Dev: Ele are ok...

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: woeye.2753


Couldn’t agree more. I mean, come on. Be it PvP or PvE or WvW. Play elementalist. Then play another class. How can the developers claim eles are fine? They is just no reward for playing an ele.

It would be ok if the ele was hard to play but also very powerful. But this isn’t the case in GW2. Neither in PvP nor in PvE. To get the best results one has to play the dumbest builds out there. How can anyone call this “balance”?

This has been the case for more than one year now. I guess in order to fix those things it would take a lot of work. Simply tweaking some numbers won’t do it. ANet would have to change even some core mechanics.

This, however, is not going to happen. Too much of an investment. And ANet has told us many times that they simply do not have the resources.

Which is really sad. So much potential wasted.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


They really don’t need to change all that much. Just give daggers more damage (now that their survivability has been nerfed a ton), change the arcane skills to something useful, reduce the cooldown of our utils, and increase scepter auto-attack a little bit. However, we need more damage on our skills, that is the main thing. Given the survivability we have, we should be doing damage close to a thief auto-attack rather than the least damage on our auto.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


This, however, is not going to happen. Too much of an investment. And ANet has told us many times that they simply do not have the resources.

Nothing to do with resources, they just simply dont care. Just think where this game would be if it didnt have a gem store but Pay monthly instead. You can bet all these issues would be getting worked on due to fear of losing customers.

At this point, they have enough people in PvE wasting money on pointless crap in the gemstore to have no interest in balancing the game as it would not bring them any money, money is the ONLY thing they care about.

Sure you can say they are a business and thats what businesses do, well they should also want to keep the customers happy, this clearly isnt happening either.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Ele was top class for wvw roaming back in december. The thing is, if they brought that version of ele here now it would be on par with others now.

Bad Elementalist

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grove.2835


^ I remember an old state of the game from last Nov or so. The Devs talking about nerfing the bunker ele but mostly bringing up other classes to a similar level. Well now that they have brought up other classes, its about time to buff or revert some of the nerfs to ele that gutted the class to the weak pot of doo it is today.
I’d like to see how that build would do today against some of the other classes “op” builds out there now. Even if they reverted all those nerfs the bunker ele will prob not come out on top and will be a predictable boring play.

(edited by Grove.2835)

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fortus.6175


I dont know why do I keep coming back to ele subforum, perhaps since I played religiously for a year, perhaps because deep down they are still my favorite class. It pains me seeing said class having to eat the dust, when many people like would like to play a truly magical class in a magical world and feel powerful.

The class has so much potential, all other classes bore me but when it comes to getting things done, I have learned (almost by classical conditioning, FORCED conditioning) that for the right job you need the right tool, and eles just do not cut it anymore, in fact, the way I played ele NEVER cut. You see, I played exclusively staff, it wasnt until recently that it got some buffs, but before then we received all the nerfs that were intended to D/D and make our job near impossible.

Can you believe that the most iconic weapon of a magical class, the staff, is something that you almost call moronic to use outside WvW walls? So much wasted potential, so much of it…

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Even if they reversed all the nerfs we’ve gotten since beta, we STILL wouldn’t be on par with how other classes are now after all the buffs and changes they’ve received to their skills. We need major buffs. The devs are just too blind/stupid to see that. Either that or they’ve never played an ele outside of sitting safely nestled in a zerg dropping fields and meteors. I’d love to see one of them go around roaming thinking ele is ok and just watch them die constantly or have to run away from most fights, and then not be able to get away and still die anyway. I want to actually be able to roam as a staff ele and not be easier to kill than a rabbit. Whenever I see an ele roaming alone I pretty much jump for joy even if i’m on my upleveled ranger because I know for a fact i’m going to kill them.

(edited by Nikkinella.8254)

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sharpe.1485


If you really want to play elementalist, forget that there’s any PvP in this game. Play PvE and you’ll be happier for it.
Eles are still in a good / okay spot for PvE, so go have fun with that.
Just abandon all hope that the ele will eventually get balanced for PvP, it won’t. It would require radical changes that I’m sure no company would be willing to take out of beta stages.

