elementalist

Posted by: Noble.2670


So, since I have posted this builds video before but it got lost when I was hacked, I decided to remake it, however I’m sure most of the people on this forum are familiar with the build already, however, there’s a chance a few are not, so I’d figure I’d go ahead and share it! (Plus I like views..sue me :P)

Also, with the expansion and balance update around the corner I’m dropping this build video at a horrible time, but, what I can say is all the changes we currently know about coming up in the next balance patch will not effect the build in anyway, and in fact, they will only make it stronger due to the upcoming nerfs to certain things like condition builds and deathly chill, but do bare in mind there is a small small chance anet could nerf certain aspects of the build, due to the way they might interact with the weaver traitline, although unlikely, it is still a possibility, so bare that in mind!
When it comes to th expansion, while we can’t be 100% certain this build will still have a place, id like to think it will, and will do my best to make it viable in respects to the new elite specs!

Anyway the build: http://tinyurl.com/sM7ddelebuild

Stupid Seven [sM]
my vids: https://tinyurl.com/sevenddelem

(edited by Noble.2670)