Elementalist needs more skills like flame grab?
it sort of already exists but not directly as part of the skill.
if it were pointwise possible you could get +70% or more damage with water spells when the target is bleeding, burning, knockdown, vulnerable, almost dead and you are heavily buffed.
then use a weapon conjure and cause damage…. hmmm.
Another couple Flame Grab-esque abilities could be nice, but I don’t agree with putting them in different attunements. There’s already plenty of reasons to attune-dance, we don’t need skills that blatantly force it.
i doubt this would work but it gives +70% damage under certain conditions while attuned to water.
(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)
and what exactly do you think you would be doing damage wise to the person while attuned to water? I tried to vapor blade like that and only was hitting for 300ish
but i agree, i am all for harder to use but higher effect damage abilities. especially if i have to blow a stance to make it work? totally. if dragon tooth did +50% damage to frozen targets (and then +20% from knocked down players with grounding) would result in a 9k dragon tooth crit. but woudl take THREE stances and only done once per 40 seconds.
i like that better than saying, hi i press 100 blades and u die.
weapon conjure
specifically i think that lightning hammer would be the way to go as the weapon will give the +20% from knockdown or stun.
when fully bonused that should do at least 1500 on the autoattack.
(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)
I put forward this idea as I hate autoattack in games. I find it boring which is why I like elementalist. Just my personal opinions but I find complex combination attacks are alot more fun to plan out and practice than standing and spamming one basic attack
I like the 70% water boost idea but I feel there needs to be more options. It seems very restrictive (and boring) to only have one or two set ways of achieving the high damage possibilities. I feel each build and play style should have more combos, which are difficult to achieve to max out damage.
To me its a better way of improving the class that simply giving every single skill a damage boost, which many people on the forum are asking for.
(edited by zombyturtle.5980)
I put forward this idea as I hate autoattack in games. I find it boring which is why I like elementalist. Just my personal opinions but I find complex combination attacks are alot more fun to plan out and practice than standing and spamming one basic attack
oh im not saying that a person would just use the lightning hammer auto attack. im just saying that is what the auto attack can do near as much as the longer CD skills do.
sorry i like solutions… weapon conjures are one of my pet concepts at the moment. move along… move along.
(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)