D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


I didn’t bother on continue reading after seeing you post the guy name. This post will surely be deleted because it goes against the forum policies.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!

(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Posted deleted in light of forum policy.


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


Well I’ll duel your warrior with my D/D ele. If you are looking to get staked I mean.

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


I do agree that eles with the constant healing is “op” against the other professions. Eles with this bunbker/heal build can still defeat others even with low dmg simply because they out heal them. Surely Anet knows this by now and will try to fix it.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!

(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dahir.4158


Didn’t get to see the opening post but I’ll duel that warrior when I get home in a few days.


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Oh no, basically. He said he could beat any D/D ele easy on warrior and said it was a L2 kitten ue. I told him to try it against my D/D ele to prove his point as I feel even my own character is OP. He refused me, he’ll probably refuse you <_< I honestly didn’t even say anything rude. I just asked him

And yes, Anet has agreed its OP, I just dont know when the nerfs coming.


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dahir.4158


Oh one of those guys eh? He must have some bad experience with eles then :P


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I dunno, part of me really wanted to just see a warrior who could beat an ele. I’ve only seen one do that to a D/D, and he was amazingly good. The Best warrior I’ve ever seen.


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


OP? nerf the damage or blind for thieves first. Thanks

Bad Elementalist

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


You mean a glass cannon spec shouldnt be able to do damage? Survivable thieves only do about 4-6k backstab crits. If you can’t deal with that then…


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


You mean a glass cannon spec shouldnt be able to do damage? Survivable thieves only do about 4-6k backstab crits. If you can’t deal with that then…

You mean a bunker spec shouldn’t be able to bunker? Eles in bunker spec do terrible damage, and only kill due to attrition and mistakes made by the other player(s).

For ANet to say that bunker D/D Eles are overpowered means they don’t even understand their own game. Why have Knight’s or Soldier’s gear if everyone wearing Zerker complains when they can’t get free kills on Eles anymore? The Ele is the absolute squishiest class in the game, and all those mechanics like lots of heals, escape mechanisms, mobility, etc. give the Ele the ability to baseline with other professions. An Ele who isn’t played perfectly dies. Which is why there are so many fail D/D players who are generally easy kills for other classes.

Seriously, its like ANet watches Excala on YouTube, reads a couple threads of “Eles need Nerf” and that’s all the evidence they need. Sad.

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


But thats the issue, Bunker Ele’s can do too much. They can sustain and survive as good as guardians, are more mobile then thieves and harder to catch (many share this opinion, as many share the opposite) and do as much direct burst as a mid tier dps class thats specced more dps oriented. Anet understands that.

Me spamming buttons is playing perfectly? I don’t die on my D/D ele, ever. I’m a horrible ele.


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


I’ll agree my ele is OP, but i won’t agree that you can spam buttons and still be OP.

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: frostflare.6390


I don’t agree the ele is op. It has it’s strenghts, but doesn’t every class? I mean, Warriors can go pure glass, and still have More armor and health then us.

Note that does not justify anything, but it does go to reckon that Eles have strenghts. We are mobile, we are fast, and we can survive. Nerfing us and no one else is wrong. If our strenghts are nerfed, and our weaknesses not buffed~Idk it just seems incredibly stupid. If you build a way, your good in that way.

But Even Bunker eles can be killed-and anyone running around saying they are invincible is plain wrong. I hate stealth theives, and they annoy the kitten out of me, but They can be killed(some of the time). Bunker eles have weaknesses, for example if they go up against another bunker build there will be no victor. I have also seen bunker eles one-shot by a glass rifle Warrior. So I mean, there must be some way to kill them.

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


The problem isn’t survivability. The problem is Survivability, but also decent damage (my friend hit three 5-6k crits consistently on a ranger yesterday using his D/D ele, which can also tank 4-5 people who aren’t upleveled, which he did in front of me.

Also the best mobility in the game, which Anet themselves have said needs to change, as thieves should have that trophy. So they are nerfing that aspect for sure. Bunker ele’s can’t kill other bunker builds, they can kill anything else. Other Bunker specs on other classes take so long to kill even glass cannon’s that its always dependent on how much the opponent wants to stick around fighting that bunker.

Ele’s aren’t bad themselves, they are a fun class which is made to be versatile. Or is intended to be so. The spec is cool and deserves praise for the power it can pack. Sadly, its TOO powerful. Too powerful because it offers all the benefits, with no sacrifices. The only thing I can see it sacrificing is full immense hit crit dps. That’s not a sufficient sacrifice imo.


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


They already nerfed our mobility.

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


They made another comment about how they still wanna nerf it after I believe. Cool down of Ride the Lightning post video. That, or they meant they would buff thieve’s mobility. Either way, its a welcome change


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stealth.9324


But thats the issue, Bunker Ele’s can do too much. They can sustain and survive as good as guardians, are more mobile then thieves and harder to catch (many share this opinion, as many share the opposite) and do as much direct burst as a mid tier dps class thats specced more dps oriented. Anet understands that.

Me spamming buttons is playing perfectly? I don’t die on my D/D ele, ever. I’m a horrible ele.

LoL, Eles has more mobile than thief. Please don’t tell me you play a thief, pls. Just don’t.It make my thief feel so UP in mobility than my Eles. If u want me to list them all, let me know. Cheer

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I used to main thief for about 3-4 months….The rest of your post I don’t understand, my apologies?

Could you clarify for me?


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


But thats the issue, Bunker Ele’s can do too much. They can sustain and survive as good as guardians, are more mobile then thieves and harder to catch (many share this opinion, as many share the opposite) and do as much direct burst as a mid tier dps class thats specced more dps oriented. Anet understands that.

Me spamming buttons is playing perfectly? I don’t die on my D/D ele, ever. I’m a horrible ele.

You’re right, sort of. The Ele can do a lot, because it HAS TO just to survive. D/Ds must boon or die, can’t remember how many times I’ve seen an Ele go down to a Corrupt Boon. Eles MUST be mobile, to be caught without all three of stunbreaks, dodges and escapes usually means instagibbing. As for the mid tier direct burst, in my experience not really. Most Eles rely on attrition gameplay, because their skills, even when used perfectly don’t do enough damage in zerker gear, much less Knight’s or PVT.

If you’re spamming and never die, then I would assume you’re also never killing. The only way for bunker D/D Eles to take down opponents while surviving is usually perfect play. Note, this assessment does not include pwning upleveled scrubs in WvWvW.

Again, just to reiterate, to survive Eles must be at the top of their game, using all their skills at just the right time, with maximum efficiency, with very little margin for error. They have many tools, but all must be used just to reach the effectiveness of, say a Guardian or Ranger just spamming auto-attacks. Hardly overpowered.

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grevender.9235


Again, just to reiterate, to survive Eles must be at the top of their game, using all their skills at just the right time, with maximum efficiency, with very little margin for error. They have many tools, but all must be used just to reach the effectiveness of, say a Guardian or Ranger just spamming auto-attacks. Hardly overpowered.

it’s sad that such statements supported by solid argumentation will be wasted against a wall of “it’s OP ’cause I said so, deal!” -,-
On my thief I can spam dagger 2 endlessly, backroll to recharge initiative rinse and repeat: this seems legit, but 50% healing nerf, crippled boon duration and insanely high RTL cooldown on Elementalist is “perfectly logical”

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

I think mesmers and thieves are stronger then D/D elementalists. Saw one thief and one mesmer just stand infront of our servers entrance in WvW and they beat everyone that came for them for well over 30 minutes they fought 8+ players without dying… In that situation an elementalist could only run away.

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Sorry to say this, but those 8+ players must have been horribly bad…

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dahir.4158


I think mesmers and thieves are stronger then D/D elementalists. Saw one thief and one mesmer just stand infront of our servers entrance in WvW and they beat everyone that came for them for well over 30 minutes they fought 8+ players without dying… In that situation an elementalist could only run away.

If one of those 8 players we’re an elementalist using a bunker build then all they had to do was tank the damage/cleanse/heal and their ally could attack the rest. It certainly wouldn’t have to run away.


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Well, that’s the issue, I kill people doing that too. My friend has all his gear exotic on his ele, and does consistent 6k crits, sometimes lesser etc, but you get the idea.

Its a very powerful build, too powerful I believe, because people who aren’t legitimately good players are forgiven for mistakes, and allowed to recover many many times. Every time I see a thief make a mistake, hes glassy so that he dies in seconds usually, save for the good thieves. Mesmers… ehh they’re a nightmare tbh, but I don’t think they’re overpowered, just a top tier class that Anet made well, if not one of the only ones.

