D/D gear n stats?

D/D gear n stats?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rahm.6138


I read a bunch of posts that talk all about P/V/T, pvt, P-v-t gear but not much specifics. Am i right to assume getting ALL pvt armor, weps and accessories is the viable way to go? crit chance n crit dmg not really needed?

originally i was planning to go pvt armor and then zerk weps n accs but worried that will be too squishy. any feedback very much appreciated thx!

D/D gear n stats?

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


If you go all zerker in WvW, you are going to get one or two shot by people. Even a bunker ele can kill you in a couple of seconds and their damage is pitiful.

I am going to shoot you a PM on my opinion.

D/D gear n stats?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lert.6287


Scroll forum, mate. This question appeared several times within last week or two (basicly appears few times a month) and mostly is explained similar way.

Going zerker will leave you with low other stats and not so much place for your mistake (immobilized and SB by cannon thief).
Remember that there is always something between, not either soldier or zerker. The in-between set itself is probably knight and zerker jewel to trinkets or even soldier with the same.
With some decent boon duration you will have additional 20% critical chance from perma fury and decent amount stacks of might. Beside that just mix something to not going under 16 to 17k health, close or higher than 2.5k armor and some basic healing power. Without focusing much on last two, you will have lots of space heading for either critcal chance and damage.

Ah, don’t be scared if you see your ele with ~2.6-2.7k attack without any food. During fight it will reach pretty fast 10+ stacks of might and with food you should have around 3.3-3.5k when you fight (even for your own and you’re the only might-stacker).

Engineer / Piken Square
Former Team Psy [Psy] member/ [BNF] guest
YT Channel

D/D gear n stats?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rahm.6138


awesome pointers guys, thx much. input was invaluable time to tweak some shiet

D/D gear n stats?

in Elementalist

Posted by: innocent ouarior.1954

innocent ouarior.1954

If you go all zerker in WvW

If you go D/D in WvW you are an idiot or a solo loser.

D/D gear n stats?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rahm.6138


luv how “helpful” people can be^^ ;D

D/D gear n stats?

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


Does it really matter? You’re going to spend most of the time in zerg anyway.