Elementalist Armor Selection Question

Elementalist Armor Selection Question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shiea.6542


hello people. so i’ve just reached my first level 70 on my elementalist and i would like some suggestions.
so i started to look up for new armor in the black lion trading, and i found out that i didnt like the level 70 armor set at all (berserker’s acolyte) and so i was thinking of skipping it and waiting till level 80 exotic armor set as my next armor set. i also dont have any problems fighting. what i am wondering is that, i saw that there were lots and lots of level 80 exotic sets and what i want to know is, which one do you choose? i compared the stats together and there were really similiar, but some were 5 times the price.
for example, i saw the exalted set approximately 2-4 gold, while theres another set called Khilbron, which is like 20+ gold. so whats the difference between it? is there something i am missing because i think the stats are similiar to each other.
and also, are there any suggestions for what armor is appropriate for me? i am a dual-dagger fire-based elementalist, relying on condition damage and mainly having traits on fire and earth (for the toughness).

thank you in advance

Elementalist Armor Selection Question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Reading on phone.. So didnt read all but the earth for toughness.. Never choose traitline based on stats.. Choose it based on what traits Work best for you

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Elementalist Armor Selection Question

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


In order to keep things fun, I recommend going for a mix of toughness and vitality at first. That will help you stay alive so much more in dungeons it’s not even funny. then, when you get the hang of it, you can start picking some offensive gear to increase your damage.

At least, that worked well for me.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Elementalist Armor Selection Question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shiea.6542


oh i see. what about the difference in the exotic armor sets? nobody answered that one yet : / thanks

Elementalist Armor Selection Question

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


The difference is the way it looks, and the rarity of the item. But any level 80 exotic set will give you maximum stats. A cheap level 80 exotic with power, toughness and vitality is just as good as an expensive level 80 exotic with power, toughness and vitality.

Also, as for the ‘sets’, you make them yourself in this game. You can get set bonusses by adding runes to the armor. But again, you can add any rune to any piece of armor.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Elementalist Armor Selection Question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Homitu.7216


The difference with the named armor is its appearance from the crafted stuff. Note, however, that all of the named armor of a particular armor class has the same appearance. I’m at work or I’d provide a link to screenshots. The names are usually references to GW1 characters. I personally don’t like either the light level 80 crafted exotic set or the named stuff, so I go after particular dungeon peices and other transmuted pieces, usually some cultural armor.

Elementalist Armor Selection Question

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Good point. Also keep in mind that you can transfer the looks of armor pieces by using transmutation stones. So for now, the best thing to do is go for the cheap ones. When you got a bit more gold, you can start hunting for the things you like the looks of, and then simply swap skins.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Elementalist Armor Selection Question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shiea.6542


oh okay i was wondering why some armor were so expensive but has the same stats. thank you everyone for the answers : D