(edited by Atomic Sharks.7250)
Eles still have hope in PvP
Your build sounds like a bunker build to me.
they just hating cus they can’t gank every walking thing lol.
Aside from the lack of the last 10 points in Water and the Arcane Wave over Lightning Flash or Cleansing Flame, that looks like a bunker build to me too.
honestly, i’ve only seen 1 bunker build so i was going by that as that being the only bunker build, sorry if i was wrong.
LOL. That’s pretty much the definition of a bunker build. Moving on.
I thought bunker builds couldn’t kill?
Unless cleric’s amulet (or similar) and water/ arcane traits (because they are the best traits) automatically means bunker, the best builds for an elementalist nowadays are either the extreme defensive ones (THE bunker builds) or a hybrid between their defensive builds and power and/ or condition damage speccs.
The later one is equally effective but funnier.
LOL. That’s pretty much the definition of a bunker build. Moving on.
Whether it’s a bunker build or not, it doesn’t change the OPs story. Since when is running a bunker build on an Ele a reportable offense?
The thing to point out here, is that a thief failed to 2 button down an ele and got upset.
The question that is still relevant here is, why does a class with more armor – allowed to do that much more damage than an ele’s DPS build? You want diversity in Ele builds? Fix the damage to where a glasscannon’s should be.
@OP — keep up the good work! And thanks for sharing the build and ideas.
actually it was more like 5 buttons, possibly 4, because i don’t have the lightning flash it may have given him 1-3 more button presses, still got away with more than 3/5ths of my health, now when i escaped from a Mesmer and 2 thiefs, that was a close one and thanks for the support.
@ dioo silvia i actually have the soldiers amulet may lose some healing power but a gain 7k health and at least this way a can kill people, even if its a true defensive bunker build doesn’t get help i can eventually kill him, he can’t kill me because he doesn’t have enough attack i can only chip away at there health because of how defensive they are.
LOL. That’s pretty much the definition of a bunker build. Moving on.
Whether it’s a bunker build or not, it doesn’t change the OPs story. Since when is running a bunker build on an Ele a reportable offense?
The thing to point out here, is that a thief failed to 2 button down an ele and got upset.
The question that is still relevant here is, why does a class with more armor – allowed to do that much more damage than an ele’s DPS build? You want diversity in Ele builds? Fix the damage to where a glasscannon’s should be.
@OP — keep up the good work! And thanks for sharing the build and ideas.
That’s why most people complain about thiefs, cause they have more armor and damage and plenty of escapes. I run a D/D Tankish build though.
Oh the gear and line investments sound a lot like mine, but I usually use S/D.
Full soldier’s equips, 10/0/10/30/20 Arcane Power, lightning flash, signet of earth
Bulky, but it still has some decent damage and burst potential. It’s just the nerfed S/D burst ele reworked for survivability.
(edited by Navzar.2938)
Mine is the same kind of idea, dagger dagger 0 0 10 30 30 though, regen clears condition instead of cantrip grant might.
Gear is monk x 2 water x 2 earth x 2, clearics amulet with knights or soldiers (cant remember of the top of my head, the one with 125 vit) so I have 15k hp.
Before that I had clerics + clerics, 13k hp and keep leaving the fight with the thieves with low health, and if water was on cd then I was boned. Water switch is about 2k, dodge in water is 2k, cleansing wave 2.4k, so I can get the same heals as my heal skill in a similar time (dodge and switch before the end of the roll, then cleansing wave and switch out to get the free water heal sooner).
I was looking at a 10 0 0 30 30 or 10 0 10 20 30 build, with 2x holbrok, 2x fire, 2x the other one that gives might for 90% (20%x3 + 30%) duration on might.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows