D/D Powerful Aura Possibilities

D/D Powerful Aura Possibilities

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jortakk.6792


Say if I were to run a build like this in HoT:

http://dulfy.net/2015/05/02/gw2-specialization-calculator-that_shaman/#profession=elementalist&traits=“Fire Magic”,2,5,7-“Water Magic”,1,5,8-“Air Magic”,1,6,9

With gear like this:


Would the Shocking Aura applied to allies proc Lightning Rod?
Would the Fire Aura applied to allies proc Blinding Ashes?

D/D Powerful Aura Possibilities

in Elementalist

Posted by: lLobo.7960


I don’t think shocking aura, even yours, procs anything.
The stun seems to be self inflicted. So, last time I tired, lightning rod (and perplexity runes) proc on you if you hit someone else with a shocking aura.

D/D Powerful Aura Possibilities

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dulle Griet.8436

Dulle Griet.8436

Before to understand if auras you apply to your allies proc with those traits we need to make a clarification:
- to dispense an aura to allies you need to gain it from a weapon skill;
- D/D ele build in your link can’t gain Fire Aura from his weapon, so you won’t apply it to allies;

Fire Aura applied to allies can’t proc with Blinding Ashes just because you won’t apply it at all.