Dec 10th - Water Trait Changes

Dec 10th - Water Trait Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


I was very happy when arenanet gave a bit of love to us staff ele’s who like to support their friends in battle. But now with the upcoming change on the 10th of december, Arenanet is punishing us for running support by moving around traits.

I understand you want to make sure that people don’t get best results by only putting 10 points in a single traitline. But what you guys are doing is basically punishing those who chooce to dedicate 30 points into a tree (water especially) at the same time as well. Even though you like us to be stronger at support, you also want to punish us for dedicating ourselves in a role by making us exchange a vital trait for a useless one.

Especially the Water Trait tree has to suffer.

Honestly, i don’t think anything was really wrong with the Arcane and Water traits as they are now at the moment. Surely, it’s always nice to have useful traits at adept, but sometimes you can’t put as many points into a tree because you already dedicated into another. But i don’t see anything wrong with that.

My request to Arenanet: Please leave the water traits alone!

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square

Dec 10th - Water Trait Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mephane.8496


Yepp, I am not pleased either. I was ok with the initial batch of proposed changes, but the latest additions effectively destroy half of my build.
I summed up my thoughts about that here in the main thread.

Dec 10th - Water Trait Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: sminkiottone.6972


Agree with you, I love supporting my group, water and arcane are the only important trait lines to me.

I’m ok with Water I – Aquamancer’s Alacrity in master tier ( like any other class )

Dec 10th - Water Trait Changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morelia.6835


Cantrip Mastery moving to Adept more than makes up for Cleansing Water and Aquamancer’s Alacrity moving to Master imo.