Do condition builds work?
Sorta, it’s not hugely viable, but I’ve seen other people do it fairly successfully. I try using S/F with the new dire gear that recently came out but I haven’t had a ton of success with it, in fact it seems like a lot of condi builds on other classes seem weak right now too, so maybe it’s just the meta, but you can certainly try it for yourself and find out.
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald
With glyph of elemental power activated in fire, and autoattack in earth scepter, you can deal a great amount of damage over time.
You have to stay in earth to deal damage, and if you need to switch to defend yourself, you are locked away from your main damage for 10 seconds or more.
There is just no self defense without locking yourself out of your main damage for a huge amount of time, and the low base health also makes things worse.
I actually have a much easier time with guardian condition builds. No kidding.
I’m a bit new and really love earth as a whole, love the skills etc, like the others a bit too but I was wanting to make an earth condition build. Would this work at all?
no, you can definately play an ele who kills with conditions (might i add probably the best build ive found so far), but youre looking at it the wrong way.
things you need-
6 perplexity runes
dagger mainhand, focus or dagger offhand.
doom sigil
15 in earth (atleast, if not, more)
all 4 attunements.
The idea is to start out in earth OR fire, personally i do earth. i start with #3 to immob then i switch to fire for drakes breath. then quickly switch out of fire and into water or air to apply cover conditions. Ie, (weakness, shocking aura for confusion, vuln from water #1 and chill from water#3) use your interrupts to apply confusion and poison will naturally come as you switch attunes. then you have to 3 confusion stacks to proc as youre hitting your enemy with the runes as well.
Not really. For soloing PvE bosses or arena fights, etc, yes, but not really for general play or pvp.
What game slayer said. Not as successful in spvp do to lack of confusion and overall condition damage
Bad Elementalist
Condi ele is heavily dependant on Runes of Perp + WvW imbalance to succeed i.e. once it gets nerfed you will end up with a bunch of useless gear.
In sPvP you can’t maintain big bleeds/burning that well on a single target, let alone on multiple targets, while trying to survive and outlive the opponent – which is in turn contradictory to applying conditions, whenever you dodge (which you have to do alot more as an ele than other classes) or switch to water you set yourself back and set the fight to your opponent’s favor and your survival is contradictory to solely applying condis.
I personally find condi guardian to be more powerful and much more ‘viable’ in sPvP than condi ele, partially due to guardians being able to handle carrion gear better.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”
Condi ele is heavily dependant on Runes of Perp + WvW imbalance to succeed i.e. once it gets nerfed you will end up with a bunch of useless gear.
In sPvP you can’t maintain big bleeds/burning that well on a single target, let alone on multiple targets, while trying to survive and outlive the opponent – which is in turn contradictory to applying conditions, whenever you dodge (which you have to do alot more as an ele than other classes) or switch to water you set yourself back and set the fight to your opponent’s favor and your survival is contradictory to solely applying condis.
I personally find condi guardian to be more powerful and much more ‘viable’ in sPvP than condi ele, partially due to guardians being able to handle carrion gear better.
Have you even tried the build? Even if the runes are nerfed it will still be really decent. The elementalist does not have much of a condi spam, but it can consistently reapply conditions which, imo, is how every condition build accept for necro should be.
Bad Elementalist
Condi ele is heavily dependant on Runes of Perp + WvW imbalance to succeed i.e. once it gets nerfed you will end up with a bunch of useless gear.
In sPvP you can’t maintain big bleeds/burning that well on a single target, let alone on multiple targets, while trying to survive and outlive the opponent – which is in turn contradictory to applying conditions, whenever you dodge (which you have to do alot more as an ele than other classes) or switch to water you set yourself back and set the fight to your opponent’s favor and your survival is contradictory to solely applying condis.
I personally find condi guardian to be more powerful and much more ‘viable’ in sPvP than condi ele, partially due to guardians being able to handle carrion gear better.
Have you even tried the build? Even if the runes are nerfed it will still be really decent. The elementalist does not have much of a condi spam, but it can consistently reapply conditions which, imo, is how every condition build accept for necro should be.
I have, and I found it lacking. I have to agree it’s alot stronger than pvt+cleric approach where non-glass people can simply ignore you entirely but then:
When you play a S/S + LB condi warrior, who can cleanse better, tank more damage, can run away, and can consistently apply/re-apply torment and bleeds along with their burning (combustive shot + stronger bowstrings trait bug exploit is ~9+ second burning that can be reapplied every 5 seconds, savage leaping to get fire-shield also can also cover this 5 second downtime) without breaking a stride and dominate anyone swiftly, and then you play the awkward condi ele, the difference ‘viability’ is like day and night.
And as compared to a weapon-burn guardian that’s hilarious to play when all you have to do is sit the sword+hammer weapons on someone to repeatedly apply 2 second burns that makes it uncleansable and all you have to do is spam blinds and blocks and /dance in your symbols for retal and heal, the amount of effort you have to put into condi ele is too much to have comic value.
Shaman Amulet D/D ele DID use to be funny in sPvP and Team Paradigm’s ele also recommended it. But that was before Signet of Restoration nerfs and healing power scaling nerfs killed our survivability, buffs to condition applying to other classes giving them better damage with condi builds and Cleansing Ire came along to give warriors, but after such changes it’s just no longer fun.
When I play condi ele now it just feels like I’m trying too hard to enjoy myself, and it’s especially frustrating when I switch out of fire they cleanse the burn passively (Rangers and Guardians) or with Cleansing Ire on a 7.5 second cool-down and I have to wait 10+ seconds to switch back to fire to burn again. GoEP is strong, RNG is RNG and won’t apply burning as consistently as you’d like it to.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”
PvE? Use the broke runes.
SPvP? You can maintain pretty much perma burning, and apply poison and bleeding fairly frequently but I wouldn’t say it’s a beast. Keep it for teh hot-joins
However Condi ele is the future.
Viva teh condi ele (until it gets buffed, I find it broken, hate it, and flame Anet).