Elementalist is fine

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Spinex.3695


When I started playing elementalist I was ranting and raving about its dps and how squishy they are, why? I was not playing the class properly.

I would sit in Fire attunement trying to kill things without swapping. I used Air just for travel and Water I would use now and then. Earth was never used (fool!).

I play as a Scepter and Dagger build and I have learnt how to play by watching other players videos on YouTube.

Trust me guys who have little faith watch a few videos from professional players and it really helps.

It did for me.

I have a warrior too and that is a simple class to play compared to elementalist, the elementalist really has so much to offer.

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morthis.3968


I love these posts. Every single one of them seems to assume that the rest of us haven’t figured out other attunements yet. It’s basically insulting, because it’s nothing more than a veiled “L2P noob”.

Here’s a hint, we’ve figured out attunements, I was doing that from day 1, that doesn’t magically fix all the issues. I don’t think the state is as bad as people make it out to be, but there’s definitely some changes needed.

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jentavi.8154


I Agree elementalists are fine. And IMO there’s no issues at All with elementalists besides the couple of bugs(especially Ride The Lightning).

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morthis.3968


So you find all 3 of our elites to be useful? You don’t mind that our downed state is the only one in the game that can’t prevent a stomp?

Personally, I find those two to be the most glaring oversights, but there’s other aspects as well (such as being forced to spec high into survivability for PvP).

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jentavi.8154


I agree with the Stomping. And tbh i’ve never wanted to use anything other than Elemental elite so far. By survivability you mean Staff support ele ? If so, i dont agree at all

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fox Soul.4809

Fox Soul.4809

Elementalist are fine yes, but if you compare it with other class is underpower. Other classes do more damage, more easy and have more def than you. If, the elementalist have a LOW defense, but can do a high damage, i dont care. But, if we have a LOW defense, and a “decent” damage, we are wrong. Elementalist need: More damage, or more defense. And, more defense on a caster is a stupid idea.
Other classes can hit me ( as elementalist ) by 800-1000 from autoattacks. I hit them for 200-500. My skills can hit enemys for a max of 2000 ( supposed that i do a critical ) Enemys skills can hit me for 5000-6000-15000… Something is wrong. :/

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


It took watching videos of other players to realise you should use all four attunements for you? Yet you want to come here and tell the community that everything is “fine”.

The power of audacity is strong in this one.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Spinex.3695


I love these posts. Every single one of them seems to assume that the rest of us haven’t figured out other attunements yet. It’s basically insulting, because it’s nothing more than a veiled “L2P noob”.

Here’s a hint, we’ve figured out attunements, I was doing that from day 1, that doesn’t magically fix all the issues. I don’t think the state is as bad as people make it out to be, but there’s definitely some changes needed.

I am definitely not insulting anyone Morthis. This post is for people who are maybe a bit dissapointed by the class but may have not done any research into it. Silver lining so to speak.

“l2p noob” is something I have never used or will ever use in any context. Its the proclamation of anti social gaming when you start to judge people using derogatory abbreviations.

There are issues but I have not discovered anything game breaking and arena will fix these if they decide to.

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Truga.5897


He’s right though. Elementalists are fine. They’re on the strong side of classes, if anything. And that’s saying a lot, seeing how our elites are pretty bad.

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Half Tooth.1867

Half Tooth.1867

When Anet first said the elementalist would be able to switch freely between attunements I was excited for that. in GW1 you were called an elementalist but really you just pick one element and sign all your skill points to it. In GW2 you really do feel like a master of the elements. Or I do anyway.

I’m like.. you’re on fire… ooh now you’re being blown away, and now there’s an earthquake…mwahahaha.

Utilising all 4 of the elements is so much fun, as well as clever.

Elementalist is fine

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kreit.4709


Sure, ele is fine… With my full DPS greatsword warrior I can kill pack of 5-6 mob just using auto-attack without losing half HP (Healing signet is a cheat, rly). With same builded ele every mob hits me for 1/3 of my HP. To get DPS warrior’s survivability I need to build my ele to almost full tank spec (and get funny damage). OP, do you rly think, complaining people doesn’t use all attunements? Because its another “L2P noobs” topic.
I like ele’s play style. But with these low damage, terrible surivability, weapon distance stuck, huge cooldowns, worst downed state, tons of skill bugs… I just want to delete my char, again…