I dunno, Maybe I just find it easier then most, but the setup strikes me as a very easy and rewarding play style, where I feel very safe and untouchable. God knows what ele or any classes will be like in a years time for that matter lol.


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sil.4560


I’ve killed multiple D/D Eles in WvW. Many people are rather predictable. But I do think the constant healing is way too forgiving in general; I have a D/D Ele of my own as well.

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Of course, Its not unbeatable, I just think its Op from an objective view point, as imo it has too many benefits but no sacrifices. It seems to be the benefits allocated from trait trees then anything?


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Touche Amore.2083

Touche Amore.2083

I do agree that eles with the constant healing is “op” against the other professions. Eles with this bunbker/heal build can still defeat others even with low dmg simply because they out heal them. Surely Anet knows this by now and will try to fix it.

Just like they fixed infinite stealth thiefs, right?

oh, didnt you hear? its going back to 3 seconds….

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rednaxela.9476


This made me laugh. A guildie and I were practicing this very thing in PvP, 1v1. A d/d boon-bunker ele vs a shout heal warrior.

It was 100% stalemate. We went at it for 10minutes and could NOT get through each others heals.

Nietzschens – 80 Warr / Siri Golightly – 80 Ele / Siri Rhaegar – 80 Guardian
[SOL] Sanctum of Legends; ‘The Forgotten’ ~Eredon 4 Life~

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rednaxela.9476


Also, your reason for 1v1 disillusionment is valid, no doubt. Alas, I have a solution!!! Two I suppose.

If there’s a 1v1 match-up in WvW that is troubling you, ask a friend of a certain class to help you practice 1v1 in sPvP. This was you can try and see what works better and what is getting you killed.

This has helped me immensely in WvW, having had the experience of what to do 1v1 against any certain class.

Nietzschens – 80 Warr / Siri Golightly – 80 Ele / Siri Rhaegar – 80 Guardian
[SOL] Sanctum of Legends; ‘The Forgotten’ ~Eredon 4 Life~

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Oh no, basically. He said he could beat any D/D ele easy on warrior and said it was a L2 kitten ue. I told him to try it against my D/D ele to prove his point as I feel even my own character is OP. He refused me, he’ll probably refuse you <_< I honestly didn’t even say anything rude. I just asked him

And yes, Anet has agreed its OP, I just dont know when the nerfs coming.

Wait hold up did he post about this in this forums too? How much of a child are you?
And you call me immature lol.
The very long drawn out story is here

BTW ele is not more mobile than thief unless they use FGS (Math in this thread).

I called you out on inflated numbers Let It Go! Never asked you to duel never wanted to duel and our worlds aren’t matched Spvp is not WvW. You are smart kid (maybe?) be a grown up and let it go.

I never bragged I beat all DD eles read my post sometimes in their entirety you also accused me of not sharing my build I have I just don’t think its optimum or wort a thread etc but it is in here

Duel are generally pointless and only serve to over inflate egos and have zip to do with class balance. Thus I don’t duel.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

(edited by TheGuy.3568)

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Please just let it go. I’ve moved passed this, I suggest you do too. We just aren’t going to agree on balance. There’s no need to be uncivil.

I only wished to duel because in all my time playing I’ve only ever seen 1 warrior kill a D/D ele. You calling me a troll straight away after asking for a duel was rude. I was perfectly polite and courteous.

I haven’t posted anything about our mishap in 3 days on this thread and I’d like to keep it that way. I wish you well but we just disagree about balance end of.


(edited by PistolWhip.2697)

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Please just let it go. I’ve moved passed this, I suggest you do too. We just aren’t going to agree on balance. There’s no need to be uncivil.

I only wished to duel because in all my time playing I’ve only ever seen 1 warrior kill a D/D ele. You calling me a troll straight away after asking for a duel was rude. I was perfectly polite and courteous.

I haven’t posted anything about our mishap in 3 days on this thread and I’d like to keep it that way. I wish you well but we just disagree about balance end of.

You do realize you started a thread on this? I didn’t even post after our convo and you trashed me in the warrior and ele forums for what? Because i was rude to you and I never even contacted you in game you came to me. Let me make this perfectly clear you started a thread to call me out and even posted in another forum simply to prove a point. You threatened to post our conversation (something I suggested you do) and further more you act as if you are the offended party?

