Eles new weapon: Javelin

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nabuko Darayon.9645

Nabuko Darayon.9645

Thaumanova Anomay in Fractals gave me an inspiration for Eles new weapon. Imagine wielding a two-handed Javelin on your Shoulders like a Cannon.
What skills would you create for it?

~ King Arian and Isabella of [EG] ~

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ulion.5476


I would prefer a mace/sword main hand weapon to another 2h one. Focusing heavinly on control/conditions. Main hand mace should work similiar to the koda hammer in Eotm. Main hand sword would add a much needed condition based weapon. It will be awhile before A-net adds another weapon set for all classes. Curious what they would do for a warrior? Add a new auto attack combo per weapon set?

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: Waisenpai.6028


How about combat gloves, so we can see beautiful magical handwork. However that would require animation, time and money so let’s say for budget wise, a spear. And to save time Anet could use other profession UW skills but mapped out for land. But that might not happen since we need Paragons for the Elona expansion.

Min Min core d/d ele Borlis Pass Bunny Thumper

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dahir.4158


I expect heavy power based attacks from a javelin. Would really love to have a sword for my ele. I can finally be the melee hero I’ve dreamed of being


Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chaosky.5276


I want a hammer and/or greatsword, and I want to actually hit things with it/them.

Conjured weapons don’t count.

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


I’d like ANet to adapt the Spear as a land based weapon for Eles.

The imagery I would reference is Donnie Yen’s character Long Sky from the movie Hero. This could be added in a Canthan expansion, or whatever LS content sees some Canthan influence.

The skills could be modeled after the E/A Starburst build that was awesome at capping points in Alliance Battles. A teleporting, PBAoE nuker. Starburst, Teinai’s Heat, Bed of Coals and Double Dragon could be the Fire skills for example, with Lava Arrows being the auto attack.

The difference between this and D/D would be the use of more teleports in the weapon skills, that mimic the effects of Aura of Displacement (hop in, unload skills, hop out), along with all skills except the AA being PBAoE. Whereas D/D is more of a dueling set, Spear would be focused on maximum damage (and could be our main condition set) and designed for world PvE.

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: Supertramp.5430


I’d much rather see them rework the conjured weapons so that they’d work like the engineering sets.

If they’d add another weapons for elementalists I’d want hammer.

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: cheese.4739


Curious what they would do for a warrior? Add a new auto attack combo per weapon set?

Yeah this is an interesting issue – unless there are brand-new weapon types released so that each class has at least one new 5-skill set, there’s nothing else that can be really given to Warriors – they can’t wield scepters, foci, staves, pistols without breaking their theme, so the only real option from current weapons is the Torch.

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lurock Turoth.9085

Lurock Turoth.9085

Yes, I want my spear back!!!!


Angst Hex, [FLOT] BG Havoc/Roaming

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dahir.4158


Curious what they would do for a warrior? Add a new auto attack combo per weapon set?

Yeah this is an interesting issue – unless there are brand-new weapon types released so that each class has at least one new 5-skill set, there’s nothing else that can be really given to Warriors – they can’t wield scepters, foci, staves, pistols without breaking their theme, so the only real option from current weapons is the Torch.

Maybe give them off-hand dagger, who knows? I don’t understand why warriors are allowed to use longbow


Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: cheese.4739


Maybe give them off-hand dagger, who knows? I don’t understand why warriors are allowed to use longbow

Rifle on Warrior makes sense – it’s currently not as effective as other weapons, but that’s because PvE is “stack and AoE melee”, sPvP is hambow/evisbow/xbow, and WvW is S/W-GS run away time, or hammertrain. It still fits thematically with a heavily armoured, slow-but-dangerous melee fighter like the Warrior.

The longbow… doesn’t. They’re not an archer profession, so the theme doesn’t fit (none of the classes really sound like they should wield it besides Rangers, in my opinion), they’ve got sustain for getting into the fray and staying there, they should not be able to apply ranged pressure while having access to that sustain (through high armour, high health, immunities, high health regen, and mobility skills/traits).
Sure, it’s got highly telegraphed attacks… but only recently did the very powerful Pin Down become so, and the weapon still supplies huge AoE pressure and can be used for might stacking – and let’s not forget about that free Cleansing Ire proc.
Ugh longbow on Warriors. Someone get Deimos in here so they can explain how it’s fair and balanced and I can have a laugh.

