Ele Vulnerability

Ele Vulnerability

in Elementalist

Posted by: mrauls.6519


In sPvP

What are signs an ele is weak (low on cds or passives)?

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Ele Vulnerability

in Elementalist

Posted by: Salamander.2504


Ele is in the downstate.


Just kidding, great topic and I too await an answer.

Ele Vulnerability

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


They aren’t cleansing chill quickly anymore. Usually a water overload can tell you that they spammed everything else or close to it. Probably the best time to focus an ele imo is right after a failed water overload.

Bad Elementalist

Ele Vulnerability

in Elementalist

Posted by: K THEN.5162

K THEN.5162

If it’s a DD ele survive/dodge their ride the lightning into updraft into burning speed and ring of fire into fire grab combo and after that the only threatening spell they have left is earthquake which is easily avoidable.

Elementally Challenged Asuran Roamer

Ele Vulnerability

in Elementalist

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Weakness of…ele? in pvp? ..really?….I strongly doubt there will be a pvp scene at all in GW2 next year

Ele Vulnerability

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


When the ele is low in health and tries to disengage/get distance. But he might only need a few seconds till one important CD is back and he will rejoin…. Its often a matter of not even a second if i am down or heal/support the party for the win. The best option is moa or condi bomb/corrupt me at least twice …. If you try power damage with projectiles its hopeless …
Ah and CC works if chained. A single CC is mostly ignored/broken.
Funny part: A good warrior is a total threat. Lots of CC and damage. Just its rare …
I have most problems with condi mesmer and reaper. All other are at least even fights that might last endless.
Ele is not overpowerd. Its moved to a classic support. It´s discussabe if such a support(healer) fits GW2. I prefer a more offensive ele that can support but not only by healing.

(edited by Wolfric.9380)

Ele Vulnerability

in Elementalist

Posted by: GLOR.2489


ELementalist weak signs:
—> when start to run form you. You have to cc him and kill him.
—> No stab, the actual Ele has overloads (which break stun) but no stab (only the overload in earth).
—>Put chill afther a healing /dispel phase.
—>If he put his overoad of earth wait out of that and dont dps him(perma protection + bledding).
—> If he use his overload of air, interrupt him by cc him.

PS: the best way to kill a off-tank in this game (engineer, ranger, elementalist and sometimes necromancer) is to burst them HARD and FAST. You can burst then with conditions damages or power. (If ou play mesmer or necro you can have both of them thats why they can kill an ele more “easely” than others classes)

see you.