Elementalists are underpowered

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


Am I the only one that feels this way?
My main character is a now level 72 asura guardian but I decided to give elementalist a try
The difficulty I swear is night and day…
I know this has been discussed and people have varying opinions which we all should respect but playing elementalist is ridiculously hard…
I know some people will probably tell me I just suck but when I go back to guardian its 5 guys all 1 level higher than me? Piece of Cake
And then with my elementalist 2 guys the same level as me=ELEMENTALIST FERTILIZER
Arenanet definetly needs to give the elemenatalist some better survival skills and yes I am relatively new to elementalist but I have put most of my traits into water for support/survivablity am I doing it way wrong or is it just elementalist is Underpowered?

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


Elementalist is weak at low levels because the attunement cooldown are so long and you don’t have important traits like Water 15 or Arcane Power 30.
It will get a little better from level 40 and much better from level 60 onwards.

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


Did we really need another one of these, there´s plenty more on front page where you could´ve expressed your opinions.

And then on the topic now that we do have yet another one of these.
Is ele hard to play? Yes. Is it played very differently to guardian? Yes. If you play guardian well does that mean youplay well with any profession? No. Is well played ele underpowered? No, not in pve atleast

Personaly i haven´t had single problem during my time as ele, be it taking multiple foes of higher level, big event bosses, hordes of mobs or even some champions (if they don´t have annoying skillsets that is)
If youwant advice, there´s multiple threads where there´s very detailed posts on what to do and how. (hint. use the search)

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: Battery.5930


People go creating elementalists, doesnt learn how to play the class and instead instantly judges is as extremely underpowered and then goes here to make a thread. Its pathetic really.

The elementalist in normal PvE and storyline doesnt have the least of problems, if you play it right you will have a really fun time without much frustration going through the worlds hearts and your own missions.

In the end i can agree that elementalists are lacking if we will look at the competitive side of the game but so are many other professions. In any case, anyone claiming that they have trouble when doing normal PvE because the profession is underpowered needs to learn how to play.

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: zombyturtle.5980


I was ready to give up on this class. Then some kind people taught me how to play and im finding it much easier. I do agree some skills need a damage boost and D/D need a better healing skill, other than that though, its not as bad as I originally thought.

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morguean.6041


I guess the humor is in comments (paraphrasing) Elemenatlists are hard, i want to play my easy guardian.

meh, yeah eles arent an easy class to play, big whoop.

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: Curring.9752


D/D doesn’t need better healing skill, Scepter does, I think scepter needs a water field. As someone already said in PvE the Ele is fine, more than fine in fact, and how do we possibly need more survive-ability? We have a lot of get out of jail free cards, it’s just they lack on the competitive scene but so does the Necro, the biggest problem is the bugs, and the problems with staff but the class isn’t so unplayable it forces you to play another class.

And to those saying that Ele is more difficult to learn than the other classes, you are correct, but it’s all about play style, I love how the Ele plays and if I’m honest I’d rather play a class that is harder to play in fact I tend to always go for such classes. How hard a class is to play is irrelevant to how under powered it is because once you master it you will do as good if not better than the other classes that are “Plug and play” so to speak.

I want these threads to stop and see more constructive threads that issue the problems we face in sPvP an work WITH ANet to get things sorted, they aren’t going to listen to these whiny threads that add nothing constructive.

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: deherch.3158


Elementalist are not underpowered, or overpowered. they just have a higher skillcap. THIS is the reason I play an elementalist, I enjoy my warrior too but it lacks the depth of an elementalist.

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: shrewd.5319


Ridiculous. Elementalists as well as necromancers, are the 2 most overpowered professions that no one saw, except me. But the noobs are becoming aware, and now we’re increasingly seeing Tpvp setups of 2 necromancers and 2 elementalists. Both need massive nerfs. Guardian and mesmer (both overpowered) are insects compared to the overpoweredness of necromancer and elementalist.

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fox Soul.4809

Fox Soul.4809

@shrewd you are joking yeh?

In this week i will create a damage table with my elementalist vs a thief, warrior, guardian and mesmer. And Devs and all can see our “joke” damage compared with other classes.

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


@Fox soul….With how easy the ele can stack boons, the thief/warrior dmg can be reduced by over 60% during the entirity of the fight…and you don’t need a freaking bunker ele to do that, the warrior dmg is so predictable that all you need to do is wait for the bullrush before dodging, saving all those boons…
The thief, you just need to dodge 2-3s after the goon has gone stealth.

Elementalists are underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: NatashaK.9418


Ele have plenty of power. The just can’t stand and tank mobs.

Guardian and Ranger spoil people for all other classes. Look at things like Ele (or mesmer) when you’re ready for a challenge.