Also, all this talk of eles being OP in the past – you are delusional.
Eles were OP bunkers, couldn’t die even with 2 folks hammering on them – BUT we wouldn’t kill anyone that had the slightest clue what they were doing either. Was that fine? No, but it certaily wasn’t the faceroll necro, ranger, warr that we have/had for months now.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Ele bunker in the past is NOTHING compared to warrior or ranger bunker now. And unlike our past bunker build, they can actually do damage and kill people. My combustive shot ticks for about 900. Pin down does about 19k bleed damage. I can stack on bleeds faster than people can cure them. I drop people nearly as fast as some zerker builds and my warrior has WAY more survivability and mobility than bunker ele ever had. It takes 10 or more people beating on me to drop me. I can take a nap in enemy siege and not die while I regen all the damage. And ele is OP? wtf is the balance team smoking? Wish they’d share some of it with us.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


If you really want to play elementalist, forget that there’s any PvP in this game. Play PvE and you’ll be happier for it.

Alas, that isn`t an option for some of us.
I`m a PvPest, I find PvE beyond tedious.
I`ve done a whole three dungeons in this game, Arah, to get rid of that green crap top right (see sig), Arah story again to help someone met in game & CoF to help someone else get their legendary.
Within seconds of being in there, I`m thinking this is too basic, no surprises such as players jumping in to try to kill us etc

Eles were OP bunkers, couldn’t die even with 2 folks hammering on them – BUT we wouldn’t kill anyone that had the slightest clue what they were doing either. Was that fine?

Oddly, yes that was fine.

That is the whole point of being a tank, to survive more then what the average can do to you. Yet idiotnet fail to realise this.
Guardian can still tank extremely well, so can warrior, engie & even ranger.

Even now I`ve had as many as four players chasing me all around the border map (yesterday several times) & they`ve not killed me because of the usual noobish not stun/immobilising me even once or when they do, they`ve already blown cds at completely wrong times, just because they`re off of cd (my favourite is the usual rangers trapping/rooting you & then using their knockback to free you almost instantly just because it is off of cd lol).

What should`ve happened is that the devs should of watched the youtube crap, played their own game &/or watched some stream, then they`d realise they should`ve told the noobs that couldn`t kill Ele “equip stun/immob` uttils/weapons you dumb kitten” & that would more then likely of fixed things, rather then whack-a-mole nerfing one build & therefore nerfing every other build along with it.

Phew, rant against the dumb devs over.
Back to my other games

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: woeye.2753


Nothing to do with resources, they just simply dont care. Just think where this game would be if it didnt have a gem store but Pay monthly instead. You can bet all these issues would be getting worked on due to fear of losing customers.

At this point, they have enough people in PvE wasting money on pointless crap in the gemstore to have no interest in balancing the game as it would not bring them any money, money is the ONLY thing they care about.

Sure you can say they are a business and thats what businesses do, well they should also want to keep the customers happy, this clearly isnt happening either.

Oh, I am pretty sure there are many people inside ANet who care a lot. But they can’t address all those things because management doesn’t let them.

And ANet’s management primary aim is to make money, you’re right. I can only guess that the gem store doesn’t generate enough money to pay the bills for the amount of developers it would take to fix all those bugs.

I cannot speak for the US. But in Europe artists/content creators are generally way more cheaper than software developers.

But I agree with you: in the long run it will hurt the game if it takes forever to fix bugs or implement much needed features.

However, we all know that management rarely cares about long-time issues. It’s all about quarterly results.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Poll listed on spvp forums:


Dervish is more op then ele.
Says it all lol

Warrior worries discussion started two days ago, gets a reply almost instantly.
Nice to see ele worries get ignored for months….

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

(edited by Fishbait.6723)

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Well the majority of ele players are only here till a better game comes out. We just have nothing else to do at the moment which is the only reason why we’re still hoping they fix things. They have until EQnext and the English version of PSO2 is out before I get tired of it and just throw in the towel and move on to a game with a balance team that hopefully has atleast half a brain between them all. I’ve kind of given up hope though since they’re extremely biased when it comes to balancing the game. One of the devs mains a warrior and the other was walking around on a necro before. Oh and look which 2 classes are the current super OP kings of the game right now! GASP How shocking! Such a coincidence!

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: DanteZero.9736


Ele, ranger, and engineer are nowhere near okay. In fact, these three classes are seemingly underwhelming and are in need of buffs or changes (from what I’ve observed). Staff eles need work, ele focus skills need a little bit more attention, and of course, the traits.