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: VaLee.5102


Thaumanova Anomay in Fractals gave me an inspiration for Eles new weapon. Imagine wielding a two-handed Javelin on your shoulder.

Yes! I want this for my ele!
Concept art here: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ej5kQwZWlzM/THNDG7hVvYI/AAAAAAAAAss/SDYOJY0EGuM/s1600/ATGM_Javelin_Launch.jpg

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I’d say spear is the way to go. A javelin seems odd as it is a thrown weapon. Might as well give them shuriken or a boomerang.

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rocketmist.5436


Made this for another thread, but posting here too, <3

1h Javelin (Main Hand) 0-900 range
The idea is a heavy hitting, slow, midrange defensive style weapon that has access to some power and condition attacks. The weapon will have access to some blocks which will be a fun thing to have on an ele, and some defensive channels. One thing I tried to do was make the auto-attacks fun and not boring. Let me know what you think

1.a.- Warming Up- Throw a fiery javelin, 90 radius, 900 range, .75 seconds, 300 damage
b.- Boiling Point – Throw two javelins at a time, 900 range, .75 seconds, 325 damage
c. On Fire – Spin and throw three javelins at a time, emitting fire, .75 seconds 350 damage, create an ember where you spin.
Ember – Ember acts similarly to an engi landmine, does 300 damage if stepped on.
2. Self Eruption – Extend arms up and glow yellow. Go into a channeling state for 3 seconds where damage is reduced by 50%, gain retaliation for 3s each time struck (max once per second)
3. Fire Trail- 5s, for the next 5s you leave a trail of fire behind you that burns for 2s every 1s. (instant cast not a channel)

1. Distant Spring- 900 range 1.25, Throw your javelin causing vulnerability 300 damage.
b. Oasis – Throw your javelin at your feet healing yourself and nearby allies for 300.
2. Quick Jug- Remove up to 3 conditions, skill 6 heal has its cooldown reduced by 1s for each condition removed this way. Your next skill 6 heal drops a 360 wide water field that grants 5 seconds of regeneration to allies inside.
3. Reservoir- Cast floating water to your sides that lasts for 30 seconds, is consumed when hp reaches 50%, heals for 2500. Gain Regeneration for 5s when consumed.

1. Lightning Bolt – 900 range, 400 damage, 1.25 seconds.
b. Shocking Throw – 900 range, 400 damage 1.25 seconds 100% critical hit.
2. Bottled Lightning – Block the next attack, once blocked a secondary ability becomes available.
2a. Lightning Release- Slam lightning on the ground (360 radius) stunning for 2 seconds and blinding for 5 seconds. Blast finisher.
3. Static Interference- Daze target for .25 seconds, target is weakened for 5 seconds. Instant cast.

1. a. Light Lug – 900 range, .75s, 175 damage, 1 stacks of bleeding
b. Medium Lug – .75s, 175 damage, 2 stacks of bleeding
c. Heavy Lug – Spin around while throwing, .75s 175 damage 4 stacks of bleeding to target and anyone within 180 radius.
2. Avalanche- Leap at your foe (600 range) crippling for 5 seconds. If hitting a target able to trigger rockslide.
b. Rockslide- The cone in front is hit for heavy damage and 4 stacks of bleeding.
3. Spiked Wall – Raise your javelin to your front and two floating additional floating rock javelins appear by your sides. Block the next attack, gain 5s of protection and give 2 stacks of bleed to the area around you 240 radius.

Missing some values, might tweak it later XD. I know conditions in this game better than I know power so power numbers might need changing for balance. Thanks for reading it

[TL] Guild Leader, Sea of Sorrows, SoS Council

Eles new weapon: Javelin

in Elementalist

Posted by: LumAnth.5124



The first thing that came to mind when I read Javelin.

Funny, most casters in GW1 used spear +shield/focus for their defensive weapon sets.

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone