Elementalist as a main ?

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608


I have 5 level 80’s.

1. Elementalist

2. Mesmer

3. Guardian

4. Warrior

5. Necromancer

Out of those five, as of right now, I’m strongly drawn to the Elementalist for some reason.

Anyone using Elementalist as a main ? If so, what are your feelings as having an Elementalist as a main and would you recommend the profession as a main ?

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Oniyui.8279


Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer, dead at 53. Christmas Eve, flying over Barcelona, Rudolph was hit by a goose and a Boeing 747. It is reported that the reindeer in Spain got hit mainly by the plane.

More on topic, just wondering what it is you believe a main is. Say you gear them all out, get them all fancy duds, decent bag space, etc. You practice them all so you’re comfortable with each of them.

What would you want your main to do that others won’t be doing?

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bornindieee.3947


The elementalist is the most interesting class of the game, no questions about it. It’s one the most well realized and succesfully designed class i have ever seen in any MMO, no ther MMO has anything like it. Make it the best the best class i’ve ever seen, and im really not a ele fanboy.

So yes i recommend giving it a try altough it can be tricky to play for newcomers.

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


I have 5 level 80’s.

1. Elementalist

2. Mesmer

3. Guardian

4. Warrior

5. Necromancer

Out of those five, as of right now, I’m strongly drawn to the Elementalist for some reason.

Anyone using Elementalist as a main ? If so, what are your feelings as having an Elementalist as a main and would you recommend the profession as a main ?

I now have 6 level 80s made in the following order:

1. Engineer
2. Thief
3. Warrior
4. Necro
5. Elementalist
6. Mesmer

To answer your question. I play a full celestial staff fulElementalist as my main for organized WvW fights. I love my Elementalist. It really shines in fighting against zergs. We have utility, CC, and AoE damage. The staff ele is not a 1v1 profession, however.

That said, my most recent character, the mesmer, is probably my new favorite character for small scale roaming. The damage and active defense is just crazy. The elementalist can’t even come close. The mesmer also has great utility for large scale fights providing veils and situationally for portals. It also has group condition removal and group buffs depending on spec and weapon set.

So the question really becomes how do you want to play an Elementalist? Are you looking to fill a support roll? Do you want to roam looking for small scale fights?

The answer to those questions will determine whether the Elementalist is for you.

Ohhh… and the bottom line, as cliche as it is to say, play what you love.

I love my elementalist, which is why it will always be my main when my guild issues the call to duty.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

(edited by MrSilver.5269)

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608


Thanks Bornindieee.3947 and MrSilver.5269 for your replies. I’m gonna concentrate on this profession and work on a legendary.

Again, appreciate the replies.

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mochann.5298


I am maining an Ele. Many times I kick myself in the head whenever I am lying on the ground dead after being one shot by a boss or by a backstabbing thief, while my friend playing a Guardian is effortlessly stacking might with 2 button presses, regenerating to full health from the brink of death in an instant, cleaving through foes with his great sword, and otherwise just going through the game in easy mode. Or the Warrior who shrugs off all those attacks that one hit me, passively gaining all the health back without even pressing any buttons, and generally face rolling everything,. Or the Mesmer who stealths, never gets hit, leaves clones and phantasms all over the place, all while dealing crazy damage either directly in zerk gear or with conditions. Or the Necros who just melt everything in a few seconds with a few button presses.


You get the idea. When I think of how much effort I have to put in to stack might, how I get attunement locked out of a skill I really need, how my cooldowns are ridiculously long, how I am locked into one weapon set (and we only have three), how it seems everything that isn’t a trash mob one or two shots me, how I have to frantically dodge and heal just to stay alive when others just stand there tanking things, sometimes I just think I am just a masochist.

But in the end, I can’t leave my Ele and I still relish all the times I drop a meteor or a dragon tooth on someone or something. It’s a pain to play, you could say I chose unwisely, but it’s all good.

I take a sick pleasure when my friend, who mains a Guardian, tells me that when he hit fractal level 30 he was getting one shot by bosses and it was horrible, and I’m just playing business as usual because, you know what, that’s how I’ve been playing since I was a level 1 scrub. It’s not even a big deal for me. I’ve been running dungeons forever with the mentality that I can’t get hit at all, because if I do I’m dead, so when I got to the higher level areas where difficulty suddenly outramps any classes’ ability to tank, I’m right at home and already kicking kitten and taking names without any disruption. Because that’s how I’ve always played. And then I say with a smug sense of superiority, “Welcome to my world.”

#ELEtism on Eredon Terrace

(edited by Mochann.5298)

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608


I am maining an Ele. Many times I kick myself in the head whenever I am lying on the ground dead after being one shot by a boss or by a backstabbing thief, while my friend playing a Guardian is effortlessly stacking might with 2 button presses, regenerating to full health from the brink of death in an instant, cleaving through foes with his great sword, and otherwise just going through the game in easy mode. Or the Warrior who shrugs off all those attacks that one hit me, passively gaining all the health back without even pressing any buttons, and generally face rolling everything,. Or the Mesmer who stealths, never gets hit, leaves clones and phantasms all over the place, all while dealing crazy damage either directly in zerk gear or with conditions. Or the Necros who just melt everything in a few seconds with a few button presses.


You get the idea. When I think of how much effort I have to put in to stack might, how I get attunement locked out of a skill I really need, how my cooldowns are ridiculously long, how I am locked into one weapon set (and we only have three), how it seems everything that isn’t a trash mob one or two shots me, how I have to frantically dodge and heal just to stay alive when others just stand there tanking things, sometimes I just think I am just a masochist.

