Elemental Glass
What you can do is mix in either some armor or accessories in that are marauder/valk/solider, I do that for open world and HoT maps. I run this for open world/hot solo and just swap lighting flash for aftershock or glyph of storms depending on what im fighting.
Using your skills to help you dodge and kite is big. Try all the weapon sets, I cannot play dagger main hand to save my life, staff however I find to be easy peasy.
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
(edited by Eval.2371)
What you can do is mix in either some armor or accessories in that are marauder/valk/solider, I do that for open world and HoT maps. I run this for open world/hot solo and just swap lighting flash for aftershock or glyph of storms depending on what im fighting.
Using your skills to help you dodge and kite is big. Try all the weapon sets, I cannot play dagger main hand to save my life, staff however I find to be easy peasy.
Thanks for that!! I shall give it a shot. Cheers….
Trooper/Soldier runes are a fabulous place to start if you don’t want to spend money changing your actual armor values. Getting some ascended defensive stat trinkets also helps a lot.
Once you become a more experienced elementalist, you’ll get better at the rotation, and wonder why you ever needed the training wheels. That’s when you see people running full zerker / scholar runes / fire / air / tempest. It doesn’t happen overnight
full zerker is super easy on an ele in HoT, just need to get better at kiting, using frost fields/auras and stuns to help slow enemies kite inside of a meteor shower etc.
you are going to go down sometimes and thats unavoidable
try running tempest and water then the third being a damage
the extra bit of support goes a long way
also D/W is pretty tanky (perma protection)
or staff for the utility