Did I post on our conversation before you (never intended to)? No.

Did I start a thread to bash you? Nope.

Did I even contact you? Nope.

I have every reason to be uncivil not only did you bother me in game you started a thread. How could I possibly respect that? What you want really doesn’t matter to me I am so taken aback by your action that what you have to say really doesn’t matter unless it’s an apology.

You have this idea that being polite and courteous is the way but did I start a thread on this or was it you?

Let be serious here I have most post than you and have never ever in my entire time playing MMOs called out another player no matter how much I disagree with them. I leave the forums to the forums and the game to the game. I don’t bad mouth anyone directly. You however have. Feel bad all you want kitten morals are kitten don’t talk about civility out one side of your mouth and act like troll with the other.

Ask your self this beside responding to your post on a public forum did I even take the time to bother or contact you? Have I used your character name or anything like that in any of my post? Think about it before you point a finger.

Its not our mishap it your mishap. Don’t under play what you did it childish bull kitten and you know it. You asked me to duel in spvp. I said “no”. You pushed the issue. I still said “No”. You kept at it and got blocked and started posting about me. No those actions don’t sound like a troll at all.

You started this thread not me so deal with it.

You tell me to get over it. You started a kittening thread dude. I mean seriously.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

(edited by TheGuy.3568)

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Look, I’m really trying to drop the issue. No matter how rude you have been to me and continue to be. I asked you for a duel you kept insulting me that’s all. My genuine interest in your methods of how you ‘kill D/D ele’s on a warrior all the time’ is what I have explained to be the reason for my interest as in all my months of playing this game I’ve only seen it done once. I removed the initial post ages ago (sadly that doesn’t remove the thread) , so you probably didn’t have the chance to read it, but the majority of the post was me explaining how I wanted to test out the D/D Ele’s limits with willing parties to cut passed all the rumours on these threads, you weren’t even plainly mentioned, I just used our encounter as an example of as to why I wanted to test it out. It’s been dropped, why do you keep replying to an event the other party has moved on from and bumping the thread back up so people keep reading it? Isn’t it in your own words “an insult towards you?”

We had a disagreement, it happens. There’s no need to waste each other’s time, let’s just move on. I have better things to do in life, as I’am sure you do too.


(edited by PistolWhip.2697)

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Look, I’m really trying to drop the issue. No matter how rude you have been to me and continue to be. I asked you for a duel you kept insulting me that’s all. My genuine interest in your methods of how you ‘kill D/D ele’s on a warrior all the time’ is what I have explained to be the reason for my interest as in all my months of playing this game I’ve only seen it done once. I removed the initial post ages ago, so you probably didn’t have the chance to read it, but the majority of the post was me explaining how I wanted to test out the D/D Ele’s limits with willing parties to cut passed all the rumours on these threads, you weren’t even plainly mentioned, I just used our encounter as an example of as to why I wanted to test it out. It’s been dropped, why do you keep replying to an event the other party has moved on from and bumping the thread back up so people keep reading it? Isn’t it in your own words “an insult towards you?”

We had a disagreement, it happens. There’s no need to waste each other’s time, let’s just move on. I have better things to do in life, as I’am sure you do too.

Either way you started a thread that enough for me. Read the links. I posted an entire guide on handling DD ele here

You never beat any class 100% of the time. Fact is my build is up so is a guide what else did you need?

How did this all start you said bunker ele get consistent 8k crits on fire grab I rightly corrected you and for some reason in your mind you heard “Yu-Gi-Oh. Lets Duel!”. When I promptly said no and appropriately told you off for bothering me you got kitten and ran to forums. Now tell me you as the one who started this and further decided to make big deal of it by posting. Why should I care what you want? The thread was active last I checked so it’s ok to post.

You should realize you could always chose no to respond. I didn’t start this thread you did. Please remember that. This wasn’t me it was you. You started this. You contacted me. Your the one to threatened to post screens. I don’t care if my tone was rude in your opinion you chose to talk to me remember that. DO you understand you?

All the info you need is already posted. Ele can be beat by warrior that just the way it is. The tools are there the post are there what more do you want? You can read can’t you READ THE LINKS!

