D/D trait question

D/D trait question

in Elementalist

Posted by: tinymurder.5791



Is Stone Splinters not a thing anymore with D/D builds? I checked out Metabattles wiki and none of their D/D builds have it, but some of their Staff builds do. I’m just coming back after a 6 month break, and I’m now totally confused.

D/D trait question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


You are referring to the 00266 one for PvP?

The reason is because Elemental Shielding allows you to stack protection very easily with D/D and protection is strong as hell. It’s part of the reason for D/D eles having such insane defense, coupled with other things.

Off the top of my head the auras you can get:

  1. in air (shocking aura)
  2. in water (frost aura)
  3. in earth (magnetic grasp) on your target after you cast ring of fire will result in a flame aura (projectile finishers in fire fields do this).

This means you will have fairly decent protection uptime with just your auras alone and coupled with armor of earth just think about how much sustain that is. The build itself isn’t designed for quick fights, it’s meant for outsustaining the enemy meanwhile having enough offensive pressure to guarantee holding a point.

The tl;dr of it is that the build itself isn’t really for direct damage pressure and stone splinters is less beneficial for a celestial ele for the purpose of teamplay than Elemental Shielding is, but you can modify the build to your personal liking if you please.

D/D trait question

in Elementalist

Posted by: tinymurder.5791


I wasn’t asking about one specific build, but thank you for a succinct, yet thorough answer. I got on Metabattles and was confused, because most of the staff builds use Stone Splinters and none of the dagger builds have it. Elementalist isn’t my main profession, but I thought I understood the class. Obviously I need to rethink some things.

Thanks again, you’ve given me some things to think about for Elementalists.

D/D trait question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gokil.2543


Metabattle is nice, but it’s not the be-all and end-all.

The reason most D/D builds don’t use it is because not having perma swiftness is not an option, so they’re forced into 02066. If you have some other means to fill the gaps in fury/swiftness uptime (rune of the pack for example), stone splinters becomes an excellent, if not the best option.

I’m talking from a WvW roaming standpoint. Dropping 2 in arcana is a no-go, and dropping 2 in water won’t allow you to take advantage of the magnificence that is signet of restoration.

[Walk] Elemelentalist

D/D trait question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Its time we update metabattle. But im too lazy. I select gokil

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

D/D trait question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gokil.2543



I added a bunch of stuff We’ll see how much they decide to keep.

[Walk] Elemelentalist