Elementalist in pvp the return or not ?
Still trash tier.
I am wrecking face in all fronts. There are still a few issues with other classes though and that might be your issue.
Ranger pets are doing significantly more damage post-patch. Most likely a bug but people been seeing birds hitting 7k, snow leopards hitting 9k damage on just their basic attacks.
There is also a Mesmer shatter build going around that seems melt people in seconds, while still remaining fairly tanky. I’m not 100% sure if that was the problem but I hopped on my PU glass cannon Mesmer and doing a shatter spike combo didn’t break more than 8k. So I have no idea how this Shatter Mesmer is melting over 10k in a single shatter and still remain condition bunker.
Phantasmal Warlock is bugged I believe as this mesmer wrecking build always has the Warlock up, probably it’s +10% per damage per unique condition more is applied to Mind Wreck. Turning what should be a ~6k shatter spike to ~12k-15k dealing if you have more than 5 conditions on you.
Necromancers and Engineers are a lot less threatening but cleanse chill as soon as they apply it.
If you have problems surviving, get some Chill reduction runes. Chill is the most powerful condition against us as chill slows attunement recharge. That’s fair right? It’s basically slowing weapon recharge. Fix ArenaNet? No? Well kitten you.
(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)
Last night I ran close to what was the old d/d meta before the nerfs.
Sig heal
LF, cleansing flame, AoE
Celestial amulet
Battle, doom or air sigils
Strength runes
Great sustain with the buff to the heal and EA icd removed. Power is fine with a maintainable ~15 stacks of might in combat. Played well against most builds but did struggle against a couple things. Ended up on an 8-1 run in solo arena using it (and then tanking with a yolo zerk FA for lols )
I really want to play around with the blind on burn trait to sustain a more offensive build but I don’t have the skillpoints yet on the ele to buy it.
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief
Not perfect, but definitely an improvement, even for d/d ele. I’m having much more fun than I was at least. Conditions are still annoying especially for my build, but I haven’t tried tweaking much yet. You still have to be very fast though; if you take the pressure off you’re dead, but I like the fast game play.
I know it’s too early too assume but I’ll do it anyway.
D/D Support/Bunker Ele is now somewhat comparable to a Support/Bunker Guardian.
You share less boons but the burst healing you offer is incomparable.