Ele - OP survivability now

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Fire – Blinding ashes – AOE blinding for 5s when you burn someone (5s cooldown) – OP
Earth – Stone heart – Can’t be critically hit while attuned to earth – OOOOOPPP

LOL the game just got real. Eles are back with a vengence


This is straight from the ready up stream btw

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: posthumecaver.6473


Arcana GM is more OP I think, Retailation, Protection, Vigor, Protection only of EA would be master kitten nnnnn…..

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: juno.1840


These are survivability improvements but they are not OP by any stretch of the imagination.

Stone Heart keeps you alive longer in a PvP/WvW situation but you have to stay in Earth (no lingering elements either!). So you are not killing fast and that merely delays the inevitable.

The fire one is quite interesting tbh, but mainly for dagger or high crit builds with the burn on crit trait. It’s a good trait, but not OP.

The Aqua-Benevolence doesn’t impact you, just your allies — so nothing OP about an ele there.

The Arcane GM one looks pretty interesting. It conflicts a bit with Blinding Ashes because it doesn’t work if you don’t get hit. That’s the down side to this one, you must be hit (and ele’s are a bit squishy). There’s also a cooldown and in PvE the mobs swing so slow. Lastly to maximize your value you have to time your attunement with the hits. So it’s almost like boon “noise” as opposed to really skillful play.

The Air trait looks very good with the interrupt, vulnerability, and small lightning strike.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vash Past.4385

Vash Past.4385

“Elementalists are multi-faceted spellcasters that channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.”
Quoted from GW2 main page at launch.
Do I think these buff could make Ele more likely to survive? Surely. Is that what Ele needed? Not. Really. Ele has always been squishy n high damage in past, I don’t understand why they keep moving away from that. If you spec for damage as needed to actually kill someone in PvP, you still can’t trait these anyways.
Also, Guardian master of Burning? REALLY? How is the Master of Fire not the Master of Fire?!!! There is no viable burning build in PvP, and there should be. Last time I posted this, someone argued, but then agreed it couldn’t be done in PvP and wouldn’t face me with Condi Ele build.

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fanta.8049


don’t say OP yet ,look at thief new traits . may we need to testing few weeks ,find out a new meta build ,everybody use it ,then we can OP later .

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nageth.5648


I can see how the new arcana trait could be useful in certain situations to improve survivability. The fire one is kind of meh. There are more reliable ways to apply blind. They keep adding interesting stuff to earth but I haven’t found a good way to build them into anything. They’re like good first drafts but no real synergy. The air one is a joke. And water will likely be ignored because condition removal is way more powerful than the increase to healing.

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Solo.9027


Stone Heart keeps you alive longer in a PvP/WvW situation but you have to stay in Earth (no lingering elements either!). So you are not killing fast and that merely delays the inevitable.

Considered using conjure and sitting in earth attunement?

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


It’s not op, everyone other class is getting a damage increase except eles. We will just die slower perhaps thanks to the blindness.

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Mesmers get regen when invulnerable now, but our healing in mist form was nerfed…

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nageth.5648


It’s not op, everyone other class is getting a damage increase except eles. We will just die slower perhaps thanks to the blindness.

This, everyone seems to be forgetting the overall difference between professions. Ele is not being massively buffed.

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Blindish Ash is finally a decent grandmaster fire trait to take. Will definitely be taking this on my PvE fire/earth condi-bunker ele. And yes that build is as awful as it sounds, but its fun, and so long as 99% of PvE content requires nothing but dodge uptime it doesn’t matter what build I take unless I’m aiming for speed.

Stone heart is going to be as frequently used as Diamond Skin, almost not at all. They are horribly thought out traits, completely binary, useless against some builds and amazing against others with no control in the Eles hands. What fun is there in picking a trait, no matter how powerful it may be, if your opponent gets to decide whether it actually applies or not?

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liewec.2896


thief already have spammable AoE blind that is applied every second so i’m not worried about eles getting a single blind with an internal 5 second cooldown that is only applied when you apply burning.

as for the “crit immune” trait, its only in earth attunement which makes the ele pretty weak, and eles also have the least health and armour of all classes, i don’t think this trait is worthwhile at all unless eles play some sort of dedicated earth condi build.

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyon.9735


If the ICD of Blinding Ashes is per target, I’d be really excited for it. It’s so easy to apply burning if you put 30 points in it regardless of the weapon set you use. Attack or get attacked, you can inflict burning on your enemies. I’d even suggest taking Signet of Fire (20s CD and deals decent burning damage) for the extra burn/blind proc. You can also take Fire’s Embrace for an extra Fire Aura which leads to more burns and blinds. You get a natural form of defense in a full offensive trait line.

Flame Barrier – 20% chance to burn your enemy when you’re attacked in melee when attuned to fire.
Burning Precision – 30% chance to burn your enemy when you crit.

One of the best things they can do is to buff Arcane Precision. 10% chance to apply conditions on critical hits is very Meh for a Minor GM trait.

(edited by Kyon.9735)

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Delloro.9873


I am really excited for Stone Heart. I think it will help a lot with all the backstab thieves.
Theif goes stealth? Just pop earth and you wont be 2 shotted!

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


Just when i ditched my ele for the dhuumfire necro……

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Ele - OP survivability now

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zoid.2568


No, not OP. Ele needed it.