Devs' tunnel vision

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Skye.4983


I think the devs got a tunnel vision on nerfing the elementalists while working on this recent patch. The changes to Mist Form, Ride the Lightning and giving the ability to steal TWO boons to thieves makes it abundantly clear to me.

Lets take the Flanking Strike/Larcenous Strike move for example. I think splitting it up into two moves was a great idea but then what were they thinking when they made Larcenous strike steal two boons? They were thinking about elementalists and perhaps guardians. Thats all. They weren’t thinking about how a thief with that one weapon ability can mess up a warrior or a ranger using their elites Signet of Rage or Rampage as One. Each one is an elite skill and they provide three boons to the users. A thief can use a weapon skill that costs 4 initiative total to steal two of those boons, essentially making a joke of that elite. If they were thinking about balance at all, they would have kept it at one boon, but no, they were trying to give the thieves the ability to strip an elementalists boons away, and 1 at at time wasn’t quick enough for their liking. Apparently it never occurred to them that a thief can use that move on other professions as well.

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Especially with that new Molten Facility dungeon. Did you see the tunnel at the start? Definitely tunnel vision.

Kidding side though, yeah I think they might roll back some of these changes. The change to ride the lightning especially is one of those things that destroys a lot of ways in which lots of players enjoy playing their class. It felt like some of these changes were made specifically to address a few pvp unbalances… which in the bigger scheme of things affects those professions badly across the whole board.

Its the same thing with the necromancer, where they buffed some things, but they didn’t fix any of the things that are desperately needed. Such as: Minions picking their nose most of the time, the downstate of necros, and most of the traits not working as intended. Not to mention the missing deflection skills and lack of stability skills. Yeah I suppose a buff is more welcome than a nerf… but couldn’t they have addressed some of the really serious issues?

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Windwalker.2047


LOL Balance.
That is all.

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dante.1508


If other classes got buffs and overhauls the game Devs wouldn’t need to nerf everything, but sadly nerfing is a lot easier and faster to do.

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


the worst part is that they didnt split RTL. In fact, they havent split any skills since they first did it to guardians.

the RTL nerf was clearly aimed only at PvP, but now PvE’rs suffer too.

So much for learning from their gw1 experience <.<

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dragsooth.4071


the worst part is that they didnt split RTL. In fact, they havent split any skills since they first did it to guardians.

the RTL nerf was clearly aimed only at PvP, but now PvE’rs suffer too.

So much for learning from their gw1 experience <.<

Yeah, Anet’s a joke :c


Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Just want to say, as a thief who uses s/d, that I do use the new larc strike on more than guardians and eles… I see engis as mobile boon stations now… It’s also fun to be kitted by a Ranger, catch up and stealhis regen and swiftness and killing it Thanks to it’s own buffs. (Depending on how good said Ranger is) point of this post? Sure it helps with eles and guardians a good deal, but it has useful situations against any profession really.

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ptolomy.6984


Those nerfs were only justified and kinda kitten balanced for the d/d bunkers.
Every other build or weapon set got nerfed for pretty much no reason

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kurow.6973


Those nerfs were only justified and kinda kitten balanced for the d/d bunkers.
Every other build or weapon set got nerfed for pretty much no reason

Get real! Seriously…get real!

If ele is not your forte…ie: you are useless with these nerfs, then play a different class.

Ele hasn’t changed one bit for me…and I don’t just play d/d bunker. Your excuse for being bad at your class is not a valid excuse for opposing the nerfs.

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ptolomy.6984


lol i never said that those nerfs affected me. not because nothing has changed for you means that those changes are justified. there are other eles who are trying to keep themselves together with their unique build.
And not because some one has other opinion then you do means that they are bad as an ele.

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kurow.6973


lol i never said that those nerfs affected me. not because nothing has changed for you means that those changes are justified. there are other eles who are trying to keep themselves together with their unique build.
And not because some one has other opinion then you do means that they are bad as an ele.

2 skills doesn’t ruin the class, nor any possible build that could involve the 2 skills…especially the specific changes that were implemented.

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fox Soul.4809

Fox Soul.4809

But remember! devs want that all classes have at leat TWO balanced builds!!

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ptolomy.6984


lol i never said that those nerfs affected me. not because nothing has changed for you means that those changes are justified. there are other eles who are trying to keep themselves together with their unique build.
And not because some one has other opinion then you do means that they are bad as an ele.

2 skills doesn’t ruin the class, nor any possible build that could involve the 2 skills…especially the specific changes that were implemented.

I never said that the class was ruined. also didnt say it ruined other builds. it only affects them negatively while getting nothing reliable back in return.
Anet promised to make more options viable for elementalists but until now it only got reduced. Its not those 2 skills that will ruin the class but it is the nerfs every patch constantly reducing our options.

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


well ill tell you what. besides the RTL and Mist healing changes…something else is wrong. Either that or every other classed got buffed. Because my zerker tele churn build was amazing and even with 13k hp i lasted till the end of every wvw engagement.

Now…i get hit twice and i die. and my damage seems…limp

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Devs' tunnel vision

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wryog.5073


But remember! devs want that all classes have at leat TWO balanced builds!!

0/10/0/30/30 D/D and 0/0/10/30/30 D/D. There. 2 builds :P

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold