Ele in WWW trains

Ele in WWW trains

in Elementalist

Posted by: paleeshi.1924


Yes, you are correct about the traits. I only have 34% base crit, but you probably have more zerker pieces than me. I also use beryl orbs in my knight’s gear. But mostly I’m at 40%+ crit chance anyways with buffs.

Ele in WWW trains

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


I run D/D most times when I am zerging I put dat staff on change food curry butternut get the crit damage up to 88 crit damage (celestial stats I was wrong about you and apologize) Lay some cc spells and when the opportunity is present Meteor shower into tornado to watch 8k-10k hits and lulz. After that is finished switch back to laying CC.

This is running 0/10/0/30/30 and just swapping traits on the fly. When I know I am going staff for a while I run 0/30/0/20/20 which will probably change to 0/30/10/20/10 after 10 december patch.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Ele in WWW trains

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


For zerg /gvg trains , spam AOEs , aoe heals, aoe dodges , e4 , e2 , a3, a2, f3,f4,f5,w3,w4,w5 and go powerful aura in arcane line. However the most powerful singlie spell is e5 plus LF when you need to bomb.

Also most DnD eles are required to go clear the side and back lines of those pesky staff eles. Yes u can run with the train but u should focus more on free casters. Remember, DnD eles can tolerate a theif attack while slaughtering the backline and if worried, just LF in the opposite direction.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Ele in WWW trains

in Elementalist

Posted by: paleeshi.1924


I just wanted post this video. He’s running valkyrie gear with zerker jewelry. Nice use of Tornado to get DPS boost on meteor shower. Never really thought of that.. Anyway, I’m kinda starting to agree with what Mochann said earlier.

Ele in WWW trains

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cheese Strike Us.6719

Cheese Strike Us.6719

nice vid. but i think he’s focussing too much on Precision. his base is 63% an in tornado 99% if he would use the power bufffood he could get at leat 200attack more and would just loose about 12% critical hit rate…… which i would say is nothing.
and if he doens’t want that then i would say let the fire signet out 54% base rate is enough and he will stay at 99% in tornado. he could switch it for frostbow or lightning flash. and if that isn’T enough he plays with sigil of perception….. Crit rate overkill. go for bloodlust.

Ele in WWW trains

in Elementalist

Posted by: tdopun.7439


D/D only for me, in both roaming and zerg. My focus in zerg though is not to charge in with the group, but to focus all my efforts on the back line of whoever we’re fighting. Usually I’ll pull off to the side and flank the ranged group. It pulls their attention off our zerg and causes them to really try to stay away from me. You’d be surprised at how many staff ele’s hate close combat.

Fat Lootz++

Fort Aspenwood – [BLNT]
IGN: Nax The (Pseudo|Gearhead|Paladin|Afk|Plague)