Seriously, why allow a minor grandmaster trait deal 5% more damage to burning enemies when there is another minor trait that does the EXACT SAME THING??

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


One more thing I would like to point out:

Ele GM trait in air tempest defense (shocking aura on cc, + 20% damage vs stunned/kd foes) gives a +20% damage increase to stunned/kd foes (which is very hard for us to achieve. The aura is worthless as 1-2 hits by anyone kills us anyway.

Warrior ADEPT level trait unsuspecting foe: +50% crit damage vs. stunned foes. This gives about a 37% increase in DPS, on a class that can stun foes like it is nothing, and already has insane damage scaling on its abilities.

How is this fair?

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: woeye.2753


How it is fair? Because warriors big guys in awesome armor wearing kick kitten weapons.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


It is fair because devs play warriors. Nobody on the balance team cares about making us anything more than minimally viable. Just give up…

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


It always comes down to simple fact that eles can chian up things too much, or have too many skills if you will.

Because we can do a big damage chains if we build like that, they need to bring our damage down, and then we canĀ“t deal damage similiar to other professions without throwing in those big long skill chains that take advantage of every little boost from traits.
We can heal and remove conditions like no tomorrow, so they have to bring that down, so we can only get similiar results to other professions by using every source of healing and condi removal available to us on top of taking full advantage of our surroundings.
We can get mobility from amny sources, so they had to bring it down and now we need to use even our elites to be on par with others.

Basicly as the famously versatile ele, we have to build to extremes towards bunker and burst to get half decent results in any category….so much for that versatility eh…

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


Nothing to do with resources, they just simply dont care. Just think where this game would be if it didnt have a gem store but Pay monthly instead. You can bet all these issues would be getting worked on due to fear of losing customers.

At this point, they have enough people in PvE wasting money on pointless crap in the gemstore to have no interest in balancing the game as it would not bring them any money, money is the ONLY thing they care about.

Sure you can say they are a business and thats what businesses do, well they should also want to keep the customers happy, this clearly isnt happening either.

Oh, I am pretty sure there are many people inside ANet who care a lot. But they can’t address all those things because management doesn’t let them.

And ANet’s management primary aim is to make money, you’re right. I can only guess that the gem store doesn’t generate enough money to pay the bills for the amount of developers it would take to fix all those bugs.

I cannot speak for the US. But in Europe artists/content creators are generally way more cheaper than software developers.

But I agree with you: in the long run it will hurt the game if it takes forever to fix bugs or implement much needed features.

However, we all know that management rarely cares about long-time issues. It’s all about quarterly results.

You two should have matching tinfoil hats.

ANet has always been a super slow developer when it comes to balance changes. Anyone who played GW1 for any length of time knows this. Most of their slow to react development style has to deal with them basing their original game pretty heavily around competition and the constantly shifting and emerging “meta” game that players come up with to get an advantage (be it PvP or PvE).

You can see this in the very class we play. It took them forever to slowly pull apart and nerf the Elementalist while people raged for months about Bunker Eles. It wasn’t one fell swoop and Elementalists became the sad state they were today, it was over the course of multiple patches and months. Even then when you look at the current criticism of the Elementalists and it’s never, “I’m unable to perform because XYZ” but instead “Look at this other class, it’s so much stronger than me!” The later has never inspired class changes in any game ever.

ANet isn’t afraid to do complete and total overhauls of their classes when it’s needed. Look at the way they gutted the Dervish class mechanics in GW1. Look at the huge Elementalist buffs in GW1 against armored targets. If it’s needed here I’m sure we’ll get it, but only after they’ve let us exhaust every possible build option and small tweaks just won’t get the job done.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ian Kennedy.4563

Ian Kennedy.4563

1) Kodiak you are probably the most intelligent person on this forum page
2)Nikinella: We get that you played ele first, we get that you know it left, right, up, down, and every other direction known to man. Good for you, i do too, quit comparing it to the warrior and then bragging about warrior prowess, cause no one cares.
3) Read Kodiak’s post about options then shut up and pick one, this whining is pointless.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ian Kennedy.4563

Ian Kennedy.4563

Well the majority of ele players are only here till a better game comes out. We just have nothing else to do at the moment which is the only reason why we’re still hoping they fix things. They have until EQnext and the English version of PSO2 is out before I get tired of it and just throw in the towel and move on to a game with a balance team that hopefully has atleast half a brain between them all. I’ve kind of given up hope though since they’re extremely biased when it comes to balancing the game. One of the devs mains a warrior and the other was walking around on a necro before. Oh and look which 2 classes are the current super OP kings of the game right now! GASP How shocking! Such a coincidence!

