For the last 15 month ladies and gentlemen , I have played as an elementalist .
For 2900 hours, I have tried every build.
For every weapon I equipped a thousand builds has been tested, I think the list of spoken NPC’s on my character would be – 1. trading post, 2. bank 3.trait reset
even more than the mystic forge!
My fellow Elementalist’s I am here today , and I’m not normally writing complaint letters, and I rarely comment on changes in official forums.
But this has got to stop!
Do the people who do these changes even play the classes before they change these traits?
I’d like them to go as an elementalist into PvP and defeat someone
I mean any SANE person who ACTUALLY play as an elemementalist would understand the December 10’th balance changes, I mean common, 10% condition damage when in close combat, 10% condition dmg from toughness, WHEN THEY HAVE ABSOLUTLEY NO CONDITION APPLYING SKILLS BESIDES BLEEDING AND BURNING!? I mean, COMMON ,SRSLY!?
Now I am not here to caps lock my entire thread, I’m here to rant about the fact that during the recent changes to elementalist’s I can no longer enjoy my class , SPECIALLY when I see my necromancer fear people till they burst in a crying rage, my warrior stun lock people until they leave my arena, and my un-beatable condition/stealth Mesmer-which I cannot even begin to explain.
Now take a moment, create an elementalist and take him to PvP.
you have 4 choices:
unless I’m blind I don’t see any of the above helping me defeat someone with the same skill level as me.
I’m not a bad player, I’d like to even consider my self hard core, because I take these thing’s very serious.
Unless I take a pure berserker I do absolutely no damage,
and as stated above , condition damage?
staff- burning , chill, blind, bleeding+cripple.
scepter/focus- Burning chill blind bleeding
dagger/dagger- burning chill bleeding+cripple
Where is the torment? the confusion? the fear? where is insane bleeding rangers do? or necros? wheres the 24 agony stacks mesmers can apply?
and I don’t think I’ve made it very clear, the skills that actually do apply conditions
are so dam terrible that you can’t even focus on
Your dagger/dagger has a launch of 4 seconds , that unless you’re strangled from head to feet, can’t move, and someone placed a rag on your head, only then you can’t evade, and even then takes a mili second to use a condition removal, and you have to wait 40 seconds again.- I am talking about -churning earth.
So lets not take this one, since you can’t really rely on your enemy to be stupid, that’s not how things work in this world.
Lets look at the scepter bleeding – auto attack of 3 projectiles that gives bleeding.
so… I’m supposed to auto attack my enemy till it actually has a decent amount of bleeding, which he can easily get rid of with his only 1 condition removal build, and I have to spend another 15 seconds trying to auto attack him.
or perhaps I should auto attack burn him?
but if you are nerfing my damage build, where are my other options?
Summoning weapons? 15 stacks, hardly something I can rely on to give me a damage output for 60 seconds cooldown.
Sure lightning hammer has some great damage output, and the ice bow can be used very nicely in some situations, but if I get into trouble and has to throw it? I have to wait 60 seconds running around the other player until I get it back.
I don’t think there’s an elementalist that can play without “Elemental attunment” despite their hard focus to change it.
and now that it is moved to 20, it’s really hard to pick anything else since I have to throw 20 at my arcana, in some cases it doesn’t bother me since I used 30 any how, but I tried not using arcana at all and you can really feel the difference.
So my conclusion is, there is no condition build that is even near balanced and equal in power compared to other classes, if you want to win a fight you need to go berserker and rely on invulnerability and blocks and evades and nuke your target before you run out of cooldowns.
So why not just open a warrior or a necro, or maybe a nice Mesmer to do the trick? maybe ill just open a kitten thief and go stealth all day so the elementalists trying to fight me , burn their cooldowns and i’ll just evade everything and then kill them with ease since they have nothing left.
Please, as an elementalist playing this game, stop nerfing arcana, and if you do? then at least give us proper tools to make other builds. because giving me a trait with condition damage when I have no condition skills to use to apply that damage is just absurd.
Thank you, and sorry for this long ranting letter.
I hope things get better for us the elementalists.
(edited by DevourMagic.2893)