Elementalists suck??
Blake, staff elementalist is very strong in PvlotsofE. If you envision yourself in a lot of 1-on-1 or 1-on2 battles with boss monsters, other choices might be better. But if you envision yourself standing in the back and raining hell on large groups of enemies, you will have a lot of fun with staff ele. Staff also has enough defense and escapes to keep you alive when the enemies do notice you.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Moderator)
II agree with sergo, I chose staff elementalist too and have to admit it is provide lot of fun. You cant compare only dmg, because as ele you can create lots of area effect for your comrades. Switching to air gives you versatility and CC, fire gives you burst dmg and might, earth projectile shield and slow “effect” of enemy and water is known for best cc and healing, you can adapt any time to any situation, I tried alos others profession and I have to say that Ele is best for me imho.
(edited by Jan Merunka.1724)
Elementalist are one of the harder classes to play. Those which say elementalist suck are use to face tanking mobs. Staff is one of the best weapons for elementalist in PvE.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
The only thing that sucks about elementalists is learning how to play them. Once I got past the learning stage, the class felt fun and distinctly different from anything I’ve ever played. In my experience, the playstyle didn’t make much sense until lvl 35ish. I am quite glad i stuck with it though, because at lvl 80 it is amazingly fun.
Level 80 D/D ele here. I soloed Cursed Shore map completion in rares and masterworks and still run Orr alone on a regular basis with few issues. I have also soloed champions and event bosses and tanked dungeon bosses.
I have a guildmate and good friend who plays a level 80 D/D ele, and he also says that very little can kill the class when it has a mind to survive. It should be noted that his main is a warrior.
Elementalists are extremely vulnerable and difficult early on, I will say that. And they do take a lot of effort. But as blunt and harsh as it sounds, most complaints about the class being weak are from people who, instead of learning to play or rerolling, chose to blame the class.
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread
At level 80 Elementalists are an important part of setting up combo fields. The problem with the elementalist (despite what ANet claims) is that they are a part of the holy trinity in a game without a holy trinity. They are a high damage, low survivability class. And since ANet only really succeeded in eliminating the healing classes from the holy trinity, elementalists die a lot. Fortunately, that’s mostly only a problem during the leveling process. It just gives people the perception that the elementalist isn’t any good. When an elementalist can stand back and nuke as part of a group (which is often at level 80) they do very well.
Staff is a flavor. Just like Scepter and D/D. Tastes vary. If you enjoy it now, chances are you’ll be good with it later and as you level you’ll gain more skill with it.
D/D just fits my tastes better, Staff is there for support and certain situations in wvw. Scepter and I don’t get along. All three are exceptional weapons however and a skillful player can take any of them and roast enemies with.
Eles dont suck! try one of these two guides if you find your having problems finding something that works
Guide – Mastering the Scepter/Dagger in PVP
Guide – Mastering the D/D ele 12/20/12
We have our problems like every other class, most of ours being in the build versatility department, and it’s a fact the DPS on scepter is a bit low but not unplayable. It’ll be fixed eventually. But all in all the Ele isn’t underpowered in PvE and is the opposite of underpowered in PvP, while we have very few builds some of them are the best PvP builds there are.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
We have our problems like every other class, most of ours being in the build versatility department, and it’s a fact the DPS on scepter is a bit low but not unplayable. It’ll be fixed eventually. But all in all the Ele isn’t underpowered in PvE and is the opposite of underpowered in PvP, while we have very few builds some of them are the best PvP builds there are.
DPS on scepter is by far the largest available do you realize it?
At level 80 Elementalists are an important part of setting up combo fields. The problem with the elementalist (despite what ANet claims) is that they are a part of the holy trinity in a game without a holy trinity. They are a high damage, low survivability class. And since ANet only really succeeded in eliminating the healing classes from the holy trinity, elementalists die a lot. Fortunately, that’s mostly only a problem during the leveling process. It just gives people the perception that the elementalist isn’t any good. When an elementalist can stand back and nuke as part of a group (which is often at level 80) they do very well.