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ian Kennedy.4563

Ian Kennedy.4563

Perhaps it is a coincidence Mr. Sarcasm, you know maybe some ele’s just play the profession because, despite everything that has been done to it, they enjoy it.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


3) Read Kodiak’s post about options then shut up and pick one, this whining is pointless.

Unfortunantely this is the internet, and itĀ“s been shown time and time again that vocal and constant whining makes things happen (see mass effect and xbone debacles) where rational conversation is just easy to ignore.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: silvermember.8941


1) Kodiak you are probably the most intelligent person on this forum page
2)Nikinella: We get that you played ele first, we get that you know it left, right, up, down, and every other direction known to man. Good for you, i do too, quit comparing it to the warrior and then bragging about warrior prowess, cause no one cares.
3) Read Kodiak’s post about options then shut up and pick one, this whining is pointless.

1. What Kodiak said is true, but what he did not say is that it took an EXTREMELY LONG time for them to do an overhaul of the class, by that time it was done, the game was on downwards spiral. What make this different from guild wars 1, is the fact that Anet supposedly wants to make this an esport, so there is a certain urgency when compared to 1. So if a classes are not up to par, some are extremely stronger, some the AI does most of the work for you then there is a problem (beyond the scope of this topic).
2. I agree, him claiming other elementalist feel the same way is as him is extremely hyperbole and serves no purpose. The truth is players are going to leave whenever a new MMO comes out, they isn’t anything inheriently wrong with it. People are going to get bored and move on, personally after dumping 1000 hours here something new and different is going to be a nice change of pace.
3. Complaining about someone complaining is the same complaining.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: silvermember.8941


3) Read Kodiak’s post about options then shut up and pick one, this whining is pointless.

Unfortunantely this is the internet, and itĀ“s been shown time and time again that vocal and constant whining makes things happen (see mass effect and xbone debacles) where rational conversation is just easy to ignore.

As a playstation fan, I wish the xbox had stuck to its guns and fail, there by making the ps4 the lead platform for all multi-platform games.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: zencow.3651


Tbh Fresh Air ele is quite strong in spvp.

Compared to a thief you are less effective at killing someone and are less likely to survive, and probably can never win a decent opponent in 1v1 but the trade-off is you are better at killing downed targets and you can potentially down a ganged up target faster than a thief can.

So in a way the devs are correct to some extent and I’d be happy if they nerfed the op profession down. Though they’re probably never going to nerf warriors anytime soon, since high damage, high survivability, high mobility, lots of hard CC and condition immunity between Zerker Stance, Sig of Stamina and Cleasing Ire without ways to counter them is clearly the way warriors should be as intended.

Quasi-elitist dungeoneer and missing Gw1 GvGs greatly.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198


Are the devs serious? Please bring me a dev who plays ele and I will play him with each of the other 7 classes to show him how bad ele is right now…

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


The class has been a failed concept from the “getgo” if you ask me. It is to different from the rest of the field and thus to hard for the developers to work with, so they ignore it.

I would trade my max lvl Elementalist for ANY other class in this game right now. I hate her that much.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


The class has been a failed concept from the “getgo” if you ask me. It is to different from the rest of the field and thus to hard for the developers to work with, so they ignore it.

I would trade my max lvl Elementalist for ANY other class in this game right now. I hate her that much.

Honestly with the sheer lack of vertical progression I don’t understand why it’s so hard to reroll. I’ve deleted four level 80s at this point for various reasons (2 of which same class for entire purpose of changing race). The only significant investment is a Legendary.

My most recent guy was rerolling my Mesmer from a Human into a Charr. I basically leveled up to 16 doing hearts and then said screw it and bought the rest of my levels by leveling up jewelcrafting, cooking, tailoring, leather, armor, artificer and weaponsmith. This cost me (based on what I already had gathered) around 20g tops (probably cost more now cause of new ascended crafting). Even then it’s really not hard to level and you could easily level to 60 and then just max out Cooking and a bit of Jewelcrafting to hit 80 pretty kitten fast with even less investment.

At 80 I immediately began to run Fractals to start that progression up to level 10. This way after 20 days of dailies and Fractals (L2 and L10 every day) I would have an Ascended Neck (Laurels + WvW), Back (Relics, 100 a day) and 2 Rings (Pristines). I also ran COE/COF for Zerker armor, SE for Knight’s Armor and weapons I mostly crafted working on 500 weaponsmith/artificer.

If you’re concerned about the alt paying for itself never fear as currently (as of 9/9) the prices on things like ancient wood are so high that the 24 (or more) you collect each day on the new toon (not counting the 30 odd Ori) will more than pay for itself over the course of those 20 days as well.

There is a way. Do you have the will?

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fortus.6175


I just cant get away from it though, regardless of how inneffective and powerless I feel, the gameplay, the flashiness, it is so catchy, so good for the eye! If only knowing im not a drag to my team could mend it!

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Erebus.7568


the forever question is why an ele player have to be 2 times as rl skilled then any other class to archieve the same -.- the logic behind this is complete bullkitten and utterly game breaking, add to that the the ele cant even reach the very top and its just sad

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Erebus.7568


Well the majority of ele players are only here till a better game comes out. We just have nothing else to do at the moment which is the only reason why we’re still hoping they fix things. They have until EQnext and the English version of PSO2 is out before I get tired of it and just throw in the towel and move on to a game with a balance team that hopefully has atleast half a brain between them all. I’ve kind of given up hope though since they’re extremely biased when it comes to balancing the game. One of the devs mains a warrior and the other was walking around on a necro before. Oh and look which 2 classes are the current super OP kings of the game right now! GASP How shocking! Such a coincidence!

this is extremely true.
personally i am just waiting for eqnext or wildstar, unless they seriously fix the ele on all sides (not just D/D -.-) i won’t ever touch gw2 and only have bad things to say about their balance after that :/ sad sad anet

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


I’m new to this forum. I think ele just has a low health-pool. Other than that, I don’t have any problems. 2 Bugs I do have a problem with are the ride the lighning and #3 of dagger in fire. What are the other disadvantages?

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chorazin.4107


Eles are rubbish, we replaced our Eles in our small man roam with Warriors and havnt looked back. What is the point of this class, badge donation?

Even hard hitting Zerker warriors are packing 20khp’s, heavy armour and a signet that ticks for over 400hp’s a second. Add to this the best mobility in the game with bulls charge, rush and whirl to chase down people running from the 3-4 earthshaker warriors and decent condi meta mitigation with dogged march, melandru, lemongrass backed by a friendly Pure of Voice/healway guardian. And of course Warriors have access to stability as well, the 2 classes arnt even in the same league.

They could just unerf everything and Eles may be viable, but probably not.

[lion]~ riperonis

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Narosian.2465


My sole reason for not playing my elementalist is being tissue paper can take more of a beating than she can. I’m not surprised no one wants to play one. They seem to have taken the notion that make types should be more fragile than others to the extreme.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Well the majority of ele players are only here till a better game comes out. We just have nothing else to do at the moment which is the only reason why we’re still hoping they fix things. They have until EQnext and the English version of PSO2 is out before I get tired of it and just throw in the towel and move on to a game with a balance team that hopefully has atleast half a brain between them all. I’ve kind of given up hope though since they’re extremely biased when it comes to balancing the game. One of the devs mains a warrior and the other was walking around on a necro before. Oh and look which 2 classes are the current super OP kings of the game right now! GASP How shocking! Such a coincidence!

this is extremely true.
personally i am just waiting for eqnext or wildstar, unless they seriously fix the ele on all sides (not just D/D -.-) i won’t ever touch gw2 and only have bad things to say about their balance after that :/ sad sad anet

I don’t claim to know your taste, EQnext I got no idea, wildstar I would be a little wary if I was you. Take it for whatever it means.

