Elementalist Underpowered
just lvl it up, it seems u didnt have tried to lvl a mesmer yet, honestly ele was the easier proffession to lvl for me
also the ele uses a whole different mechanic than other proffessions
eles survivability is by playing actively(mesmer too) unlike warrior n stuff who get most defences passively
eles r one of the best proffessions for pve if not the best, in dungeons
there r no ‘tanks’ in pve , current meta is all about straight forward dmg, ofc new players should start of defencively and get more offensive gear(berserker) as they get used to it
necro is easy to play in pve (due to its survivability and ‘2nd healthbar’(actually its not a 2nd healthbar but i count it as one due to pve reasons)), but its also the worst in terms of usefullness, it has lower dmg than few of the proffessions + no team utilitys, necro itself is just selfish
ele is a great proffession, doesnt rly need changes , and the 2 weapons, lol , this would be like the most unbalanced thing, i dont think i need to tell why, ofc harder to manage, but once u manage and got some combos u could do some crazy stuff w it
An elementalist is one of the hardest classes to play and relies on traits for survival. That is why the common ele build everyone suggest is a tank build water/arcane. A elemental need boons and the direct heals to keep their health up. The 2 trait that are common in most build are cleansing wave(heal on swap to water) and arcane evasion (dodge in water attunement to heal). Knowing how to dodge is necessary to play a elementalist. You can not facetank mobs unless they have some type of debuff on them(weakness, blind) or you have buffs (protection, regen)
Staff, scepter,dagger, focus are the weapons we can use. Staff is good for group play, suck for solo. Scepter is good for burst damage and medium size groups does low auto attack damage. Dagger high auto attack dmg, a good all around weapon but hard to play with at the start. Focus is a high defense offhand. Weapons difficult to learn Scepter>Dagger>Focus>Staff.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Yeah because when you solo a dungeon as ele you totally have that teamate to t-
He got you guys good. The winky face at the end of the OP said it all
Elementalists have the lowest health and armour and fairly limited condition removal and healing sustain, but they become one of the best at it after traiting for them. At 80 with very defensive trait spreads like 0/0/2/6/6 you become a boon dispenser. I suggest you deck out in a mix of knights and zerkers with arc-water traits before moving onto the meta DnT PvE specs, which specialise into the Ele’s many blast finishes and fire fields – giving you strong might stacking potential.
As an Ele it is unavoidable that you weapon swap. You want to go into Fire to lay down fire fields and switch to other attunements with blast finishers. This depends on the weapon sets. For ease of use I highly recommend to start off dungeons in D/F. It has invulnerability, and two short projectile-hate skills. It comes with three blast finishers and modest sustained damage.
Search DnT, go to forums and look for Elementalists builds.
To be honest, Necro and Ele are in a different tier of micromanagement, with Ele right up there with Engi for complexity starting off.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
Search DnT
Or even better: search rT and discover why this post was made in the first place
I just did
Good one
I hope he/she wins something! xd
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
(edited by Ralkuth.1456)
2 attunements useless? I hope you are below lvl 20 cause thats the point where you should know what it means to play an elementalist. Ele is one of the most fun and easiest classes to level and certainly not underpowered. Not at all. If you don’t like switching attunements you should switch classes right away cause it aint getting any “better” at higher levels.
And we only have one weapon?? wtf?? 2 of the attunements are useless, so the reasoning of having attunements to replace a weapon is BS. You’re basically stuck in fire for damage and water for healing. And that’s not nearly enough to stay alive.
we have more than 1 weapon
We have Dagger, Szepter, Staff and Fokus
No attunements are useless; example; Dagger air autoattack = highest autoattack
Staff earth 2 ( Eruption ) short time blast finisher…
Staff earth 3 ( Magnetic Aura ) reflect projectiles ..( instant cast )
Staff air 4 ( Windborne Speed ) Speed and cleanes crippled, immobilized, and chilled.
Staff air 2 ( Lightning Surge ) AOE Blind…
Staff air 5 ( free dodge and knockdown )
Staff FIRE 4 ( use it for escaping .. )
Bring might for you and your team…
… Might Stacking with staff example: Start in Earth use skill 2 – > change to fire -> use skill 2 -> use arcane healing -> use arcane wave
or example in dual dagger:
Start in Fire -> use Dagger skill 4, change to water -> use skill 3 -> change to earth use skill 4 and skill 5. ( or fire 4-> water3->arcan healing skill-> arcane wave -> earth 4 and earth 5 )
Use Staff for more Speed:
Eath 2 -> air 5 -> air 4 -> arcane healing, arcane wave..
playing ele or playing ele.. ppl have 5000 hours on ele and LEARN more things..
sorry 4 my english ..
This thread shows how people don’t read threads.
This thread shows how people don’t read threads.
Was just thinking the same thing…
I mean, at least read the other posts so you know you’re not just repeating what someone else said.
elementalist underpowered – for most players, yes
elementalist design philosophy useless – yes
any chance of a reasonable revamp – no, nonononono
enjoy your cheese, burst, gimmick profession that still doesn’t stand up in this game
This is clearly a ltp-issue to me
This is clearly a ltp-issue to me
I think it’s more of a l2read issue.
use staff, camp fire, rekt everything
And here I thought ele players were paying attention to small details…
Guys… not proud of you… you wasted your time here…
The ele has been nerfed to the ground. I mean we used to do 10k meteors and now they are at like 5k max.
Crit nerf, divinity nerf, crit on celestial nerf, mist form nerf, RTL nerf, Elemental attunement nerf, Soothing disruption nerf, meteornado nerf, condi-cleanse and healing nerf, etc.
It’s just a pale shadow of what it used to be. Yes it can still be good in the hand of a good player, but the difficulty scale is insane in comparison to a thief/mesmer/ranger, where even noob can destroy you just pressing a few keys.
The ele has been nerfed to the ground. I mean we used to do 10k meteors and now they are at like 5k max.
Crit nerf, divinity nerf, crit on celestial nerf, mist form nerf, RTL nerf, Elemental attunement nerf, Soothing disruption nerf, meteornado nerf, condi-cleanse and healing nerf, etc.
It’s just a pale shadow of what it used to be. Yes it can still be good in the hand of a good player, but the difficulty scale is insane in comparison to a thief/mesmer/ranger, where even noob can destroy you just pressing a few keys.
shattermesmer is way more difficult to play properly than even an s/d ele.
the 10 k meteorNADO (tornado) was obviously not intended, so want wellbombing w lich on necro therefor the ‘fix’
ele is awesome in any gamemode if not top (awesome roamer, gwen wvw zerging meta, in pvp meta (dd celestial), top in pve generally everything there(every pve gamemode(dungeon, open world, etc)
while thief isnt rly anywhere near good when zerging, barely some ppl want thiefs in pve, well admittedly good in pvp, and good when roaming)
mesmer bad in zerging, awesome roamer, insanely high skilfloor (managament of every kind of support, spike , etc,and only viable if u got a rly proper team who actually coordinates with u)
ranger ok-ish in pvp(low skillfloor(rly rly low) but there r better stuff for high tier pvp) , idk in pve, never rly got one who wasnt camping longbow, bad for zerging, ok-ish for roaming