Ele's need to have 15k base health

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghostly.4162


Title is all, yeah it’s frustrating as all kitten.

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: ZaneStriker.2836


I solo farm Orr and play WvW as a DD ele with 13k hp and have no issue.


Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dynamite.6584


In WvW, Eles just stand on top of towers and nuke below.
And farming Orr is easy if you’re built right.

The main problems are sPvP and dungeons.

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arc.9374


Well thank god you have all this experience killing A.I and undergeared/levelbuffed players amongst zergs to draw upon!

Not that I’m saying extra HP is the answer to Ele’s problem (since I think it’s much more complex than that, and more related to the work:payoff ratio that other classes have by comparison), but doing fine in WvW/PvE doesn’t really mean a thing when dealing with class balance in a closed, team-oriented environment against compatent players of other classes.


Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: ZaneStriker.2836


So why are you posting in the Ele section and complaining when people don’t talk about sPvP?

A lot of the AI in Orr can be quite difficult at times when you have multiple mobs on you and I see plenty of people dying when I don’t. And I play on HoD, as a member of DiE, one of the founding guilds of the Titan Alliance, bro. The enemies we face are not ungeared/underleveled zergs, they are the world champion players of War Machine and Last Pride, they are the relentless hordes of Resonance and Nocturnal, they are the guys who clawed their way up the ladder to the number 1 tier.

I have no idea how hp affects various builds in sPvP. I don’t play it. Doesn’t mean you need to put down someone’s opinion because they don’t play the same way as you.

@Dynamite – DD ele. Not a staff nuker. DD ele.


(edited by ZaneStriker.2836)

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arc.9374


WvW is a numbers game. While class balance has some influence, it’s not as important overall as the co-operation of the server/keeping supply chains up/general strategy/amount of bodies you can put in one place or any number of other myriad factors. Ergo saying you do fine in WvW doesn’t really mean anything. Any class could do fine regardless of how well balanced it was. You have dozens of guys standing beside you to eat damage and deal damage, and, since it’s primarily a numbers game, it wouldn’t really matter that much if you were an Ele or a Necro or a Ranger.

Assuming you’re not terrible, you can pretty much play any reasonably solid build in PvE and find success with it. It’s not really that hard as long as you know what and when to dodge. You’re playing against a machine with a finite amount of variations in it’s actions, which can all be predicted and/or prepared for assuming you manage your surroundings with some skill, and show up with a build robust enough to deal with those actions.

Hence why I personally don’t really consider balance suggestions drawn from these areas of the game with much stock. They’re too abstract to come to any reasonable conclusion on the finer balance details. Gear comes into question. Bodycount/discipline comes into question. Too many external, non-classbalance related factors skew the results one way or the other. That’s not to say they’re worthless opinions or that they’re always wrong, but more to point out that it’s hardly a fair test.


Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Having been instakilled in Crucible of Eternity more times than I can count, while wearing full toughness gear, I can only say…

…yes, that would fix a lot. Even 2k health buff would solve a lot of the problems the Elementalist currently has.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zaor.6085


Ele is a garbage, 10 or 15k in not the problem.

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lazarast.6571


Not just elementalist, all should have same base health.


Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scribbles.7493



Not just elementalist, all should have same base health.



Since all classes are apparently supposed to be able to fill every role in some way or another, applying tiers of health was a pretty stupid decision. Warriors can comfortably go glass-cannon because they have a decent pool of base health. Elementalists are forced into a bunker/support build because they have to jack up their defensive stats in order to survive.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Killyox.3950


No, they do not.


Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Killyox.3950



Not just elementalist, all should have same base health.



Since all classes are apparently supposed to be able to fill every role in some way or another, applying tiers of health was a pretty stupid decision. Warriors can comfortably go glass-cannon because they have a decent pool of base health. Elementalists are forced into a bunker/support build because they have to jack up their defensive stats in order to survive.

filling same roles and being the same is different.

Classes are different and are balanced around base health. It’s fine.

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Having been instakilled in Crucible of Eternity more times than I can count, while wearing full toughness gear, I can only say…

…yes, that would fix a lot. Even 2k health buff would solve a lot of the problems the Elementalist currently has.

No ammount of toughness will help you if you can’t dodge/blind/LOS properly

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: DreadShinobi.4751


@Lazarast, Sure everyone should have the same base hp.

Brb rerolling guardian.

Kiiban -lvl 80 Elementalist
Sacaen -lvl 80 Warrior

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634



No ammount of toughness will help you if you can’t dodge/blind/LOS properly

I can do those things well, thank you very much. If I can dodge 9 out of 10 times, it’d be nice if stacking toughness and earth magic would save me the 10th time. But apparently that’s asking too much.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: SblatHUN.6025


Maybe buff a little on ele/thief/ranger hp and nerf a little on guardian/warrior/mesmer?
(just around 300-1000)

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


Brb rerolling guardian.

Maybe buff a little on ele/thief/ranger hp and nerf a little on guardian/warrior/mesmer?
(just around 300-1000)

You guys know that Guardians have as low base HPs as Eles, right?!

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: DreadShinobi.4751


@DesertRose, you missed the joke. Lazarast was saying everyone should have the same hp, which would make guardians incredibly OP, as right now they’re the most durable class while still in the lowest tier of hp. HP isn’t the only thing that constitutes survivability rating.

Now if only they would fix the the quote button not appearing.

Kiiban -lvl 80 Elementalist
Sacaen -lvl 80 Warrior

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: Voltic.6912


I’ll agree just because I’m tired of jumping off cliffs following other players and dying when they don’t

Ele's need to have 15k base health

in Elementalist

Posted by: uncleb.5267


or a equipment repair npc pet.