D/D comparison to Thief and Mesmer unfair?

D/D comparison to Thief and Mesmer unfair?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


I notice a lot of people comparing us to thief and mesmer in particular backstab thief and shatter mesmer. While its true or mobility is above average I can say with assurance the fastest class in the game is GS warrior speced for it (seriously look it up).

The way I feel is this. While its true we are able to troll a group of unskilled, new, and/or low level players like a mesmer or a thief could. It is also true we have no stealth. When we do something we don’t just stop being a target. The other thing is the vast majority of builds that let us do anything like this are defensive in stats. Our burst combo is also the most telegraphed in the game.

Beside people jumping on the FOTM band wagon it feels to me that the builds and the classes are just too far apart. I feel what we do is too different to be considered in the same class. this isn’t about ele elitism but I just don’t see the similarity.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

D/D comparison to Thief and Mesmer unfair?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kobal.5234


People comparing Elementalists to other classes (or compare any class with another), clearly haven’t played both classes.

The reason people tend to make comparisons a lot in this game, is because out of all the MMOs I have played, Guild Wars 2 has got to be the most balanced one yet (at level 80 anyway). Each class brings something unique to the game, yet any class can be pretty much as effective as the next. Yes, ofcourse there are slight differences. Perfect game balance in an MMO is something that simply doesn’t exist in a game with multiple classes and different mechanics.

And no, I’m not talking about pure damage comparison. It’s pretty obvious that certain classes have a higher burst capacity than others. But where one class lacks the high burst of say a thief, another class makes up the difference with heavy support and defensive abilities. Where one class is most effective at range, the other is most effective in melee. Where one class has high sustained direct damage potential, the other can throw around DoTs like no tomorrow.

To be perfectly honest, when people start comparing two classes with one another, I can’t help but laugh at the futility of it all. Especially when it’s painfully obvious that more often than not, they only know the mechanics and playstyle of one of the classes they are talking about.

For example, I know very little about Necromancers since my highest Necro was somewhere around lvl 35. As such, I’m not going to moan about a Necro when (s)he kills me while I’m on my Ele, because I simply don’t know enough about the class to compare it against my Ele character.

The sad thing is, developers tend to listen to the extremely vocal trollish behaviour.