Ele role in everything?!?

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: The Ace.9105

The Ace.9105

So ele is getting facerolled by engis, scrappers, engi damage, engi cc, engi healing, engi sustain, necros, mesmers, thieves, revenants, everything, warrior autoattacks, mesmer pets, thief dodges, chronomancers, dragonhunters, moanado, kids holding lollipops, random cc, slick shoes, condi spam, dude with a broken hand, dude with only 2 fingers and 1 hand, peter the alcoholist and by the first timer Patrick.

What is ele doing currently in the game? It’s one of the weakest classes and specs. Also in pve. No one is gonna use eles anymore (maybe in wvw, just maybe). Everything counters it. Plz do something! Also tempest is useless in pvp.

(edited by The Ace.9105)

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Well, okay. The title seemed promising, but then you went in a different direction. I suppose this could be a troll, but let’s give you the benefit of doubt.

Eles do indeed have a role in everything. They have the lowest hp but I’m not sure what you mean by specs. Eles have arguably the most versatility but with the caveat of requiring more effort to get it right. You can cause considerable damage, you can control the field, you can support your allies, all with much success, if you put the work in.

I also read somewhere that in pvp tournaments, the winners are usually something like 5% in all the other professions and 35% ele (anybody know that source?)
I have no experience of the tempest, but I’ve heard mixed reviews.

I think the most likely answer you’d get to this question is that no profession is arguably significantly better or worse than any other. It comes down to your playing style, your skills and your effort.

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Triflux.8027


Tempest gives us decent amount of AoE damage.. so.. Damage support?

In teamfights you just Overload Air and hope for the best.

I wonder if you can mistform and cast Overloads at the same time..

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sunshine.5014


In teamfights you just Overload Air and hope for the best.

I wonder if you can mistform and cast Overloads at the same time..

No you can’t.

You can’t even swap attunement while casting

Gray out the HP for future condition damage
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Triflux.8027


In teamfights you just Overload Air and hope for the best.

I wonder if you can mistform and cast Overloads at the same time..

No you can’t.

You can’t even swap attunement while casting

It would be great if you can swap attunement, but unfortunately that would make Fresh Air very very op.

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: The Ace.9105

The Ace.9105

The thing is that currently other professions can do everything better than ele so why bother using it?

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: lucadiro.4519


In teamfights you just Overload Air and hope for the best.

I wonder if you can mistform and cast Overloads at the same time..

No you can’t.

You can’t even swap attunement while casting

It would be great if you can swap attunement, but unfortunately that would make Fresh Air very very op.

I think you have forgot that for take tempest AND ari line you can only pick arcana OR water. So I can’t see how can it be so op while begin oneshotted in any team figth


Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eponet.4829


mesmer pets.

…I don’t even think I can attribute this to poor play. It has to be trolling.

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: reapex.8546


The thing is that currently other professions can do everything better than ele so why bother using it?

Que? lol

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

The thing is that currently other professions can do everything better than ele so why bother using it?

You may not mean it, but that sounds a little troll-ish and it doesn’t even make sense.

In short, every profession has its strengths and weaknesses, and its own focus. The focus of the ele is being a jack of all trades. An ele may not exceed some other profession at some particular task, but it can be almost as good and, more importantly, it has the versatility to provide a variety of roles in a variety of situations with the most available skills of any profession (maybe on par with engineer, which I’m not greatly familiar with).

It sounds like you’re coming at this with a pre-conceived bias and you’re looking for confirmation, or just trying to get a rise. Either is a waste of your time and ours. Ultimately, if you’ve tried ele and not enjoyed it, try harder or try something else. I don’t know what else to tell you.

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Neko.9021


Ele is probably the best class in the game still as it is – it has the strongest build in PvP and the highest damage build in PvE.

Though, once the new elite specs come out, and once raids are released, I think the meta will change greatly for both formats.

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: rotten.9753


It kinda starts losing dps race with other professions especially when enemy starts to move or have additional toughness.

After ice bow nerf it’s no longer that strong and tempest won’t help at all in its current form.

Ele role in everything?!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: rotten.9753


Threads like these remind me of Warrior QQ threads of how they couldnt 1 v 3 back when they were OP.

Ele is one of the best (and I am being generous with `one of`) classes in the game and it will continue that way.

On the other hand, this reminds me of the captain of titanic repeating “we’re not sinking” like a mantra.