Elementalist Scepter/Dagger WvW 1 [Vid]4/7/13
Wow. Best video I’ve seen since that guy with the awesome staff skills.
@Adonisis- It is recommend that Arcane Wave be taken with that spec for maximum damage effect, but if you do not feel comfortable going from 3 cantrips to 1 then just play a bit with Arcane Blast and as you get more comfortable you can try adding in and see how it goes.
Also it appears that some of the runes I am using in my hybrid build are not available in sPvP. So if you’re looking for a scepter hybrid build for sPvP I would recommend Phantaram’s version of the 0/20/0/20/30 http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-k34;2B2-P0w47N-Z0;9;5J-JT;159;245-40ALJ;4G3G3G3G34BS
Also I think he changed the sigil’s to battle and force, correct me if I am wrong on that please.
Copy paste the url if the link does not work.
@katniss Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the video
@Adonisis- It is recommend that Arcane Wave be taken with that spec for maximum damage effect, but if you do not feel comfortable going from 3 cantrips to 1 then just play a bit with Arcane Blast and as you get more comfortable you can try adding in and see how it goes.
Also it appears that some of the runes I am using in my hybrid build are not available in sPvP. So if you’re looking for a scepter hybrid build for sPvP I would recommend Phantaram’s version of the 0/20/0/20/30 http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-k34;2B2-P0w47N-Z0;9;5J-JT;159;245-40ALJ;4G3G3G3G34BS
Also I think he changed the sigil’s to battle and force, correct me if I am wrong on that please.Copy paste the url if the link does not work.
Thank you for that link. The other build of Phantaram was with Divinity runes, that one seems more balanced than the one with scholar runes I think but I’ll have to see for myself, trying to keep some survivability. Though I like doing sPvP to test things out, I’m still planning on doing more WvW so hope to see your new hybrid build video soon!
@Adonisis- It is recommend that Arcane Wave be taken with that spec for maximum damage effect, but if you do not feel comfortable going from 3 cantrips to 1 then just play a bit with Arcane Blast and as you get more comfortable you can try adding in and see how it goes.
Also it appears that some of the runes I am using in my hybrid build are not available in sPvP. So if you’re looking for a scepter hybrid build for sPvP I would recommend Phantaram’s version of the 0/20/0/20/30 http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-k34;2B2-P0w47N-Z0;9;5J-JT;159;245-40ALJ;4G3G3G3G34BS
Also I think he changed the sigil’s to battle and force, correct me if I am wrong on that please.Copy paste the url if the link does not work.
@katniss Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the video
Bad Link. Doesn’t work
Bad Link. Doesn’t work
It does work.
Copy paste the url if the link does not work.
does anyone have the build for this one ? Or is it just me that cant find it
does anyone have the build for this one ?
Or is it just me that cant find it
The build is on youtube in the description.
found it ..thanks
Updated first post with some tips on skill use
Hey guys wanted to make a video to show the burst potential of the Scepter/Dagger weapon set well still having some survivability. This is not a 1vX showcase as this build is not designed for that. Build info in the description.
Video quality is a bit low but hope you enjoy the footage.
Tips on skill usage:
—Do not enter combat in Air Attunement whenever possible, put yourself in combat then swap to Air. The reasoning for this is you want your Arcane Fury to be active for your lightning burst as well as activating Electric Discharge.
—The three main reason I like to open with Earthquake if the opponent is in range is 1) It will force the opponent to use a dodge (2) if they get hit by it they will have to use a utility skill to get out (3) if they do not take option 1 or 2 they will eat the opening burst. Either way they are set behind in some way.
—Map your stow weapons key to an easily accessible key so if you ever need to cancel your Arc Lightning (and you will). If you keep channeling Arc Lightning with multiple stacks of Confusion you will kill yourself very fast.
—Make sure to place Phoenix right behind your opponent(s) when possible as this will allow Phoenix to hit them 3 times. Also best to cast at a closer range since the travel time of the animation is slow.
—If low on endurance and trying to survive you can cast Phoenix right in front of you to proc the Vigor.
—If trying to create distance remember you can cast Phoenix, Lighting Strike, Blinding Flash and Arcane Blast behind you to keep pressure on your opponent as you kite.
—You can also cast Lighting Strike, Blinding Flash and Arcane Blast as you are healing.
—If the situation allows and it is off cool down you can use Blinding Flash to secure stomps.Updates:
4/1/13- Updated the video description to include changes to make for full burst
4/7/13-Add some tips on skill usage
This build and a video of it has been out for 6-7 months now. Just saying.
This build and a video of it has been out for 6-7 months now. Just saying.
I have no doubt that others have gone with 0/30/0/30/10 long before I even picked up a retail copy of the game. But if you mean that they went with the exact same individual traits and gear choices then I must of missed it and it appears that others did as well.
