Ele good for roaming in wvw?

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Quinlanp.1308


Looking for a new roaming class I’m thinking of leveling an ele or a ranger (wvw). I want damage 1vX and mobility. Help please!

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


Ele isn´t all that strong atm, doable, but not strong. Ranger is strong.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nageth.5648


I would avoid the meme of “[prof whose forum you’re in] is weak, [other prof] is strong”.

It really depends on what you’re doing. 1vX and mobility isn’t exactly a detailed explanation of what you’re going for.

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


1vx roaming in wvw with mobility is rather well defined.
Ele isn´t perfect candidate for that job atm, used to be but not anymore.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


I would avoid the meme of “[prof whose forum you’re in] is weak, [other prof] is strong”.

It really depends on what you’re doing. 1vX and mobility isn’t exactly a detailed explanation of what you’re going for.

No, he’s right. Ele is weak, rangers are strong.

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nageth.5648


Anyone care to provide more detail rather than glib one liners? This thread is about as informative as a rigged magic 8 ball.

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: AtoBoss.2906


Anyone care to provide more detail rather than glib one liners? This thread is about as informative as a rigged magic 8 ball.

Says the dude who creates a thread with 2 lines.
- Damage 1vX mobility. Staff ele. Ele bad. Ranger good. End.
- You want more info. Go watch 1 hr vid. Youtube. End.


Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dalo.3941


I’m still roaming with my Ele in WvWvW. Used to play D/D for a long time, recently went to S/D burst spec because I got bored of the same spec for months. Still having allot fun, though the build I’m using now isn’t quite good for solo play, more for small scale group roaming.

If you want to solo just go with the old D/D bunker spec and use a bit more offensive gear, if you’re a decent player you won’t have any trouble doing 1vX in WvWvW.

Just be prepared for playing on alts every now and then because the choice of viable builds for an Elementalist very limited and can get very boring sometimes.

Ele – COG – Gandara

(edited by Dalo.3941)

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Minoru.1237


No. Don’t roam as an ele. You need a babysitter if you roam at all. You will get destroyed by a decent player running any of the following:

1. Stun lock wars that have higher armor than you, more passive healing, more stuns than you have stun breaks, and more mobility.

2. Chain fear necros with signet of spite.

3. S/D thieves that you won’t be able to get close to.

4. Perplexity Engineers.

5. Worst of all: the currently popular heavy stealth condi mes roaming builds used by Riot and OPP on BG and other roamers on JQ in T1. You will be burning, have 12 bleeds and 12 stacks of confusion on you, stunned, and unable to target your enemy. You will neither have enough condi removal nor sustain to outlive them, and they have about 2900 armor rating, meaning that you won’t be able to burst them down even if you do target them.

Ele is in a terrible position atm. Don’t roam unless you have a babysitter with you.

(edited by Minoru.1237)

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dalo.3941


Lol, don’t listen to the above here. You’ll be fine if you’re not one of those fotm lovers that only started playing Ele when it was god mode.

Ele – COG – Gandara

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Minoru.1237


Maybe if you’re in lower – mid tiered WvW servers like Gandara where you can pick and choose your fights more freely. In the higher tiers the lack of mobility becomes more apparent. In any case, please come roam in NA T1. I’d love to see how you fare against the above mentioned builds.

(edited by Minoru.1237)

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jae.9682


One of oPP’s co-gm’s is a roaming ele. Just saying:


Jae Sun, Jae of Arc, Jae Kal, Jae Khan, Jae Barka, Jae Hemingway
Original Member of Blackgate.
Member of HB.

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Minoru.1237


He doesn’t roam solo. Not that I’ve seen. He is babysat. I’ve also beaten him 1v1 on my ele, so I know exactly what he is capable of. If I were to get on my condi mes and 1v1 with him, it just wouldn’t even be fair. I’m not saying I’m a good player. And I think melanin is all right. It’s just that I think roaming solo on ele is ill-advised atm because other professions have stronger builds.

I’d love to solo roam on ele again since it is my main. But every time I go out as an ele I know that I’ll get focused by Slynn or some OPP team or a few wars and thieves from RIOT, and Ele just doesn’t have enough escape to deal with that. Currently, mesmer is a much more forgiving and effective class for me.

(edited by Minoru.1237)

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jae.9682


He roams solo all the time. But yes, he often has friends. I put the site there cuz he has a blog and goes into the strengths and weaknesses of roaming with an ele, and some funny as hell videos.

Jae Sun, Jae of Arc, Jae Kal, Jae Khan, Jae Barka, Jae Hemingway
Original Member of Blackgate.
Member of HB.

