Discover how condition works
I am posting this on all classes b/c I feel the need to share that the world is not flat
You know, interestingly enough, the world being flat was never a mainstream view, and has only had at most a slight following at any point in time, the reason being that pretty much any significant measurement you make with regards to the stars or distances over the earth will immediately reveal that the earth is not, in fat, flat. Despite popular legend and what your second-grade teacher may have told you, even Columbus wasn’t trying to prove the world was round, because that was already a well-known, accepted fact at that time.
In fact, the idea that the earth might be flat didn’t even arise until the 18th century (if I remember correctly), when some slightly crazy man decided it was despite every test he ever made proving that it was not. He gained somewhat of a cult following, which has since declined to the point of nonexistence.
Very tangential, but just sort of an interesting thing.
That thread is garbage, full of misinformation. Eles, we can disregard.
OP, you state that conditions do not overlap. That is false. When a mob has 25 stacks of bleed for example, GW2 prioritizes the ones that do the most damage and applies those. The system constantly reanalyzes the conditions and was once believed to be a reason for system lag in large boss fights because of the computing overhead.
Your linked post, which you created, uses as an example a thief and a necro, arguably the two best condition dealers because of the number of different conditions that can be applied. Eles have two and those skills are very useful for entirely different reasons. Your thief and necro have 1200 and 1400 condition damage respectively. Put that on an ele and you have seriously damaged the power and/or precision which affects the majority of our skills’ damage. That’s not to say condition damage is useless on an ele, although most I think would say it is useless lol.
I didn’t get much further in your post, sorry.