I waiting for blade and soul CN beta. It might be chinese and I can’t speak or read it but it will be different enought to hold me till november 25.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fortus.6175


this still makes me sad…

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wraistlin.6072


They really don’t need to change all that much. Just give daggers more damage (now that their survivability has been nerfed a ton), change the arcane skills to something useful, reduce the cooldown of our utils, and increase scepter auto-attack a little bit. However, we need more damage on our skills, that is the main thing. Given the survivability we have, we should be doing damage close to a thief auto-attack rather than the least damage on our auto.

Yeah, this and/or increase our base health.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Melody Cross.8465

Melody Cross.8465

A few corrections.

Eles do NOT have the lowest health pool. Guardians do
Eles Do have the lowest armor rate. This is a fact they share with Mesmer and Necromancer. I fail to see the point except that you point out that eles are casters.
Eles do NOT have the lowest single point DOT in the game. I would argue that is the engineer. they also do not have the lowest AoE DOT. I would again argue engi.

My two cents: I do not believe it is the first 5 skills on any ele bar that require more than a few tweaks. Its the utility skills that need love. Or, more specifically, its the utility skills that haven’t GOTTEN any love that need some love. If everyone is running 30 in Arcana, it should say something to Anet when few arcana spells regularly make it on an ele’s bar. Sigil passives are…unimpressive, and the cost of activating them largely negates the benefits of using them in the first place…

I’ll reserve judgment on weapon skills until I see what is in store for the next update. healing skills, however…does anyone actually carry Glyph for anything other than the run buff.

I just cant get away from it though, regardless of how inneffective and powerless I feel, the gameplay, the flashiness, it is so catchy, so good for the eye! If only knowing im not a drag to my team could mend it!

Okay, Melody Smash.

Anyone complaining of me “dragging my team down” had better site SPECIFIC examples of how when I roll an ele and if you get the feeling others are treating you this way, you better ask them why. It is the closest character to the GW2 monk of any class I’ve played. With proper situation awareness, the high heal over time (when specced for it) or considerable damage over time mean this character is one of the three main characters I play out of all the maxed characters I have. Yes, it could use more love and less nerfhammer from Anet. I have hope they plan to do just that in coming updates in the form of updates to traits and utility skills. But NOT to make the class more powerful. To make it more versatile.

(edited by Melody Cross.8465)

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Eles, guardian and thief have the same health pool.
Lol @ trying to make corrections.
Eles Signet passives are fine “umimpressive” relative to what? Everyones signets passive basically do the exact same thing and Signets passives were already buffed across the board. This cannot be real tea.

The great forum duppy.

(edited by ensoriki.5789)

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chaosky.5276


Eles do NOT have the lowest health pool. Guardians do

I’ll never understand why people argue these things before checking the wiki to be sure they’re right.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Galtrix.7369


No offense, but you all need to learn to play. Instead of looking up supposedly “good” builds to use for your Elementalist, make up your own and see how good you can be. Seriously though, all you’re doing is wasting your time looking at builds that you probably will suck with. I just made an amazing staff build with absolute fantastic survivability and damage in about 5 minutes. I will not share that build for fear of it being nerfed, but just know that there are viable builds that you can make yourself.

[~Galtrix~] [~Level 80 Elementalist~] [~GoM~]

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Or for fear of it not existing?

Good luck if it works, but staff is kittene, everybody & their dog knows it.

Post footage instead.

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chaosky.5276


I just made an amazing staff build with absolute fantastic survivability and damage in about 5 minutes.

Something like Dire gear with Conjure Ice Bow and Glyph of Storms? No one’s saying the staff isn’t good in groups. Try it in a 1v1 and get back to us.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Galtrix.7369


I just made an amazing staff build with absolute fantastic survivability and damage in about 5 minutes.

Something like Dire gear with Conjure Ice Bow and Glyph of Storms? No one’s saying the staff isn’t good in groups. Try it in a 1v1 and get back to us.

I have, and it’s still amazing. They don’t stand in the aoe as often as npcs, but it still works.

[~Galtrix~] [~Level 80 Elementalist~] [~GoM~]

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: style.6173


What I don’t get is why they don’t just keep the nerfs to spvp only. That is the only area in the game where ele was ever a problem. It has always been incredibly underpowered in PvE and WvW. It could bunker decently in WvW, but so can EVERY other class if they spec for it. Why was ele singled out and nerfed into oblivion when they already had the lowest health, armor, and damage to begin with? And we just keep getting weaker with every patch. Keep the nerfs just to spvp and stop destroying the class in other parts of the game for those of us who never bother with spvp anyway.

