- Delay represents how long a skill takes affect after the initial cast-time is completed. Several skills already have delay periods. Adding such a tool-tip to those skills would make it clearer how they work. Adding delays and visual cues to instant-activation skills as well as ranged skill that don’t use projectiles would make them more fair in terms of game-play by providing more counter-playability to opponents and making pvp less of a face-roll across the keyboard.
Lightning Strike – named changed to Lightning Bolt (to diminish combat log confusion)
- Cast-time: 0
- Recharge: 6 seconds
- Strike foes at the target location with a lightning bolt.
- Damage: 403
- Delay: 1 second
- Radius: 120
- Range: 900
- Now creates a red circle on the ground.
- [Lightning Strike]’s original functionality remains the same for passive triggers such as swapping to Air Attunement with 15 into Air Magic or the RNG proc on Runes of Air (6/6).
Dragon’s Tooth
- Cast-time reduced from 1 to ½ second.
- Now uses ground-targeting.
- Added tool-tip: Delay: 2 seconds
- Cast-time increased from ¼ to ¾ second.
- This skill’s audio cue now also plays when the player first begins casting it in addition to when the projectile explodes and turns around.
- Now creates a red circle on the ground where the Phoenix projectile is targeted to explode and turn around back towards the caster.
- Cast-time reduced from 1 to ½ second.
- Damage increased from 252 to 302.
- Added tool-tip: Delay: 2 seconds
- Now counts as an Ice Field (Duration: 2 seconds).
Water Trident
- Casting animation increased in size by 50%.
- Damage increased from 168 to 252.
- Now counts as a Blast Finisher.
- Now, if this skill combos with a Frost Field, it also inflicts vulnerability (8 stacks; 10 seconds) and chill (2 seconds) with shattering ice shards.
- Vulnerability and chill radius: 180 (same radius as the skill itself).
- Uses a [Frozen Burst] animation.
- Now, if this skill combos with a Fire Field, it also blinds (5 seconds) and burns (3 seconds) nearby foes with a hot blast of steam.
- Blind and burn radius: 180 (same radius as the skill itself).
- Uses a 1-second-long [Boil] animation.
- Now also cripples (2 seconds) and blinds (2 seconds) foes that cross it.
- Now also grants might (2 stacks; 5 seconds) to allies that cross it.
- The might works similarly to how swiftness is awarded to players crossing the Mesmer’s [Temporal Curtain]. If a player already has might, he/she won’t be granted might from the [Flamewall].
Fire Shield
- Cast-time: ½ second
- Recharge: 35 seconds
- Whirl in place, striking adjacent foes and gaining a Fire Shield. If you combo this skill within a fire field, you gain aegis and create a [Lava Font] at your location.
- Damage (2x): 258
- Fire Shield duration: 5 seconds
- Aegis: 3 seconds
- Combo Finisher: Whirl
- Range: 180
- [Cyclone Axe]
Freezing Gust
- Cast-time: 1¼ second
- Recharge: 25 seconds
- Create a freezing gust that whirls over target location for 3 seconds, chilling foes. The final gust of wind also immobilizes foes.
- Damage (3x): 255
- Chill (3): 1½ second
- Immobilize: 2 seconds
- Duration: 3 seconds
- Pulse: 1 second
- Combo Field: Ice
- Radius: 180
- Range: 900
- Now uses ground-targeting.
- Damage increased from 239 to 418.
- Now stuns (1 second) if it strikes a chilled foe.
- Cast-time: 1½ seconds
- Recharge: 40 seconds
- Channel a cone of wind in front of you that blinds and cripples foes before knocking them down.
- Damage (4x): 350
- Blind (4): 1 second
- Cripple (4): 1 second
- Knock-down: 2 seconds
- Range: 600
- This skill hits up to 3 targets.
- The final damage tick is the tick that inflicts knock-down.
- [Healing Breeze] cone
(edited by Swagg.9236)