If both are true then none the less I hope this current video serves as a reminder of the burst that is possible as an elementalist and that there is an option other then bunkering.
can you share what traits you are using?
can you share what traits you are using?
They’re listed in the description if his video, but here’s a copy and paste:
Air- 30- VI, IX, X
Water- 20- V, IX
Arcana-10- V
The last 10 points can go into Fire, Water or Arcana
I’m pretty sure he personally puts the final 10 in Water and takes Cleansing Water.
[KnT] – Blackgate
this video is sick. i want an explanation video
Elementalist – Philip Podscale, Mesmer – Jessica Starkwind, Call me Shawn
Quick question for a new ele, Human Grenth worth it?
@CKres.4589 Traits are in the video description as well as link to full burst build.
@Liquid.9672 I actually do not take cleansing water as I use Ether Renewal, link to build in video description.
@Betrayedchalice.5198 Not sure if I will get around to a video like that but if you have specific questions feel free to ask
@Cempa.5619 It may be useful in D/D or in a condition spec.
I tried this out today. Smashed some thieves. Got a necro in a tie. Beat an engineer.
Then got destroyed by a dd ele. So bad i retraited to dd bunker my variant and destroyed him.
It was stated theres some hard counters. Im sure i need to l2p more. All in all very fun. I just want scepter to get some quality of life fixes. Dragons tooth and more aoe to start. If not more aoe then harder or easier to hit fire moves.
Hi Ilthel. I love the build, though I use it a bit differently. I’ve got one question for ya. Have you tried a focus with your offensive scepter build? It seems to have more natural synergy with scepter (due to similar ranges), but lacks in the offensive skills that dagger has. However, earth 5 is really really fun/borderline abusable.
What is your Crit Chance and Crit Dmg unbuffed?
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
After seeing the awesome video I had to give this build a try. And I have to say that I absolutely love it. I have to say it’s definitely not as tanky and easy mode as the typical d/d aura builds. However I’m also not the greatest elementalist being that I haven’t played the class all that much. I find that while my tankyness is lower, I kill things a lot faster, even other bunkers get burnt down pretty hard. And typically my deaths come from the unavoidable zergball catching me off guard. Or my lack of experience and not expending all my tools or using them unwisely. Already have pulled off some sick 10k churning earth on a group ressing a friend following an arcane wave that immediately dropped 3 of them. Still trying to get in a good fire grab, haven’t gotten much over 7 to 8k. I also love the 4 second strike that hits 4 to 5k fairly regularly.
I think I might be in love with this class now. I think all I need now is more playtime to improve my tool usage and mastering the class and I’ll love it even more when I top off my skills. <3
Nice vid love to see eles that are not d/d i prefer the s/d over d/d anyday
Hey IIthel, what is the name of the last song of your video. Thanks again, a few of the idea behind your build made my own build even stronger!
@Pizzel.8470 Any tanky type build with retaliation and or conditions will hard counter this one if played correctly, but you should be stalemating against bunker Eles if you kite. You won’t kill them though if they have half a brain. Also if winning duels in WvW is important to you I would not recommend this one.
@JCorcoran.4081 The past day I have been messing around with the focus in sPvP in anticipation for the RtL and Mist form nerf and it does has some nice perks for sure. Doubt I would use it in WvW though.
@suprNovae.5410 Crit chance is 43% crit damage is 84-88%. This is without consumables or boons.
@Coldviper.6794 Awesome glad you are enjoying the build. And ya you will need the target to be below 33% health, them to be a non bunker and for your health to be above 90% to hit those big firegrabs.
@Jongotti.9568 Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the vid
@LightningBlaze.4913 The name of the song is Baby’s On Fire by Die Antwoord. Your welcome glad you were able to improve your build!
I have been looking for something that balances more with PvE and WvW so I’ll give this a shot and see if I like it. I was wondering though, with my set of mostly “knights” gear combined with a few zerker items, will this build work well enough that I won’t have to change gear around… again?
I have been looking for something that balances more with PvE and WvW so I’ll give this a shot and see if I like it. I was wondering though, with my set of mostly “knights” gear combined with a few zerker items, will this build work well enough that I won’t have to change gear around… again?
I think it will work and you will crit more, but you will be more susiptable to conditions since you drop quite a bit of vitality. Should be fine in PvE, but for WvW I would recommend getting soldiers (p/v/t stats) for the chest and legs at least and zerker trinkets of course.
Also for PvE you can drop Lighting Flash for Arcane Wave for more damage as one cantrip is all you really need outside of a select few situations.
Have fun.
The build is somewhat entertaining.
Really fun to run into someone with a GC build with it.
Its totally useless against anyone who doesn’t run a GC build and halfway knows what they are doing.