(edited by cero.1209)
D/D spvp build I have been running
While trying to change things up a bit is a good idea, the traits you pick are just weak in general. Cantrip granting Might is a really bad trait and the Glyph cooldown trait is only so useful.
I would run 0/15/0/25/30 with the same utilities instead. That’s really fun and bursty and you still have the excellent 25 Water trait.
Or just run 0/20/0/20/30 with S/D and the +10% Air damage.
Yes, both of these are simply variations on the same theme, but it’s far stronger than your current build, I’m afraid.
I have tried both builds, I actually just switched from the first one. Much appreciated reply though, I also noticed that I had the wrong trait in the build. It was suppose to be +10% dmg with fire, not the cantrips. The reason why i chose that was because of my initial rotation hits very hard with fire so its a great way to open the fight with the upper hand.
Pretty much what Intigo said. 0/20/20/30 is very strong. Though I kind of like 10/15/0/15/30, which is a slight variation of your build.
Internal Fire, Zephyr’s Boon, Vital Striking, with the same traits you picked in Arcane.
I’m sorry but I’m going to criticize your build.
Synergy is what a good build needs.
I’m going to start at this trait: Fire: IV Spell Slinger
I did use this without EA after the nerf before the blast finisher was added back.
This trait doesn’t synergise will with your skills, you only have 1 Cantrip so this seems like a waist of points
Air: III Quick Glyphs, I guess your after this for the 5 sec cd on your heal, while that is a good reduction is taking this trait worth it since you only have the 2 glyphs and no other glyph traits?
Next, your surivability is low, you mentioned that, think of putting 5 more points into water, this will give you a 1k for you and allies when you swap to water.
Evasive Arcana, everyone takes this it seems, you have some arcane skills I see and you have another trait to make them CD faster. Look at the other 30 point trait, it is a condition when using your arcane skills, to be precise earth is a 1 sec imob. Very helpfull
If you keep EA remeber that alot of enemies will use imob to try and keep you from healing with EA water. Maybe a condition removal, like Water: V? If you moved those 10 points out of fire you could get this with the 15 point heal included.
I see arcane skills and I see Zephers Boon, perhaps you could trade that Air III for Air VII Arcane Lightning, 3% more crit damage when using 1 of those arcane skills.
Just some ideas to toss about, you will need to test any changes you make though
@Intigo, how does S/D go with buffs in a bunker spec? (normally play glass cannon when going S/D). If you can keep 5 up then you don’t really beed the extra 5 in air for 10% air damage, that can go back into water for 10% all the time damage.
0 15 0 25 30 is a fun build, I was running 10 15 0 25 20 when the EA nerf hit. The lightning bolt boosts your damage and helps to remove Agies / single block before doing your updraft.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
just looked over the build again and realized that the traits were not the ones that I had selected in game (I have revised it)
sorry about the confusion. It wasnt suppose to have the cool down on glyph, but bolt to the heart. Spell slinger is suppose to be Internal fire and cleansing wave in water.
@DieQuex I havent tried the 10/15/0/15/30 yet, I am about to try that now.
The problem with picking 10 in Fire over 25 in Water is that you are losing out on an amazing trait. Start looking at your Boons while you’re PvP’ing – how often do you have more than 4 or 5 up at the same time? A large amount of the time.
A constant 6-12% damage boost is so much more valuable than a flat 10% Fire-only damage boost.
Of course, this is all based on the assumption that the 25 Water trait actually works – which I have yet to test, heh.