Ele - support or damage dealer?

Ele - support or damage dealer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


What’s in your personal opinion best out of the two for:

1. PvE – Dungeons. (Or do you people call it Fractals here? – I’m still learning.)

2. PvP / WvW

Since I am asking for your personal opinion I am aware that there are many varieties and in the end it’s what I’ll choose in accordance to my favorite playing style, but since I still consider myself sort-of new to the game, I am wondering what do YOU fellow Eles enjoy most and what equipment sets AND traits you chose for yourself and in which situations and of course why you prefer to do it like that.

Just looking for input from elder Eles. xD Thanks in advance.

Ele - support or damage dealer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bismuth.3165


PVE- DPS, eles are one of the best dps classes in game.
Zerk, scholar runes/ruby orbs
traits, there are many builds, you have to be more specific of your play style.

Jeeha (ele) and Jeeha The Warrior
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over

Ele - support or damage dealer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


PVE- DPS, eles are one of the best dps classes in game.
Zerk, scholar runes/ruby orbs
traits, there are many builds, you have to be more specific of your play style.

I keep bumping into the term “playing style”. How many types are there?

I actually am sort of a mixture of all of them as long as they are the Staff skills; I always swap between all of the elements since I was told that was a “good thing” (as I’ve gotten well accustomed to the Staff skills) and so I got used to that “style”. Does this count or do I have to be preferring 1 element in particular? In that case, it would probably be Fire – Earth. I prefer both equally to some extent, but Water is good for healing my party partner.

Ele - support or damage dealer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Columbo.5924


Just as a sidenote: with celestial gear you can be mediocre at support and dps at the same time.

If you want to actually choose between the two, go for dps. The largest portion of our healing comes from blast finishing the two staff water fields. And that takes the healing power of the player that executes the blast finisher (and thats likely not you). So your healing is not that helpful in this case.

Abaddon’s Mouth (DE)

Ele - support or damage dealer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sarathor.2409


If you’re into staff, then this is what I would recommend.

PvE = DPS. The best DPS staff known right now comes from staying in fire and autocasting and lava fonts on cooldown. Meteor shower if there’s a decent amount of mobs or the boss is bigger than a human.

PvP = Up to you, but if you’re in organized play like WvW, you’re just a field dispenser so I would go support for this, 30 in water and 30 in Arcane, the last 10 points are up to you. Basically you lay down lava font when they call for a fire field, and either geyser or healing rain when they call for a water field. Rarely, static field for stacking swiftness. Don’t be discuraged though, dropping a meteor shower on a zerg is pretty fun ^^.

Side note: There is a conjure build out there, if that’s your thing, that competes with fire staff as the highest PvE dps. I think theoretically, the Lightning Hammer build out dps the fire staff, but in actually play (especially in pugs) fire staff is better. Of course, LH can be very rewarding in organized dungeon runs, but it’s a play style for people who like juggling conjured weapons and like the hassle of telling their PuG groups not to pick up the 2nd hammer.

Ele - support or damage dealer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bhima.9518


If you are into small group roaming in wvw, I find that a scepter dagger fresh air build works quite well (0/30/10/20/10). If you are into unorganized zerging in wvw, I’d go staff and go for something balanced that can heal but actually do damage like a 0/20/0/20/30 build. If you are into organized, Sarathor is correct.