But in the end, I can’t leave my Ele and I still relish all the times I drop a meteor or a dragon tooth on someone or something. It’s a pain to play, you could say I chose unwisely, but it’s all good.

I take a sick pleasure when my friend, who mains a Guardian, tells me that when he hit fractal level 30 he was getting one shot by bosses and it was horrible, and I’m just playing business as usual because, you know what, that’s how I’ve been playing since I was a level 1 scrub. It’s not even a big deal for me. I’ve been running dungeons forever with the mentality that I can’t get hit at all, because if I do I’m dead, so when I got to the higher level areas where difficulty suddenly outramps any classes’ ability to tank, I’m right at home and already kicking kitten and taking names without any disruption. Because that’s how I’ve always played. And then I say with a smug sense of superiority, “Welcome to my world.”

Good post lol.

I think I’m staying away from the Guardian and Warrior for now because, as you stated, playing those classes are easy mode. Easy mode gets boring real quick.

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Oghier.7419


Ele’s make bad alts, as I have learned from experience. Along with some engineer builds, this is the hardest class to play. Even achieving basic competence is difficult, given the number of decisions you must make and buttons you must mash. You have to play an awful lot to get good.

They make better mains than alts

Snit Dirtnap (Thief)
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shadowfall.6543


I have 5 level 80’s.

1. Elementalist

2. Mesmer

3. Guardian

4. Warrior

5. Necromancer

Out of those five, as of right now, I’m strongly drawn to the Elementalist for some reason.

Anyone using Elementalist as a main ? If so, what are your feelings as having an Elementalist as a main and would you recommend the profession as a main ?

If you like games like Dark Souls, or just bump up the difficulty on all of your games to hard then select the Elementalist.

If you do not want to play the game in hard mode (working 2x as hard for the same reward, play any other class (but the Ranger)).

I think the Elementalist is more fun to play (with the Engineer a close second) but the class balance is awful and Anet is not apt to help things along. Take Lingering Attunement as an example of Anets commitment and QA testing of Elementalists.

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lady Monkey King.3591

Lady Monkey King.3591

I main ele. You have to be a person that love challenges to main ele well.

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kalarchis.8635


Ele has been my main since BWE1 (since GW1 launch really.) I love him to death. I’ve got a warrior and ranger at 80 and I play them occasionally, but it’s like staying over at a friends house; after a night or two I really just want to get home to my ele. The other classes just don’t resonate with me in the same way.

Also, we’ve got enough mesmer, guardian, warrior, and necro mains. Every time I see the Bifrost I get excited and then sigh because it’s a guardian. I’ve seen maybe three eles besides myself with ascended weapons, and twelve thousand warriors/guards with asc. greatswords. We need more ele mains.

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608


Ele has been my main since BWE1 (since GW1 launch really.) I love him to death. I’ve got a warrior and ranger at 80 and I play them occasionally, but it’s like staying over at a friends house; after a night or two I really just want to get home to my ele. The other classes just don’t resonate with me in the same way.

Also, we’ve got enough mesmer, guardian, warrior, and necro mains. Every time I see the Bifrost I get excited and then sigh because it’s a guardian. I’ve seen maybe three eles besides myself with ascended weapons, and twelve thousand warriors/guards with asc. greatswords. We need more ele mains.

Yeah, same here. None of the other professions hold me like the Elementalist. I guess the challenge of the profession is what does it for me, plus their really good for group play. A staff Elementalist is an asset to any group IMO.

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: crosknight.3041


yea of my 5 lvl 80s i use my ele most of the time having over 50% of my total playtime
my ele has 1,135 hours 24 minutes out of my total 1,974 hours 30 mins o.o
my other level 80s are
guardian, warrior, ranger, warrior AGAIN (yes i have 2 warriors get off my back lol)

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Ele has been my main since BWE1 (since GW1 launch really.) I love him to death. I’ve got a warrior and ranger at 80 and I play them occasionally, but it’s like staying over at a friends house; after a night or two I really just want to get home to my ele. The other classes just don’t resonate with me in the same way.

Also, we’ve got enough mesmer, guardian, warrior, and necro mains. Every time I see the Bifrost I get excited and then sigh because it’s a guardian. I’ve seen maybe three eles besides myself with ascended weapons, and twelve thousand warriors/guards with asc. greatswords. We need more ele mains.

Yeah, same here. None of the other professions hold me like the Elementalist. I guess the challenge of the profession is what does it for me, plus their really good for group play. A staff Elementalist is an asset to any group IMO.

Second that, though it seems BiFrost wielding casters are everywhere…and they all wear T3 human, so at least they look like elementalists.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jonny.6013


My Elementalist is my only Level 80. I mess around with the other characters, but this is where I commit virtually all of my game time.

Elementalist as a main ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gearbox.2748


Thank you Mochann.5298 My thoughts exactly..
I have started to call staff Elementalist that do well. War-Dancers, cause its what we do.
It’s a beautiful dance. It’s all about aspect change and throwing one of your 25 readied spells at the right time…. that’s 10 more then most classes .
I have a use for all my aspected staff powers every day.
And yes.. kitten up or run out of moves and you are one-shot.
You play a War-dancer for the challange and the surprised look on your team when you pull your crazy stunts.
When the day is over you can have stood around on your guard pressing the same few buttons all day and leave and say — meh..I rally hit things there..
Or you can be all over the place. blinding, dodging, doing your own combo fields, healing your team and kicking kittens (or gerbils- whatever it becomes when censorship is done)

I have 7 characters.. just missing thief (will get when we get the birdmen)
yes there is something like a main- it’s the one you play more then others and tend to gear before the rest. – it’s the one you return to when you have played on the rest and now wants to get down and dirty.