Daze grants 20% tempest defense modifier

Daze grants 20% tempest defense modifier

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gokil.2543


Marginally useful fact of the day. Also re-checked and verified that updraft launch does not.

[Walk] Elemelentalist

Daze grants 20% tempest defense modifier

in Elementalist

Posted by: ApaWanka.2698


What you mean with that?

Sorry, I dont fully understand your point here O.o

Could you explain it little bit more? XD

Daze grants 20% tempest defense modifier

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


i think he means 20% damage.

Daze grants 20% tempest defense modifier

in Elementalist

Posted by: shinta.8906


so thats what saved karl. ty for keep searching for hidden potentials even though..


Daze grants 20% tempest defense modifier

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Yes. Only Knockdown, Stun and Daze will apply the 20% damage bonus modifier.

I’ve pointed out this fact repetitively quite a few times in a long, long past. A fix to Lightning Rod back during the patch that gave Ferocity to Fresh Air had brought the Lightning Rod strike after the disabling effect to have synergy with this 20% mod.

Little did I expect to notice only about 40-50% of the elementalist disables work with that damage modifier. I am pretty sure even the devs aren’t aware of this.

Currently, those nice damage ratios on Warhorn crowd controls (big damage CC) are completely incompatible with Tempest Defense due to being other stuff than Daze, Knockdown or Stun.

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