Elementalist and PvP

Elementalist and PvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleden.9386


Weakness is a good condition for reducing endurance regen and thus the frequency that players can dodge. If you wait until after they dodge or are CCed and can not dodge (ie, stunned, knocked down, or immobilized), it will make landing your heavy attacks much easier.

Elementalist and PvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983




it’s a versatile build(you can change many traits for obtain would you prefer), with do really high burst damage, without sacrifice too much survavibility..only one thing, requires a high skill to be used properly..

maybe at the beginning you will die many timee, but in the end, you will hit like a truck, and you will be able to stay alive (almost) like a bunker..

I’ve said it requires a lot of skill? ^^

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Elementalist and PvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nettle.9025


Some general basic ele pvp tips.

Many eles will updraft immediately after RtL making them super predictable and easily dodged. Don’t be that ele. Don’t be afraid to bait out their first dodge before using it.

If you slot lightning flash as a utility, you can use it to help land churning earth. You can use the skill mid cast, so wait until the last moment before the cast ends then flash towards whoever you are trying to hit.

Also with churning earth, you can attunement swap mid cast and still finish it. Good for getting attunement swap bonuses like fury before the hit.

You can safely stomp someone who has downed state CC with mist form. Start the stomp and mist form, you will be invulnerable during the stomp. Mist form has a longer CD so I’d only do this if you need a crucial stomp in a team fight.

If you get caught in a cc burst (basilisk BS, haste 100b) without a stunbreak up and are playing MH dagger, you can swap to air attune and pop shocking aura to slow/stop the burst.

If you slot evasive arcana, don’t forget to dodge in the proper attunements for the effects you want.

Badding up tourneys since 2012
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief