Elementalist - Support/healing

Elementalist - Support/healing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186



Greetings all!

I am fearly new to Ele, trough i did some fractals with Thief, so not new to the game, just the class.
Its my second alt and i would love some more detailed info on support builds and what is available.

Like what traits are key for support, What boons can it actually support?
Is there protection? How to apply it? Keep it up?
Anything besides Gayser, and Healing Rain or (seems useless to me) Water blast to heal with?

Dagger? Scepter? What is the best for support?
Any spammable combos?
What stats and runes are worth to invest for heals/support build?
Are ther any nice trait-stat combos like Thief-s Omno pie and crit,initative use -> healer build?

Also if there is anyone who can compare, Necro or Ele at all for support?
I played mesmer…propably not my stile.
I clearly see that ele has MANY tools and a LOT of utility like mesmer and Guardian….that Necro clearly lacks.
Anyone can help me out a bit?

Elementalist - Support/healing

in Elementalist

Posted by: MrQuizzles.6823


An elementalist using the Powerful Auras trait (grandmaster water trait) with D/D or D/F along with Elemental Shielding and Zephyr’s boon makes for an amazing support character, especially if you also spec for boon duration. Keeping protection, Fury and Swiftness on your team in addition to Soothing Mist (5pt Water trait) and the boons from Elemental Attunement is crazy awesome.

The healing and regeneration from simply going into water attunement is enough for many situations, and Frost Breath heals for almost as much as Geyser does, so the auras that D/D or D/F give you access to make them the best choices. D/D is probably a better choice than D/F because it allows for better combos with RoF, EarthQuake and Churning Earth.

As an added bonus, the 25pt Water Trait means that you’ll be doing a decent bit of damage while you provide all this support to your team. It’s pretty nuts.

Elementalist - Support/healing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dreed.3714


cane someone help with seeting trait build and what kind of set/stat will be best for this? seems good and i want to try it asap.