Elementalist or Necromancer?

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi guys,I would like to get some suggestions/advice from everyone.

I am making my next character so I was interested in Necromancer,But everyone says Necro arent good in dungeons/fractals(Selfish class,cant cleave,lower DPS than Elementalist)

It also seems that Elementalist can bring boons/utilites to the group whereas Necromancer has none

What I love about Necromancer is that they have good survivalbility,I am not sure about DPS.I am now very troubled over Necro or Ele

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lanhelin.3480


If you decide to roll an Ele, make sure to: wear the best items you can craft, eat the highest available food and get help when leveling, because you’ll still need help. Since the last update a new Ele probably suffers the most of all professions from the lack of +stats and the late access to traits. I tried to level an Elementalist but deleted it at Level 22 when I was frustrated by not being able to beat many “easy achieveable” skill challenges in the starter areas, despite using different weapons, attunement swapping, food and utility skills and despite ANet said they adjusted the mobs to the new system -.-
Unfortunately I didn’t always get help and compaired to other professions now the Ele is more squishy than he ever was before the patch. Leveling alone now is a pita. I’m not that patient enough. Maybe you are

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Willycat.7310


I dont think i will be able to play Elementalist well……It seems you have to put out combo fields/stack might or some other party utilites/buffs,I am not good with these kinda of things

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mattmatt.4962


Once you learned the base rotation, the class become “easy” to play.

Once 80, if you focus on PVE, you really should take an ele over a necro.

Tempest seems made careful not to make ele better in any way, since that would be bad

It does the job well :-)

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


For pve elementalist is much better in terms of damage and support. I leveled a necromancer to 80 before I got into ele, and I will tell you that the necros overall clunkiness, and lack of mobility and disengagement is frustrating for my playstyle for pvp and wvw anyway. That being said, necros are good in pvp and wvw because despite the lack of cleave that kills them in pve, necros are aoe death machines when fighting other players. Fear dhummfire builds are also among the most difficult to win against 1v1 in pvp. Elementalists in wvw also provide a great deal of aoe damage control and support but through more direct ways instead of debilitating aoe conditions.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zach.3264


Necromancer are amazing in fractals – provided there’s no other condi build in group/someone who’s going to be applying alot of conditions.

I love my Necromancer in fractals. Applying a Condi rotation then using Epidemic and watching groups of mobs melt is too enjoyable.

That being said, Necro are fairly selfish class. Elementalist on the other hand have a lot of team support through boons, heals, conjured weapons, condi cleanse etc.

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zach.3264


I dont think i will be able to play Elementalist well……It seems you have to put out combo fields/stack might or some other party utilites/buffs,I am not good with these kinda of things

I’ve had my Ele for roughly 100 days now, I shelved it for a long time because I sucked at it.
I currently have nine 80’s and Ele was the only one I seemed to be bad at. However, I finally got round to getting it level 80 (#9) just 2 days ago. After running CoF P1 several times with Staff/DD/SD I can definitely see improvement.

I think the biggest hurdle is learning what each of the attunement skill slots do, having a rough idea when they are off cooldown and constantly swapping to provide boons.

One of my bad habbits when I started was only using Fire/Air and swapping to Water for healing and Earth for the knockdown. When you get to grips with constantly swapping and using the skills effectively you will see a drastic improvement.

About a week ago (before I hit 80) I spent a fair few days in SPvP trying to get better, I was barely killing anyone and I seemed to die super easy. After spending some time doing PvE at 80, I’m fairly competent in SPvP now (still have a long way to go) and I even managed to win a 2V1 earlier. They may have been just as bad as me -if not worse- but I’m still pretty pleased with the result.

Ele is probably the hardest to learn, but believe me.. from someone who chose an ‘easy’ class -Warrior- it’s extremely boring at endgame because there’s little, to no challenge.

I’m beginning to roll off a tangent now, so I’ll wrap this up.

Ele is great if you take the time to learn it.

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I dont think i will be able to play Elementalist well……It seems you have to put out combo fields/stack might or some other party utilites/buffs,I am not good with these kinda of things

Getting combo fields into your rotation takes a little bit of getting used to, but it’s super beneficial to your team and yourself to be stacking might on everyone, blasting water fields in dungeons, and overall being a very vital asset to any team.

