Elementalists Nerfed?

Elementalists Nerfed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Calle.8746


Has Elementalists been nerfed recently? I used to kitten, be able to 1v5 people and kill em’ all, drop enemies in a few seconds and when playing my combos right be next to unkillable. But now, I can’t even 1v1 people. I drop so fast I dunno wtf is wrong. So has my skills died or is something messed up with Ele?

Elementalists Nerfed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: typingofthedead.5614


whats your spec? bunker/healing/boon/staff combo eles were nerfed a couple weeks ago. but prolly u were never that good and everyone else got better

Elementalists Nerfed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Elementalist was never good since the game first came out. I heard the Elementalist was a great class to play in beta though. When did you last play as an Elementalist?

Elementalists Nerfed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CurtMonash.3498


Blast finishers were nerfed badly on 11/15, in ways that were both intended and, one would guess, unintended. Anet doesn’t care enough to spend the 5 minutes it would take to clarify which were which.

I kept trying for about a week, then entirely stopped playing the game.

Elementalists Nerfed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: MrQuizzles.6823


Elementalist was never good since the game first came out. I heard the Elementalist was a great class to play in beta though. When did you last play as an Elementalist?

Elementalists can be good, but that’s mostly limited to a few builds (like a d/d auramancer, which is extremely good). You basically have to be survivability-focused these days. Speccing for raw damage output won’t get you nearly as far.

Elementalists Nerfed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


Blast finishers were nerfed badly on 11/15, in ways that were both intended and, one would guess, unintended. Anet doesn’t care enough to spend the 5 minutes it would take to clarify which were which.

I kept trying for about a week, then entirely stopped playing the game.

So, uh, how exactly was Evasive Arcane nerfed? In the patch notes it just says “fixed unintended blast finishers.” What does that mean?

Elementalists Nerfed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Creslin.1758


Blast finishers were nerfed badly on 11/15, in ways that were both intended and, one would guess, unintended. Anet doesn’t care enough to spend the 5 minutes it would take to clarify which were which.

I kept trying for about a week, then entirely stopped playing the game.

So, uh, how exactly was Evasive Arcane nerfed? In the patch notes it just says “fixed unintended blast finishers.” What does that mean?

That means they completely removed blast finishers from EA. Now it just fires the (very crappy) spell at the end of your dodge. IMO, EA is way too crappy to be a GM trait in its current state.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Elementalists Nerfed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jericho.4521


Yeah EA got nerfed big time, and that did lower our effectiveness some. Other than 11/15, no we have not been nerfed as far as I can tell.