Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hitman.5829


The staff elementalist is a joke with barely 14k HP (maximum).

The staff elementalist is an AOE class, this means that it relies on heavy AOE spells. However, some smart designer decided to give elemetalist 14k HP which means that in a WvW battle when the elementalist use the AOE, he/she will die by retaliation damage!

Keep in mind that the damage you are receiving is from the retaliation + direct damage from the enemy.

Retaliation damage by itself can get your HP to nearly 0.

Please fix this!

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: I Am Dansker.7105

I Am Dansker.7105

The ele does need some balance changes, but i have to disagree when it comes to WvW.
I see plenty of them running around compared to Mesmers, Rangers, Necroes and Engineers. However all these classes will look underrepresented if you look at percentage since Warrior and Guardin is overrepresented

Also i have never seen anyone die alone from retal unless you are in EOTM as retal damage there is pre nerf

Also if your hp is 14k, you should have a look at that for WvW.

Far Shiverpeaks

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grimreaper.5370


The staff elementalist is a joke with barely 14k HP (maximum).

The staff elementalist is an AOE class, this means that it relies on heavy AOE spells. However, some smart designer decided to give elemetalist 14k HP which means that in a WvW battle when the elementalist use the AOE, he/she will die by retaliation damage!

Keep in mind that the damage you are receiving is from the retaliation + direct damage from the enemy.

Retaliation damage by itself can get your HP to nearly 0.

Please fix this!

14k hp? sounds like you went all crit gear and no more than 15 in water. You make a valid point though imo. My advice is don’t meteor shower until guards are dead because they give retaliation to people with guardkiller.

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grevender.9235


Staff doesn’t need many tweaks, it’s -currently- our most balanced weapon. Just add some VIT if that’s your problem and maybe get Applied Fortitude

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


staff elementalist is a joke

when i see a fact typed into a forum
i like to quote that fact in a non-sarcastic manner

i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ulion.5476


I stopped reading once you said you have 14k hp in wvw.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: hihey.1075


Another PvE-r has joined the WvW bandwagon yooooo

Get a better build.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Atoss.1056


With 14k hp you wont live long in WvW. Post what gear you use, or search for some WvW oriented build maybe, to get some tips. Staff is quite good weapon atm.

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grevender.9235


With 14k hp you wont live long in WvW.

that should never be a problem for staff ele, as it is supposed to stay far away from front lines and – more generally speaking – in the middle of a big zerg.
I have 12.9k currently (for zerging) and my only problem is that I fill the bags too fast.

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Atoss.1056


Depends on your zerg, the enemies and how you play I guess. Maybe I just see too many zerkers from pve last times in wvw, meh…

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Casters are priority target in WWW….zergs have several tactics to kill them fast.
Also because of the rally thing….

If you try to run full zerk you find a thief on you or a killshot from somewhere on an iBerserker and much more.

Or once again when the 2 zergs collided with 0 casualties (because they are overbuffed with invul etc) those both go in the backline hunting casters before getting back.

But you actually hear often “kill the casters” from the commander.

P.S. and many servers are actually understanding how better necro is as a zerg caster.
Ele is Always the same old healbot….maybe with a slow attack every 3 minutes, that will probably hit the air.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: CuRtoKy.8576


The staff elementalist is a joke with barely 14k HP (maximum).

The staff elementalist is an AOE class, this means that it relies on heavy AOE spells. However, some smart designer decided to give elemetalist 14k HP which means that in a WvW battle when the elementalist use the AOE, he/she will die by retaliation damage!

Keep in mind that the damage you are receiving is from the retaliation + direct damage from the enemy.

Retaliation damage by itself can get your HP to nearly 0.

Please fix this!

First of all what? 14k hp is by no means the maximum. Like the max if you have a bunch of Vita would be like 25k with buffs and such. Reasonable would be like tanky dps at around 19-20k. Even when I run more dps I usually get around 16-17k before buffs.

You shouldn’t be taking that much retal damage. Your job isn’t to focus tanks in a zerg all the time. You should be damaging their tail or other range when your hammer train rolls through. On top of that, if you position yourself correctly you will find that it is hard for you to die or get singled out even with low hp.

I feel like this more of a play issue or just bad build

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aloer.1790


In WvW, as an Elementalist, having 14k hp (Which means a pure damage build) is useless to yourself and the team. You’re a rallybot. Period.
If you die to retaliation, means you haven’t mastered the class enough to go full damage.
Change your build to a tanky one and ONLY once you mastered the class, you can try and add damage on the expense of defense, a bit at a time.

Aloer ~ Elementalist
~ Seafarer’s Rest ~

Ele underrepresented in WvW needs a buff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hitman.5829


In WvW, as an Elementalist, having 14k hp (Which means a pure damage build) is useless to yourself and the team. You’re a rallybot. Period.
If you die to retaliation, means you haven’t mastered the class enough to go full damage.
Change your build to a tanky one and ONLY once you mastered the class, you can try and add damage on the expense of defense, a bit at a time.

The damage an elementalist receives by retaliation in a 60 zerg man is nearly 14k HP.

  • 30 Points on Defense
  • 30 Points on Water magic.

Total HP 17k.

3k HP left is not enough to fight your way with a 60 zerg-man.

If you are running against zergs the size of 20 then that is not the problem, but sergs like JQ and BG is where I do not see elementalist but myself.

The problem is there do not deny it.

Elementalists should be immune or have a reduction to retaliation when your skills hit +5 targets.