The acronym for a PvE team comp is GWEN. It stands for Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist, Necro. I’m not sure why Necro is vital as they’re actually not that effective in PvE, but they’re pretty good in PvP, but not top tier at all.

Basically, if you’re new, roll a guardian or warrior. Learn the ropes with them as they’re the easiest professions to learn.

Myself, I started with Ele and Thief. Two of the most non-noob friendly professions in this game, but I tend to gravitate towards those kinds of characters in all games anyways, and wizard/mage or rogue/thief classes have a reputation for being hardmode in any game you’re playing.

Seriously, though. Ele should come with a disclaimer saying that you are now playing GW2 in hardmode because you really will be, but just like anything, you’ll get used to it, and end up being a better player because of it.

For example, start off with the staff Ele. You don’t need to attunement swap if you don’t want to unless you need to heal or CC. You can just camp out in fire and blast mobs before they touch you, but in the case you do need to heal, pop into water, drop some fields on you to heal up, then go to air to CC or just back to fire.

Personally, I’ve had no issues while leveling an Ele. Crafting gives a LOT of experience. Seriously, you can level 0-80 with just crafting if you have the gold. It takes around 50 gold to get all the mats for the respected armor crafting type of your chosen profession. Or you can do spvp and work toward dungeon reward tracks which give you tomes of knowledge which grant one level. Through Spvp, all your weapon skills/traits/runes/sigils/amulets, are all provided and you can start at level 2 which declares the end of the tutorial zone, which is a very fast tutorial. WvW also gives a lot of experience. Just follow a commander in Edge of The Mists (you’ll know them by the big blue triangle above their head on the map), and zerg around which will net you way more xp than map completions or dynamic events.

To level in this game is to understand that this game is NOT a typical “questing” MMO. There are no quests. Hearts on the map are not quests. Map hearts are there to hold your hand to where dynamic events are taking place. Certain high level maps don’t have any hearts to show you where to go, it’s nothing but DE’s. There are so many ways to level up in this game, so feel free to explore, PvP, craft, gather, WvW to your heart’s content because they are all valid. Except crafting. That kitten nets more xp than anything else in this game.

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


To the above poster, I believe GWEN is a WvW team comp acronym which makes more sense.

Basically the guardians and warriors are the melee pain train with lots of group support options and boons and healing and whatnot. Elementalists provide additional fire fields, water fields, hard CC aoe like static fields and unsteady ground as well as long ranged and aoe damage, while necros use a combination of wells, marks, torment, fear poison and chill with AoE to render enemies useless.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: cursE.1794


Don’t roll a necro. When GW2 was released, I played a necro, mainly in PvP. The class made me quit the game after a couple of weeks before I came back after about 6 months to play an elementalist. I saw other classes jumping around (thiefs), gaining boons (ele), doing tons of damage (warrior). Some had great and useful utilities (portal, timewarp) and what I had was a kittenin second health bar that locked me out of my other skills. As a necromancer, you have

- the worst mobility in the game
- the worst access to boons
- no useful combo fields or finishers

Necros currently suck in high level PvP and they are also bad in PvE. In dungeons, it’s usually all about ele/warrior/guardian/mesmer. There is nothing what you can that other classes couldn’t do better in PvE. For support there’s guardian, for damage ele/warr/thief. So if you want to play a class that is good in PvE, play an elementalist.

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mattmatt.4962


Necros currently suck in high level PvP

bip! ERROR

You know why we dont seeso many necromancer in high level pvp ?
Cause they are such OP that they’re over-focused. And since the class doesn’t have many way to survive focus fire, we don’t see many fo them. Give them this, and you have something even better that the pre-nerfed hambow. Necro have to rely on his placement and his teamates to servive. Yes its hard, so hard for too many player so we don’t see them.

Tempest seems made careful not to make ele better in any way, since that would be bad

It does the job well :-)

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: cursE.1794


Whatever reason it happens to be that the necro is the first target in teamfights, the result is always the same: The necro gets focused and his lack of sustain is what kills him in the end. That’s why they suck and you seem to agree with me in that point. So I don’t see the error.

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


Necros are consistently one of the most difficult classes I face in PvP and are all over in the top 500 which is probably not applicable to the OP anyway.

One isn’t really better than the other. All I can say is try both of them in PvP, if PvP is any concern. They are almost opposite styles in some ways.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube