Ele LF Constructive criticism [PvP vid sample included]

Ele LF Constructive criticism [PvP vid sample included]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kevin.7281


There’s a sample clip of my current play. Looking for some advice from more experienced Ele PvPers. I know double daggers isn’t exactly the best choice of weaponset when coming up against equally skilled opponents on a different class but I really want to make this playstyle work even if it’s mediocre at best.

I know it’s kittening myself but having fun as double dagger is more important to me than just playing staff or rerolling class.

By the way is it possible to embed youtube clips on this forum?

Ele LF Constructive criticism [PvP vid sample included]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aralaz.4365


If you can post your full build (including sigils, runes, jewels) we can probably be more help.

Also, maybe try a video in sPvP so we can get a better feel with a more level playing field.

Going with what I saw, you might want to consider trying to get some combos going, to stack up a bit of might. When you opened up at the beginning of the video you go from fire to earth but didn’t drop Fire 4 to get the might from Earth 4 that you then used. You can also go right into Earth 5 and then either get some more might or use teleport to land it if they run out of the blast. That sort of thing.

Ele LF Constructive criticism [PvP vid sample included]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Belazor.6379


I never realised Earth 4 and 5 as D/D were combo finishers. I feel like a tool now xD

Thanks Ara

Fillip / Belazor / Ilyxia
Founder & Programming Director, DragonByte Technologies Ltd.

Ele LF Constructive criticism [PvP vid sample included]

in Elementalist

Posted by: KogarasuMaru.7036


Lol that warrior was too busy trying to turn around half the time. I like D/D myself, fun is a big factor. That mist form stomp would have gone off, if you started the stomp first. I would also suggest doing this in spvp.

Ele LF Constructive criticism [PvP vid sample included]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Loco.4561


At times you seemed to just be mashing buttons, with no actual thought to what you are doing, sorry if that seems harsh but that’s what it looks like, especially when you look at the way your keybinds are being mashed and the hammering sound of the keys lol

And you switch attunements way to quickly, if you had used proper rotations against those 3 players, you would have won a lot easier and faster. I have to comment on them though, you seemed to have found 3 of the worst PvPer’s ever OR they are newly rolled alts and are all sub level 10.

So basically, slow down a bit, think about chaining your skills more effectively and as someone else has stated, using combo fields for additional might stacks.

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

Ele LF Constructive criticism [PvP vid sample included]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


PvP in wvw is kinda meh imo. Especially vs non level 80 players.
I think you should make an spvp vid and show us . You’re obviously not a bad player from what I saw but still.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Ele LF Constructive criticism [PvP vid sample included]

in Elementalist

Posted by: daphoenix.4283


I noticed your too trigger happy when swapping attunements. You should utilize your major CD skills from each attunement from switching most of the time.

At 0:58 you could’ve popped earth 2 out
1:03 wouldve been better for fire 4
1:23 pop fire 4, dodge and pop fire 3 to get a better angle
1:25 you pressed fire5 before fire4 was cast, and they didn’t have burning on them
Pop skill 4 in water more often. I use zephyr’s boon so it grants me swiftness and vigor
1:40 you completely ignored all of your earth skills
2:00, you shouldve retreated further back popped earth 5 and teleport
2:11 swap attunement to earth while performing finishing blow to get 33% dmg reduction
2:16-2:19 missed fire skill 3 and ignored most of those spells. Fire deals more damage than earth
2:25 you need to pop air2 asap to get weakness on them to mitigate dmg
2:30 you canceled your heal cone way too early
2:44 at least use fire2 on him and fire5 b4 swapping attunements
2:58 you swapped off your fire2 too early. Fire2 has some of the highest DPS in your arsenal

you barely use teleport, you may want to consider arcane blast or arcane shield instead

Excala, Expert Elementalist
Fort Aspenwood [EXC]

Ele LF Constructive criticism [PvP vid sample included]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kevin.7281


Thanks guys, all this is great!

I was a bit nervous being outnumbered and you probably saw that seep through into my gameplay.

I’m a happy chap now though. You’ve all given me great feedback and it’s great to have a constructive conversation. I’ll be sure to work on all your tips over the next few days and post the results in an SPvP situation!

Edit: It sucks playing at 200-300 ping (I’m Aussie) I guess if anything, I have to develop an internal sort of timer in my head that keeps a running check on all the cooldowns in various attunements. It’d be so much easier if they gave us training wheels and displayed categorized timers for all the attunements in a little corner somewhere when they’re not our current mode.

(edited by Kevin.7281)