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dalo.3941


Maybe if you’re in lower – mid tiered WvW servers like Gandara where you can pick and choose your fights more freely. In the higher tiers the lack of mobility becomes more apparent. In any case, please come roam in NA T1. I’d love to see how you fare against the above mentioned builds.

I used to be in T1-2 for months before I went to Gandara. Quite funny actually I just had a few duels before the servers shut down, 2 of them being against the necro and warrior build you mentioned. Wasn’t easy but I won all duels.

Against those builds it’s all about saving your condi removal and stunbreaks till you really need them. Experience goes allot further then builds.

Ele – COG – Gandara

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Raven.9603


I roam on both ranger and ele (and thief, and engi, and guardian, and necro). Ranger and ele see the most play though. At the moment, I’d say both are perfectly capable solo roamers but the ranger is definitely less of a headache. Ele takes time to build might stacks, and relies on water availability for most heals and condition clears. No access to poison, and reliable snares are really only found using GoE, which will cost a precious utility slot. In comparisson, the ranger doesnt require might stacks, regens and cleanses without regard for attunement, has access to cripple on auto attack and poison on short cd, and is far more durable in general (health/armor/protection/stability/regen uptime all blow ele out of the water).

This is a link to the thread that describes my build (with build link): https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/ranger/Rate-my-bunker-The-Annoying-Ranger/first#post2570076

Its a much-improved version of Exploits Melee Ranger build, if you like his style, give this a shot. Found here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfEWpvAlu68&feature=share&list=UUusZTm3ghTzw5NlotflM2Ew
This adds perma regen/swiftness/protection/fury, turns RaO into 40sec long stability buff and keeps pet just as tough as full BM (through natures buff sharing). Replace the 2 lower level water runes with Superior Runes of Traveler for boon duration (they didnt exist when i first made the build).

Disclaimer: Condition specs are significantly stronger for dueling, but come at a mobility sacrifice. Recommend swapping TU for HS against mesmers, lightening reflexes for the new Sic’ Em anti-stealth mechanic against thieves.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mbelch.9028


I roam solo as an ele, along with groups when I can.

So does Out of Attunement and Bad Elementalist. (We’re all Mag)

Ele is viable as hell. Its biggest problem is the current meta (Which I think is kind of shifting) and inexperience. You literally need to be flawless to win the 2-3v1s I usually see. I don’t win them all, but I win some.

It is a lot EASIER to play other classes, but I find nothing more gratifying than landing 6-8k burning speeds while maintaining 1.65k toughness and 16.5k health.

Half of roaming IMO is showing the two people you’re going to whoop them, they begin to run and even if you really would have lost, they lose.

-Nex, [FEAR] Elementalist

Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nomin.5901


It seems like all of these people are trying to roam with a staff :P. But Honestly, any class that can move fast is a fine choice. You are mixed in with Pros with full ascended and lvl 1 noobs. Either way you are going to win and lose some fights no matter what profession you play. Now, ele has a much higher skill cap than ranger atm so that is a variable. But if you are running certain builds, you can 1 shot a unsuspecting player, mist stop, and RTL out of there in seconds.

Here is a amazing D/D roaming build. It takes practice with might stacking, but once you get that down, you are golden ^-^ http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fEAQJAoYhMmmbnxygjDAkHm4CLiCPUeMTO2A-j0DBYgAYjgkIgUBAJfCiZPKrlhRs6KZlXBVXDT5K1qYCRGxYWzDp2gGSGA9xA-w

(sorry for the long link…im not good with all this formatting stuff :P)

You can check out Intigo on YouTube, he is a ele who WvW roams an is pretty good. As well as well as Jester in RIOT.



Ele good for roaming in wvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


I don’t want to sound like a fanboy, but I really think lava axe fixes any mobility issues, of course at the expense of a different valuable utility slot. It is actually better for escapes than FGS, because it can be cast while moving. It can also be used to stack might, but that is a worse option.

I really think that you will have a better time roaming as something else regardless. You don’t have the poison necessary to take down high-regen warriors (and don’t heal as much either, nor do as much damage), you don’t have the burst of a thief/mesmer, you don’t have perplexity to abuse like most engies, and you don’t have the tankiness of the ranger.

You will really have to outplay all your opponents with the current state of the ele.

If you are going to roam, I would suggest either 0/15/10/15/30 (good sustained damage, decent burst), 0/20/20/0/30 (better burst, worse sustain, but better performance vs. cc), or 0/0/20/20/30 (most sustain and team support).