Elementalist PvP vid

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: ShingXiao.8754


Hi there, I hope you guys enjoy.

Please leave any constructive criticism, thanks.

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Stopped watching 3 minutes in, I have one piece of advice for you..

Fast Cast!!!!!! (In options called fast cast ground targeting, the spell casts where your mouse is instantly when you hit the skill) Why oh why don’t you use it, especially being S/D those milliseconds or even a second when casting dragons tooth could mean the difference between hitting or missing.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: colby.5941


What build are you using?

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: NdranC.5107


Stopped watching 3 minutes in, I have one piece of advice for you..

Fast Cast!!!!!! (In options called fast cast ground targeting, the spell casts where your mouse is instantly when you hit the skill) Why oh why don’t you use it, especially being S/D those milliseconds or even a second when casting dragons tooth could mean the difference between hitting or missing.

It’s a matter of preference. Control over speed. This game camera angle is pretty zoomed in to your character, and with terrain irregularity/bad camera position it’s very easy for skills to land where you didn’t intended them to, specially if you constantly move the camera around with right or left mouse button for better awareness (80% of the time my right mouse button is being pressed and hidden). I also feel more comfortable knowing exactly the range and space my skill will occupy once casted. Maybe I’m just bad, might take an extra half a second compared to using fast cast, but over all I’ve never seen a game that does fast cast in a way I like it.

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: MindlessRuff.1948


Stopped watching 3 minutes in, I have one piece of advice for you..

Fast Cast!!!!!! (In options called fast cast ground targeting, the spell casts where your mouse is instantly when you hit the skill) Why oh why don’t you use it, especially being S/D those milliseconds or even a second when casting dragons tooth could mean the difference between hitting or missing.

Fast Cast does not affect Dragons Tooth, do you even play the Elementalist? Dragons Tooth is a targeted ability with 900 range, it will fall above your target or 900 range away if you have no target.

Also about fast cast, I could never use it on my ele, especially when using staff, and besides you can always hit the skill twice quickly (see how much longer it takes to hit it twice) for much higher accuracy that that small mouse pointer that easily blends in with the ground most of the time. Furthermore, if you have fast cast disabled, you will be able to tell the range on your skills much easier, since the AOE circle will turn red when you move it out of range.

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


so many noobs standing in earth 5 its not funny. Wow, easiest ability to avoid/interrupt and you are slamming them with it. I need to fight dumber enemies lol. Nice placements of the gtaoe spells too.

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


Stopped watching 3 minutes in, I have one piece of advice for you..

Fast Cast!!!!!! (In options called fast cast ground targeting, the spell casts where your mouse is instantly when you hit the skill) Why oh why don’t you use it, especially being S/D those milliseconds or even a second when casting dragons tooth could mean the difference between hitting or missing.

I HATE fast cast. Nothing like wasting your lightning flash cooldown because you clicked at 950 range instead of 900 and couldn’t see the target reticle.
You can simply double click the key associated with the skill and it’ll go off 90% as fast as with fast casting, but you can at least get a glimpse of the targetting reticle before wasting a skill.

so many noobs standing in earth 5 its not funny. Wow, easiest ability to avoid/interrupt and you are slamming them with it. I need to fight dumber enemies lol. Nice placements of the gtaoe spells too.

You’d be surprised how many people stand in it in sPvP. I love it

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Ok I stand corrected apparently fast cast is bad. I apologize…

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: ShingXiao.8754


Stopped watching 3 minutes in, I have one piece of advice for you..

Fast Cast!!!!!! (In options called fast cast ground targeting, the spell casts where your mouse is instantly when you hit the skill) Why oh why don’t you use it, especially being S/D those milliseconds or even a second when casting dragons tooth could mean the difference between hitting or missing.

I prefer to be much more accurate when you the normal ground targeting rather than fast targeting, because there is too much room for error when using it. There are times when your mouse pointer twitches off to either side of the screen and if you happen to be using fast targeting at that time you pretty much wasted a skill.

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: horaxx.9728


Nice vid Shing. I do miss the Disturbed/Nocturnal Rites soundtrack tho ^^, but for some reason i pictured you doing a solo wvw kinda video, spvp looks pretty dull imo, just like dredge w/o mobs.

“How do you kill that which has no life?”

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daharahj.1325


Huh, same generic Ele vid I’ve seen 100 times before.

I wonder if there’s anything out there besides some guy spamming Earthquake/Updraft – Fire Ring – Unload on people that don’t know what they’re doing, and from that point spam atts/skills the moment they go off cooldown, then editing the speed to make it look cool.

Gotta give props for the editing though.

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: rainbowstylin.1358


Maybe I’m just bad, might take an extra half a second compared to using fast cast, but over all I’ve never seen a game that does fast cast in a way I like it.

Fast (Smart) Casting is pretty much a necessity in League of Legends, but it works well as you’re not using your mouse trigger to turn your camera angle 95% of the time.

On topic, wow alot of people stood in those earth 5’s. Not that that’s really within your control :/ decent vid, fresh editing at 7:07.