Lolol. Underpowered in WvW? It was the MOST OP class for a long time there.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chaosky.5276


Something like Dire gear with Conjure Ice Bow and Glyph of Storms? No one’s saying the staff isn’t good in groups. Try it in a 1v1 and get back to us.

I have, and it’s still amazing. They don’t stand in the aoe as often as npcs, but it still works.

I have to admit, I have a tough time believing that you were fighting competent players.
I find that as long as I’m not stunned or immobilized (and Shockwave is so slow that I’m not gonna get hit by it outside of melee range), dodging Eruption is absurdly easy to do. It even provides a visual cue for when it goes off, unlike Churning Earth, so you don’t need to memorize the timing.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jason.9643


What I don’t get is why they don’t just keep the nerfs to spvp only. That is the only area in the game where ele was ever a problem. It has always been incredibly underpowered in PvE and WvW. It could bunker decently in WvW, but so can EVERY other class if they spec for it. Why was ele singled out and nerfed into oblivion when they already had the lowest health, armor, and damage to begin with? And we just keep getting weaker with every patch. Keep the nerfs just to spvp and stop destroying the class in other parts of the game for those of us who never bother with spvp anyway.

Lolol. Underpowered in WvW? It was the MOST OP class for a long time there.

how is ele OP?

Maybe good at aoe tagging and providing water/ lightning fields – but i dont see how that is OP.

how good is ele imo:
survivability = medium (only beating mesmer imo)
dps = low (i cant think of a lower dps profession)
1v1 = low (has some good control with d/d, but thats it – staff, etc doesnt work)
wvw = medium (nice fields, and good long range tagging, dont expect to kill anything)

most of my hours spent on ele – sure, i can win 1v1 if opponent is very trashy and doesnt flee on low hp. but mostly its easy to beat ele. it is pretty much impossible to kill a good guardian/ warrior/ thief/ ranger in any build of ele – unless i push them off a cliff with tornado maybe, but a good opponent wont stick around for that…

i seriously played staff full time and try to make it work in spvp/ wvw – pve is fine, no dps meters means no stress anyway, but its often clear im lowest dps as staff. in spvp/ wvw, staff ele can only operate in zerg (who cant?) or vs poor players (again, who cant?).

then i rolled necro – to realize it melts everyone’s faces. beating >1 opponent (1v2) in spvp/ wvw is very common – yesterday as necro, i simultaneously did 1v2 nonstop for at least 3 rounds without a chance to heal (6 counts of kill), on land, and later in water – the win sure feels good.

i alternate around my lv80s – and in order of preference/ fun factor – here is my ranking now –
1. necro > melt faces, while tanky as hell.
2. eng > fun as hell with guns, bombs, rockets..
3. ele > effects look great, cant deny that – maybe that’s anet’s way of ‘balancing’ population.
4. guardian > impossible to kill. one of best contributors to parties.
5. mesmer > very nice tricks and totally new gameplay, and best troller in pvp
6. thkittentealth is fun, but not my style i suppose..
7. war > strong but, way too common/ cheesy for my taste.
8. ranger > fun with pets, but i need more pretty animations in a fantasy mmo. best but cheesy autoattack lol.

if i reccomend a change – i would suggest to double ele staff dps. that would work fine.

Dev: Ele are ok...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zevlik.8109


I’d have to agree that Ele’s aren’t on par with others. I agree that it takes more skill to not only properly put out damage but to even build one. I spend several hours just tweaking my builds trying to squeeze out a little extra in every area. I feel like when I did something with success on my Ele it wasn’t because the class was buffed to the gills with extra things or damage. I have to say overall I like playing one I think the abilities are pretty cool and the concept is a good one. It just requires some tweaks as there’s definitely a problem when I have to hit 20 buttons to do the same thing a warrior can do in 3-4 (exaggeration).

Now having said that I’d fully accept having combat weapon swapping for extra utility (and more button pressing) to make up for our lack of damage in favor of more combo’s =). If they have no intention of fixing our issues this might be a nice bone to throw us…

Yeah I opened that can alright…

~ Zev
Dark Covenant (SBI)