Dragon's Tooth aftercast

Dragon's Tooth aftercast

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


I am literally astonished that no one has mentioned the insane aftercast Dragon’s Tooth has on scepter.
For those who don’t know: dragon tooth has an insane aftercast and dodging or using an ability, will cancel the Dragon’s Tooth, even after the skill cast bar (the orange/yellow bar indicating the skill cast duration when you cast a skill) shows that you have completed casting the skill. This is tremendously annoying in an environment that forces you to keep moving or dodging (WvW/PvP), yet anet has done nothing about it. Dunno if they are even aware of it.

Dragon’s Tooth already has pretty bad damage relative to it’s cast time and reliability of the skill hitting, but I’d rather see the skill get reduced aftercast than getting its damage buffed.

Such an annoying thing ruins the amazing fluidity that is Scepter on ele and is easy to fix. I just hope a developer reads this and sees this simple opportunity to fix scepter.

(edited by Tomiyou.3790)

Dragon's Tooth aftercast

in Elementalist

Posted by: Glenstorm.4059


Agreed. It’s beyond frustrating to see DR do nothing if you dodge or are CC’d after casting the skill.

Scepter in general was ignored this patch, when it is arguably the weapon most in need of QoL changes (auto-attacks need to have cast times and aftercasts shaved, SHATTERSTONE needs to be usable, Dust Devil could be a little faster.)

Fear the might of SHATTERSTONE.

Dragon's Tooth aftercast

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


agree. The cast time od dragon tooth should be very short (1/4) so it can be used as fire and forget AE denial. Will hardly hit but not stopp the fluidity. That would at least be my sollution to it and not difficult to implement.