Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.
Scepter – fire #2 skill.
It’s probably the hardest skill to successfully land in game, on your desired target (pvp-wise).
(And even if you do it, it’s not that rewarding)
The fact that this ability has no ground targeting like most aoe’s, plays a big part on the difficulty of landing it.
Would it be unbalanced if it had ground targeting? :|
What’s the reasoning behind having it the way it is?
id prefer to see a -pvp specific- damage buff for it; so the payoff for actually landing it was worth it
I find it a bit funny that people only suggest Ground Targeting for it. Personally, I think it would be interesting to see it Home on the target instead. Maybe that would be a bit too good then, but it certainly would be interesting. I mostly play with staff on pve so I can’t really comment on what would and wouldn’t be balance. But I do understand how useless it is now.
Idk, I’d rather take an indirect buff (QoL as they call it) and give it ground targeting instead of going for damage changes or other sort of straightforward buffs.
ele’s don’t need buffs atm. don’t want more QQ lol (I admit they’re quite hard to face right now)
I would rather it wasn’t made into a ground targeting spell. Also I dont see how making it one would help much. The problem is the animation takes too long, making it easy to dodge. Speed up the animation a little so it hits faster.
Making it gt would mean the world.You coud directly use it as a blast on fields without needing an enemy to pass on them.You could use it for direct zoning and for area control.You could save a few of the landing sec by aiming it in advance to where the enemy goes..for exampl if he uses a leap on you use it on yourself and see THEN if he can avoid(leaps are on autopilot in the game and you cant stop them :P)
Pls anet give us a gift to make the upcoming nerf less ..painful..
Making it gt would mean the world.You coud directly use it as a blast on fields without needing an enemy to pass on them.You could use it for direct zoning and for area control.You could save a few of the landing sec by aiming it in advance to where the enemy goes..for exampl if he uses a leap on you use it on yourself and see THEN if he can avoid(leaps are on autopilot in the game and you cant stop them :P)
Pls anet give us a gift to make the upcoming nerf less ..painful..
Scepter has a skill that does all those things it’s called Phoenix. If area control is your thing i would suggest trying staff for either ele or necro, both are very good at this. They both have ground targeting blast finishers also in eruption and putrid mark.
One reason I use scepter over staff is because i did not like all the ground targeting. I just didn’t enjoy that playstyle. Since we have a weapon that does what your asking for better, I see no reason to start changing scepter into it.
If you go full glass cannon this skill is best used against downed foes to prevent them from quickly getting healed. Thats about it other then no targeting / camera targeting it and hoping it goes where you want it.
Dragon’s Tooth now follows your target. That would work I think
It’d be too powerful if it tracked the target :p
That would actually be pretty fun to animate.
Don’t use Scepter
Don’t use Scepter
People are putting forth suggestions to improve dragon’s tooth. You don’t like scepter, that’s fine, but some people do like to use it, and that’s fine too. Isn’t it better for ANet to improve other builds, instead of “Don’t use scepter”?
+1 for the suggestion
very strong indirect buff for skilled ppl
Something that I think would be fun and relevant to s/d builds because of all the blast finishers -
a new Earth master trait : blast finishers have a chance to raise a dust cloud around the targeted area, blinding foes (or some similar condition).
- would help dragon’s tooth by having an effect that would be worth while even if it misses, same with all of the delayed casts that the scepter has
- would help move builds away from water by blinding instead of healing to survive
(edited by Jason.7310)
Dragon’s tooth works well as a melee skill in melee range. You are essentially dropping it on yourself, inside the ring of fire or example. It is going to hit whoever you are in melee range with if you stay close. Ring of fire, Dragons tooth, Phoenix skill chain is alot of aoe on the caster’s location as well as blast finisher. You don’t have to wait for the annimation for Dragons tooth to finish. I my experience players are so happy to have the elementalist in melee range they won’t leave to avoid it.
Scepter and Focus need a lot of love
I find it a bit funny that people only suggest Ground Targeting for it. Personally, I think it would be interesting to see it Home on the target instead. Maybe that would be a bit too good then, but it certainly would be interesting. I mostly play with staff on pve so I can’t really comment on what would and wouldn’t be balance. But I do understand how useless it is now.
having the tooth follow the target would NOT be overpowered so long as you could still prevent it landing by dodging as it went off.
it hangs there for 3 seconds.
surely it doesn’t take a ludicrous amount of skill to count to 3 and hit dodge.
I don’t know if making it ground-targeted would help all that much – just look at Shatterstone.
Ground target wont solve anything. DT should land instantly or completely rebuild.
At some point, the devs are going to address the issues with Elementalist’s Scepter skills. And when that occurs, I believe the very first thing thast wll be looked at will be Fire skill 2, Dragon’s Tooth.
But please God (and Devs), don’t make Dragons Tooth ground-targeted, simply reduce the animation time a little bit.
Please Devs, do not add another GT skill to this weapon set.
Besides, reducing the hovering animation time would correct what everyone hates about this skill in it being too easy to run/dodge away from. In effect, reducing the hovering animation time would not be adding yet another ground-targeted skill while still allowing the possibilty of people being able to avoid the attack if they react quickly enough.
While this skill needs to be adjusted, I ask, just please, nothing drastic.
(edited by Ision.3207)
If they are going to buff it, it should also require LoS similar to how mesmer Berserker was fixed.
It just shouldn’t have a charging time. You cast it and it immediately falls to the ground with no more than a 1 second delay. If it’s ground targeted, then perhaps change phoenix to no longer be ground targeted and you simply push the button and the phoenix erupts from the target and flies back to you hitting everything on its way.
I don’t like the idea of it being ground targeted simply because it would make using a second ground targeted ability (phoenix) right behind it a little difficult to get used to as I don’t think any other attunement or weapon has 2 damage ground targeted attacks, does it? Haven’t played ele in awhile so don’t recall off hand.
And speaking of phoenix, this thing needs to move much more quickly too as it and dragon’s tooth make scepter all but useless in PvP because you need to line them up with a daze/snare which are in short supply for scepter/dagger as the knockdowns will just have them dodge roll with plenty of time to spare out of harms way.
I find it a bit funny that people only suggest Ground Targeting for it. Personally, I think it would be interesting to see it Home on the target instead. Maybe that would be a bit too good then, but it certainly would be interesting. I mostly play with staff on pve so I can’t really comment on what would and wouldn’t be balance. But I do understand how useless it is now.
having the tooth follow the target would NOT be overpowered so long as you could still prevent it landing by dodging as it went off.
it hangs there for 3 seconds.
surely it doesn’t take a ludicrous amount of skill to count to 3 and hit dodge.
apparently it takes more skill than half of WvW players have; i could understand if they ran out and i LF’d to them – thats just because they’re unfamiliar with ele – but most just run around in my churning earth circle
- wouldnt be OP though
As an elementalist who actually uses scepter a lot, no way to making dragon tooth ground target. That would be even worse, to take the time to actually target it, only have it to miss because it takes so long to go off. Fix is just to shorten the time it takes to land.
Also, with shatterstone, it does so little damage, I wish it was a targeted pb aoe. Something like it makes a chuck of ice attach to your target like a karka hatchling, and then it explodes after x amount of time, and does the aoe damage around the target’s area. The target could dodge roll the shatterstone off or move away from others to minimize it’s ae effect.
(edited by Diy.5296)
I DISAGREE with this idea. dragon tooth is fine the way it is.
it is the only scepter skill of fire i like. it is fine the way it is now.
It doesn’t really need ground targeting. It just needs the animation to be about a quarter as long. However, ground targeting would still be better than what we currently have, which is an attack that is almost impossible to land on a skilled player. Making it track targets would be very OP if the cooldown and damage didn’t get nerfed. Truthfully, the only options are either giving it ground targeting or shortening the animation.
It’s perfect the way it is. Stop trying to mess with it. You guys don’t know how good we have it with dragon’s tooth as it is right now.
@people saying skilled players never get hit:
There isn’t a cut off line where if someone is skilled enough, they become impervious to all damage. If you find your opponents are too good to be hit with dragon’s tooth, you got to up your game. There are sooo many ways to make dragon’s tooth a near guaranteed hit. Notice how it is on a 6 second cooldown? Guess what? That means you’re not supposed to hit every single time!
D tooth is similar to hundred blades. they don’t balance hundred blades around the fact that it does 100k damage every 30 seconds if a warrior hits every single hit. They balance it on the fact that a 100b combo is difficult and rare to pull off and that a warrior will almost never get off a full 100b on an enemy.
It’d be too powerful if it tracked the target :p
Like Heart Seeker or Steal?
To be honest, during my stint as playing SnF + SnD ele for 3 months, the dragon tooth was so unreliable in wvw that i didnt even bother with it.
Ground targeting would be nice so I could easily get that 3 might stacks off the combo field in both pvp and pve.
D tooth is similar to hundred blades. they don’t balance hundred blades around the fact that it does 100k damage every 30 seconds if a warrior hits every single hit. They balance it on the fact that a 100b combo is difficult and rare to pull off and that a warrior will almost never get off a full 100b on an enemy.
Designing skills to miss a majority of the time is pretty much a textbook case of bad game design. At least 100b can do partial damage – DT sits there for seconds before doing full or zero damage – you can literally walk out of the blast radius, no need to dodge.
(edited by scerevisiae.1972)
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