Going to object to the “low survivability” part. Not going to rewrite all the boasts in my earlier post, but eles do not necessarily have to stay out of the frontlines in order to survive; we can be extremely tanky if we build for it, namely through self-heals, cantrips, kiting, and permavigor/swiftness/protection, and we can solo a good amount of content. We can provide support through AoE damage and fields, but that is by no means all an ele can do.
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread
We have our problems like every other class, most of ours being in the build versatility department, and it’s a fact the DPS on scepter is a bit low but not unplayable. It’ll be fixed eventually. But all in all the Ele isn’t underpowered in PvE and is the opposite of underpowered in PvP, while we have very few builds some of them are the best PvP builds there are.
DPS on scepter is by far the largest available do you realize it?
Do you have the math to back that up? Not trying to be insulting or contradictory, but I just saw a guy do the math on these very forums a few weeks ago and conclude that the scepter had the lowest DPS. I’ve looked for the thread and can’t find it unfortunately, but if you can prove otherwise (or know where someone has) I’d really like to see it.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
So I’m not sure if you are referring to tourneys or actual PVP team events, but I consistently hit the top or second (never below third) player stat. I play as an ele with staff.
That being said, I also recognize the fact that I have a very low health, which means I travel with others to make sure I’m not the only one taking all the damage. This means that I can participate in the most number of kills, while still staying alive.
We have our problems like every other class, most of ours being in the build versatility department, and it’s a fact the DPS on scepter is a bit low but not unplayable. It’ll be fixed eventually. But all in all the Ele isn’t underpowered in PvE and is the opposite of underpowered in PvP, while we have very few builds some of them are the best PvP builds there are.
DPS on scepter is by far the largest available do you realize it?
Do you have the math to back that up? Not trying to be insulting or contradictory, but I just saw a guy do the math on these very forums a few weeks ago and conclude that the scepter had the lowest DPS. I’ve looked for the thread and can’t find it unfortunately, but if you can prove otherwise (or know where someone has) I’d really like to see it.
Using this build : 0/20/10/20/20 with berseker amulet/valkyrie jewel and 6 divinity runes
Against heavy armour target
- Scepter :
1) Dragon’s tooth= 3k+ dmg
2) Phoenix = 3k+ dmg ( managing to land both hits)
3) Shatterstone = 800+ dmg
4) Lightning strike= 2k+ dmg
5) Arc lightning = 2k+ dmg
6) Stone shards = 1k+ dmg (direct dmg only)
-MH dagger
1) Dragon’s claw = 800+ dmg
2) Burning speed = 2k+ dmg
3) Dragon’s breath = 1.5k+ dmg ( direct dmg only)
4) Cone of cold = 2k+ dmg
5) Lightning whip = 1k+ dmg ( both hits)
6) Ring of earth = 1k+ dmg ( direct dmg only)
The burst with scepter is very rough and need loads of precision with it, that’s why I usually force people to get close by using arc lightning+lightning strike, at close distance you can’t miss with phoenix+dragon’s tooth resulting in your HP go down by over 50% with a single rotation.
(edited by Arheundel.6451)
…They are a high damage, low survivability class…
Going to object to the “low survivability” part. Not going to rewrite all the boasts in my earlier post … but that is by no means all an ele can do.
I don’t give a kitten what your opinion is or what you think you’ve accomplished by being the 900,000,000th person to discover that elementalists can be tanks. They can do just about anything. Only in your mind did anyone say otherwise.
(edited by Zonzai.2341)
Just wanted to put my 2 cents in, not gonna go on but simply post a couple links to check. With time and patience you can learn and simply domonate with this class…
The idea that you can “dominate” because of your profession choice is a total misrepresentation of the GW2 metagame. Good players dominate, not good <insert class> players.