After your first post I thought the same. I pointed out our discussion was futile but after seeing this thread I am just kitten enough to push the issue. GJ to you for getting me there.

The links are there. your discussion is being had. Isn’t that what you wanted? Why call me out then in 2 separate locations?

The fact you even started a thread and threatened me really kitten es me off lol. Think about how rude you have been to me before acting offended.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

(edited by TheGuy.3568)

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


You guys should really duel at this point I think most of us know the outcome but maybe it would be interesting?

Maybe a best 2 out of 3?

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


I have stated how the thread didn’t have you as a main focus, no matter how self- conceited you are, I just used our situation as a theme without mentioning your name. Which I didn’t post despite what Lightning Blaze said.

Threatened? Well if you’re really going to press this, I’ll put down everything said, and we can decide who had the hostile tone. All I asked for was a duel.

Me – “Hey there! I’d love for you to show me this amazing setup on a warrior which can kill a D/D ele. Our posts were disagreeable at best so some cold hard testing would sort this out, I’ll be available around the day so, if you can’t catch me today I’ll message you tomorrow etc

As you can see a firm tone but also very courteous and polite.

You – “test what and where for what reason dude if your going to troll do it elsewhere”

Calling me a troll off the bat even though all I did was ask for a duel, you didn’t outright decline, all you said was basically Kitten off.

Me – “? troll? Your claim on the forums were that you roll D/D eles on many classes. I’d love to see this aspect on a warrior, why are you suddenly so unsure?”

As you can see here your reply has made me somewhat testy but I try to maintain some civility.

You – “unsure of what you talke about wvw how the kitten do you plan to deul going to switch servers?”

Throwing in cusses for no reason, and no from my understanding just plainly taking an angry tone with me for challenging your opinions, not even showing me the courtesy of proper grammar.

Me – “come to spvp, it shouldnt matter, save for warrior damage, but every class loses damage, including my ele. unless you’re FA or KN. And that’s only if you spec full berserkers usually anyway in wvw as a warrior”

At this point I’ve given up carrying about my punctuation as you don’t seem to care for the more cordial side of the discussion either, and by FA or KN I should of clarified I mean’t unless you’re from those servers we can’t duel in WvW.

You – “and really what 2would it prove to me another Dd ele who I lost to or won against isnt going to mean a dman thing”

I don’t even know what you’re saying anymore as it just lacks coherence.

This goes on for a while, what happens is I tell you, you must of lied about warriors beating D/D ele’s all the time and that all I did was ask for a duel and you called me a troll. You reply telling me you can’t replicate the stats in spvp which I confirm is correct but that applies to most if not all builds, as I’d have more healing power+health in wvw, and depending on my set up more damage. You question me about how a bunker ele has all those stats for damage too.

I try to clarify I mean’t two different setups which I take in wvw, you claim I proved you rightand that I inflated numbers, I don’t see what you’re talking about and point out I’ve posted a video for evidence with such numbers.

You end the discussion with and I quote “kitten your duel you impeached your credibility” and block me.

I promptly come to this thread to post that I would like to duel/test with someone the capabilities and limits of D/D ele because I’am tired of rumours and this sort of thing happening on the forums, and place the story, not your name as an example in a small 2 line paragraph.

As you can see, you’ve been substantially ruder to me, and I have the proof to back it up. Bunker ele’s do ridiculous amounts of damage for a bunker, my friend confirmed it, a 8k Fire grab crit is possible, I’ll get his exact stats from him tonight if you wish, but I have long accepted my experiences and yours in game differ.

I’ve given up trying to debate with you, all you do is flame and insult and call others names. Not once in this discussion have I insulted you personally or called you childish as you have me at least 3-4 times. But now that you’re asking for it, you are in fact the one who is being childish.

You keep insulting me and using forms of ad hominem arguments, attacking my character constantly to prove a point and base the content of your argument around. I’m done being civil, you’re a child, probably 16 years old at best, or a very childish and incoherent man. I was trying to hint I wouldn’t like to waste anymore time around this discussion but all you do is demand more. To put it bluntly now, I dont have time for you or your strawman arguments, or your childish attitude, or your lack of proof. I don’t have problems fighting a D/D ele, I just feel too powerful when I play one, and that is the basis of which I try to make each evaluation of balancing. So thank you for the guide link but unless you’re going to prove it to me in-game I’m uninterested.

From now on any post you make will be ignored, so I wouldn’t bother, unless you’re that concerned about what other forum posters think, then by all means spew more venom, but I’m here by done with you and you’re childish attitude. Not even an apology from you at this point is wanted, just stay away from me.


(edited by PistolWhip.2697)

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


My friend has seen 14k backstab with a survivable thief. Too stronk.

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


From now on any post you make will be ignored, so I wouldn’t bother, unless you’re that concerned about what other forum posters think, then by all means spew more venom, but I’m here by done with you and you’re childish attitude. Not even an apology from you at this point is wanted, just stay away from me.

Don’t be selective. if post the whole thing if you are going to post anything. Like I said you contacted me. I don’t type well when I am kitten . I was busy and you hounded me you put in your little parts but you skip where I told you flat out NO!

Unlike you I kept my mouth shut I log into the forums and see a post about this? Like I said call me childish all you like but you actions are the same. Look at your post. As venomous as I can be it was in fact you who chose to bad mouth me remember that. Spin it anyway you like. You contact me over forum bullkitten while I am in game and busy that’s the type of response you get. NO means no so gtfo with your supposedly hurt feelings.

Let sum it up with a qoute.

“Its when a bunker can have the ridiculous mobility, and burst damage 8k (on Fire Grab easy, which you can combo with burning speed) without even having to target an enemy, all on 1 spec which makes them OP.”

I called you out on the 8k and you let it spiral also.

Politeness doesn’t mean kitten to me accept that or don’t. I do not like mis information. You should have been a man and admitted you inflated the number. All this over me calling you out on a fact. Truly sir you are the true man here because not owning up to being wrong it truly what a man does.

Realize not everyone believes in politeness. I call it how I see it you trolled the warrior forums and corrected your mistake you took it hard and posted a storm about me.

As far as I can tell you have plenty to say, but no advice, no wisdom and you simply don’t help. You post Ele is OP sub forums for classes you don’t play. The classes I play are right there in my sig. I only talk about them. I don’t qq or stir the pot in other forums.

Give it a rest kid. I may have sharp tongue but at least I stick to the facts. I can live with that. Being nice is one thing but respect is earned your first post let me know I didn’t need to respect you. You didn’t respect my wishes either.

However it seems you’ll ignore my post so I will talk the last words. Warrior can beat D/D ele. 8k fire grabs don’t happen on bunker builds The End. This has gotten childish I agreed to my part, but facts are facts next time just accept them hmm?

Since your so caught up on etiquette

“Do not engage in personal attacks against forum members or in character assassination. Posts that attack another member, that single out a player for ridicule, or that accuse someone of inappropriate in-game actions will be removed without notice. In-game violations should be reported directly to our Support Team. If you believe that using the support system did not result in a sufficient or timely response, you may post your concern in the Support section of the forums.”

It wasn’t me, but you who broke the golden rule remember that.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Let sum it up with a quote*.

“Its when a bunker can have the ridiculous mobility, and burst damage 8k (on Fire Grab easy, when you can combo with burning speed) without even having to target an enemy, all on 1 spec which makes them OP.”

Further Q_Q


My friend has seen 14k backstab with a survivable thief. Too stronk.

Indeed! lol


D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


Have you guys dueled yet?

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Have you guys dueled yet?

No I refused. Primarily because duel prove nothing and even if I won I wouldn’t post it on the forums ( I mean really, who cares?). That being said he wanted to duel in Spvp and like I said the original convo pertained to warrior in WvW. I told him unless we get matched that isn’t going happen. I am not going to spend real life money and get locked out from BG for a duel. If he happens to move to JQ or SoR then there is a chance if not it won’t be happening and its not like it even matters.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Be a good warrior and do what other warriors do when they see an ele, RUN!

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


There’s no way to guest to a server where you guys can duel even in wvw or something?

D/D ele refuses to duel on Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sil.4560


Be a good warrior and do what other warriors do when they see an ele, RUN!

Or jog at a leisurely pace, turning around to smack half of their health off to give them a hint before declining – for the third time – their duel requests because you’ve got more important ways to spend the next 5 minutes, like building trebuchets. Half of them barely do any damage, they just expect to outlast you over an absurd amount of time due to high mobility and overkill healing. Ain’t nobody got time fo dat.

(edited by Sil.4560)